1/n #VeteranAndWidowDIAV DIRECTORATE OF INDIAN ARMY VETERANS -An org created to look after Army Widows and Veterans.@adgpi Is it true that DIAV retains 7% of all donations it receives for Widows & Veterans? If yes, for what purpose? If no, a rebuttal should be issued immediately
2/n #VeteranAndWidowDIAV I will be doing a thread shortly covering JUST one aspect. DIAV has published a document for public consumption that covers benefits to Widows and Veterans. Often civilians tell me that they don’t understand anything. I will go page by page and explain.
3/n #VeteranAndWidowDIAV DIAV HANDBOOK 2020, 22 pages. I will take you through each page & each line. Never forget, this handbook compiles everything the Central Govt or MoD offers. Just understand. I promise surprises.
1/n #SAKSHAM Helping educating children of Killed-in-Action and deceased soldiers.
In 2017 Me and my wife started an initiative to fund ‘complete’ education of children of Army Widows. ‘Complete’ education included: 1. Tuition fees 2. Expenses of travelling daily to school/college 3. Paying private tutors for competitive exams. 4. Paying for internet 5. Staying in bigger cities for education 6. Fees related to filling forms
While the government reimburses tuition fees, the children lagged behind due to serial 2 onwards of preceding tweet.
We stepped in with a novel idea. Why not find good human beings who are ready to fund the children?
PROBLEM was TRUST. Why should anyone give money to ‘middleman?
There are THOUSANDS OF NGOs, who, in name of dead soldiers and forces widows collect lacs and promise to pay the families.
They have simple business model, Benefactor deposits money in NGOs account. Period. No one ever tells what happened to money thereafter.
I changed the rules of the game. 100% TRUST. I don’t touch money. It is direct benefactor to beneficiary. Zero loss in transit. 100% help goes direct to widow.
1/ Picture on the left is how I sat cross legged from 2012 till today. Picture on the right how I sat cross legged today. Want to know the struggle and recovery?
-Knees gave up in 2012 after gruelling army career despite retiring as SHAPE-1
-From 10 km walk I came down to 500m
-By 2017 I was taking injections directly administered in my knee joint.
-I could not sit cross legged.
-In Dec 2017 specialists in RR Hospital advised both knee replacements.
-In Jan 2018 I said to hell with doctors and medicines.
-Exactly SIX years of gruelling exercising, cycling, gym, walking, building muscles, stretching of quads, hamstrings, glutes, squats, calf muscles and more.
-I tried to sit cross legged and voila I did it! 11 years of torture! 11 years of pain!
1/ @VishalSri1978 Responding to your tweet on whether India requires women in its Army. @adgpi - I need to assure you that best interests of Army are taken care by you and my views are just my own.
Vishal, I have always felt that women joining Indian Army was always about…
2/ ‘emotional need’ rather than operational need. We don’t need women in Army even today if we keep operational needs in mind. We don’t lack men and even today Agniveer gets tremendous response. Unfortunately women do not join as sepoys in arms and services. Women however join
3/ in officer ranks and academically they are way higher than the male intake. The difference in academics from 10th onwards between men and women is very wide. Women, while are the cream of their batches, the officers on average are just second division or lower.
1/ @somnath1978 Sir, Have you read my 200+ tweets on ‘Counter Insurgency Industry’? You will understand how Insurgency has become an industry for promotions, postings, awards, favours, nepotism and tangible and intangible benefits to Politicians, Army, CAPFs, State Police,
2/ Intelligence agencies, local leadership, terrorists, contractors and practically entire state Govt machinery. It paid to keep the industry alive. At the Centre, Congress wanted exactly this to happen. Everyone was happy. No recommendations EVER to abrogate Art 370 will be found
3/ No one was interested in resolving the CI. It paid to keep it burning. Collectively each organisation would express concern, but within the organisations it was always to find ways to keep it alive. Army, from two divisions pre 90 grew to more than six-seven division worth strength
1/ #PoonchTerrorAttack#VoICE The concept of the ‘War on Third Front’ I frequently write about needs to be understood. Army soldiers are cannon fodder. Five dead, nationalistic euphoria, jingoism and simply carry on with life till next attack takes place.
2/ #PoonchTerrorAttack#VoICE Has anyone got affected other than the five families? Even Army needs to excuse from shedding tears. It has come down to PULWAMA KA BADLA as if it’s a bloody Hindi movie. Those 40 dead in Pulwama have taught no lesson to anyone. People are getting
3/ #PoonchTerrorAttack#VoICE promoted, Corps and Army Commanders are shining brass but NONE can stop the attacks. Reason? It does not sink in strategy deciding brains that we are already in the ‘War on the Third Front’ and we need to immediately get into fighting mode.
1/ #UnderTheSun Received one of the finest review of my book Under The Sun (it’s on Amazon and Kindle). QUOTE Dear Sanjay
Yes it was too early to talk about your book during our last call..After the last page ,I was desperate to read your next book.....
2/ ....Your dedication was very inspiring. Your love and desperation to join services is evident in each story /experience..The contribution and support of Savita Vahini too inspired you to give your best...
....I really felt proud of you as you always
3/ lead by example...The book becomes more interesting with each page. And that's why after the last page there is a void , till your next book reaches me...
Am sure this book will help the civilians to understand services life and the respect for