EVAC Maps for all CA Co.s: bit.ly/2D249B3
CalFire: fire.ca.gov/incidents/
Inciweb: inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident
#AugustComplex /6983/
#SheepFire /7067/
#LoyaltonFire /6975/
#BearFire #ClaremontFire /7025/
US Interactive Fire Map: bit.ly/3l9aziW
Low bandwidth US Map: bit.ly/2QiKsYL
CA Road Conditions: quickmap.dot.ca.gov
Live cams with timelapse: alertwildfire.org
#HopkinsFire #WillowBasinFire #RanchFire -Trinity Co.
#ElkhornFire: /7071/
Map: bit.ly/3l9aziW

EVAC Maps for all CA Co.s: bit.ly/2D249B3
Interactive Map: bit.ly/3l9aziW

#ColdSprings inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7035/
#NorthComplex: /6997/
#LoyaltonFire /6975/
Map: bit.ly/3l9aziW

Thanks to @terreal for catching this info!
Follow Sarah for info & updates for Sonoma & Napa as well.
Advantages of texting v. audio call
*it's been my xp that while cell towers go down, the POTS still worked*
Wireless Emergency Alert by California County:
*note: not all counties use the same apps- check with the counties you want alerts for with the link*