I want much more more than equality with men. I want to be free. If men themselves are not free of the ravages of racism, capitalism and other forms of oppression, it is not enough to say I want to be equal to them. #WomensEqualityDay google.com/amp/s/www.nyti…
As long as patriarchy remains unchallenged, men will continue to be the default and the standard against which everything is measured.
Men are not my yardstick. Being powerful must mean more than doing what men do or being what men can be.
I want much more. I want to be free.
Until we divorce ambition from patriarchy, we will forever force women and girls to shrink themselves to fit that asinine phrase “a woman can do whatever a man can.”
I don’t want to do what a man can. I want to be free. #WomensEqualityDay .
The above is from The Seven Necessary Sins for Women and Girls. More here #WomensEqualityDay
As you watch the glory and power of the feminist revolution against theocrats in Iran, ask yourself where the fuck is your feminist revolution against theocrats in the U.S. feministgiant.com/p/essay-dear-w…
FEMINIST GIANT Global Roundup curated by Samiha Hossain:
-Women & Girls in Mali
-LGBTQ+ Nigerians Demand Justice
-Remembering Tina Fontaine
-Queer Black South African Art
-Britain Muslim Women Self-Defense feministgiant.com/p/global-round…
FEMINIST GIANT contributor Samiha Hossain curates twice weekly roundups of feminist resistance to global patriarchal fuckery.
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Friday’s Global Roundup curated by Samiha Hossain:
-Bulgaria LGBTQ+ Rights
-Sudanese Women Activists
-Muslim Women in Britain
-Philly Queer Birding Group
-China Women’s Secret Language feministgiant.com/p/global-round…
“…they were not playing at all, they knew exactly what they were doing…They knew the weak points of the boat, and they knew how to sink it,”
Orcas smashed a $128k yacht into pieces in the Mediterranean in a 2hr attack h/t @Cosmic_Surfer @rerutled thedailybeast.com/killer-whales-…
My love letter to Gladis Blanca, the killer whale that scientists believe began the yacht ramming along with her mother, two sisters and two daughters. It has spread since to other Orcas
"Some scientists who have studied the yacht-strike pattern believe that it is a form of play: the whales are all juveniles from the same pod, and may simply enjoy slamming sailboat rudders to watch the boats spin around."
Alice Munro chose her husband over the daughter he sexually abused.
The reason that you're seeing any defense or attempt to "understand" or deny that horror is because it's a reminder of how easily women become footsoldiers of the patriarchy.
Fame and wealth notwithstanding.
Alice Munro had both and still sold her daughter out in favour of the patriarchy.
And she reminds too many other women of how easily they footsoldier for the patriarchy too.
I have perhaps just one short story by Munro.
Her "legacy" means nothing to me.
And it should mean nothing to anyone now learning of her complicity in the sexual abuse of her daughter.
Yes, we're all "complicated" people but there's nothing complicated about enabling abuse. It's wrong.
In 1977, two years before the Soviet invasion, revolutionary women’s rights activist Meena founded RAWA (Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan) to fight patriarchy at every level in her country. feministgiant.com/p/fist-in-the-…
Shaima, an early member of RAWA, has explained that women in Afghanistan had to be mushti dar dahan, a term in Dari that means "a fist in the mouth," towards the men in their families, and also to society and government–i.e. State, Street, and Home. feministgiant.com/p/fist-in-the-…
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White & Christian are considered norm and not dangerous in the U.S. 👇🏽
"GOP Sen Anthony Kern & his prayer team of anti-abortion extremists praying in tongues (that’s not an audio issue) that an 1864 law banning nearly all abortion becomes law again."
It's easy to see the fascists and theocrats when they don't look like you. When they're white and Christian, their danger has not registered enough: