As well as being heartbroken for the family of Jacob Blake, the @ACNMmidwives Caucus of Black Midwives for Reproductive Justice and Birth Equity are once again angered & anguished for the continued police violence against Black people & Black communities
as we move through another episode of state sanctioned police violence. We lift up meditations and prayers for healing and pour the offerings to our ancestors to aid in his recovery. We beg his physicians to see him as a victim, not a criminal suspect.
Our thoughts are with Sabrina M. Foulks-Thomas & Dr. Karen Robinson, two Black midwives working & serving in Wisconsin, one of the most segregated regions in America & where Jim Crow & Black Codes are still alive & determining the futures & health outcomes of Black Wisconsinites
We express our commitment and concern for the toll that living in an environment so rooted in white supremacy is taking on Black mothers like Tiffany Tate who died in 2019 when she collapsed of a witnessed stroke while working in the cafeteria on the campus of @MedicalCollege
Despite being only 150 yards away from the cities regional stroke center & surrounded by physicians, was diverted away by an ambulance dispatcher and later died when she was only seconds away from lifesaving thrombolytics when she had her attack.…
We still don’t believe had she been one of said white male physicians, instead of a line cook, she would have been turned away.
It is racism not race that is killing Black mamas & babies and we cannot thrive or achieve #ReproductiveJustice as long as a Black mother never knows if her partner will come home or be a victim of police violence because they are viewed as a threat by just existing in their skin
We offer condolences to the families of the two young allies, Anthony Huber & Joseph Rosenbaum who died bringing attention to the continued hatred towards Black communities but must continue to center violence against Black folks & the the police culture…
of white supremacy that saw A Black man shot 7 times while walking away from police, leaving him seriously injured; possibly permanently paralyzed, but allowed the same police, in the same city allow Kyle Rittenhouse walk calmly down the street carrying & illegal automatic rifle
through a cadre of squad cars unmolested, to flee the scene of his terrorist attack on innocent protesters. He was no threat at all.
So I triggered folks yesterday with 2 tweets & as fragile white folks will they demanded to speak to the manager on my job. There’s 2 problems. 1: The manager don’t care what you think about what I say on Twitter cuz 2: I am the manager.
But for the record I said what I said.
So not only will I stand by my statements, I’ll explain Karen. The OBVIOUS point of the tweet was that it is absurd to apply causality to healthcare disparities to “race” because race is an artificial social grouping created by Europeans to justify slavery & colonization.
Not only is there no biological basis for race; in fact historically “whiteness” didn’t exist before the 17th century when European Christians had to morally reconcile the slaughter and subjugation of indigenous peoples and enslavement of Africans to build their “empires”.
Was asked to share & update the list of titles that I gifted the incoming interns (who by the way for the record resented the gift and hated me) back in 2019. I still stand by this being an essential reading list for white OBGYN residents who match into Black serving programs.
In no particular order:
The following from Professor Mother @DorothyERoberts
Killing the Black Body
Fatal Invention
Structural Competency Meets Structural Racism: Race, Politics, and the Structure of Medical Knowledge (With @JonathanMetzl)
Dear white midwives,
Nurse midwifery is the only modern American profession in the nation besides police which began with slave/Indian catcher patrols, whose existence is rooted in white supremacy: the control, elimination & replacement of the Black midwife with white nurses.
Whiteness was central to the planning, implementation, growth and marketing of the profession. This is not hyperbole this is fact. It still continues today. The 87% white workforce looks exactly like the 86% midwifery directors who determine who teaches & studies nurse midwifery.
CPMs are no more diverse and make up only a tenth of the midwifery profession. So to suggest @ACNMmidwives@MANAcommunity with their white leadership, white educators & white workforce can reduce mortality driven by 🤰🏾🤱🏽isn’t naive it’s white supremacy in action.
Wrote a little poem. Bet y’all didn’t know I was an artist. Like to here it; here it goes.
Resilience Training is for White Folks
By Michelle “Auntie Chelle” Drew
Dear HR: about that mandatory Resiliency Training:
I’m a have to say nah.
Black women don’t need to learn resilience.
We invented it in the belly of slave ships
Perfected it when we watched our lovers and babies ripped from our arms and sold off the plantation never to be seen again.
Books/articles that should be required reading for antiracism in MCH
Policing the Womb @michelebgoodwin
Medical Apartheid @haw95
Killing the Black Body & Fatal Invention by @DorothyERoberts
Medical Bondage: Race, Gender & the Origins of American Gynecology @drcooperowens
Birthing, Blackness, and the Body: Black Midwives and Experiential Continuities of Institutional Racism by @keishagoode8 or as I call it: Killing Me Softly Part 2.
A primer on the lived experience of Black birth workers in PWIs
Now why in the nurse’s note about my new pregnant patient contain only one sentence about her pregnancy outcomes but a whole paragraph that she uses marijuana; was “incarcerated” instead of the fact that she has a condition approved for medical marijuana & needed cash bail? Z60.5
Thanks for all the supportive comments. A few points.
As health professionals our job isn’t to judge patients but to help. There are important things to ask, know, do if you’re really concerned about the health and safety of a pregnant person who discloses social information:
Do you need help?
What can I/we do to get you to a safe place?
Do you know where the resources are to get help/can I help you find them.
If it doesn’t contribute to the patient getting good care why write it in their permanent medical record? Save judgement for courts & Jesus