Col Sanjay Pande Profile picture
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Feb 25 6 tweets 2 min read
1/n #SAKSHAM Helping educating children of Killed-in-Action and deceased soldiers.

In 2017 Me and my wife started an initiative to fund ‘complete’ education of children of Army Widows. ‘Complete’ education included:
1. Tuition fees
2. Expenses of travelling daily to school/college
3. Paying private tutors for competitive exams.
4. Paying for internet
5. Staying in bigger cities for education
6. Fees related to filling formsImage 2/n

While the government reimburses tuition fees, the children lagged behind due to serial 2 onwards of preceding tweet.

We stepped in with a novel idea. Why not find good human beings who are ready to fund the children?

PROBLEM was TRUST. Why should anyone give money to ‘middleman?
Feb 22, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ Picture on the left is how I sat cross legged from 2012 till today. Picture on the right how I sat cross legged today. Want to know the struggle and recovery?

-Knees gave up in 2012 after gruelling army career despite retiring as SHAPE-1

-From 10 km walk I came down to 500m
-By 2017 I was taking injections directly administered in my knee joint.

-I could not sit cross legged.

-In Dec 2017 specialists in RR Hospital advised both knee replacements.

-In Jan 2018 I said to hell with doctors and medicines.
Nov 5, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
1/ @VishalSri1978 Responding to your tweet on whether India requires women in its Army. @adgpi - I need to assure you that best interests of Army are taken care by you and my views are just my own.
Vishal, I have always felt that women joining Indian Army was always about… 2/ ‘emotional need’ rather than operational need. We don’t need women in Army even today if we keep operational needs in mind. We don’t lack men and even today Agniveer gets tremendous response. Unfortunately women do not join as sepoys in arms and services. Women however join
Sep 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ @somnath1978 Sir, Have you read my 200+ tweets on ‘Counter Insurgency Industry’? You will understand how Insurgency has become an industry for promotions, postings, awards, favours, nepotism and tangible and intangible benefits to Politicians, Army, CAPFs, State Police, 2/ Intelligence agencies, local leadership, terrorists, contractors and practically entire state Govt machinery. It paid to keep the industry alive. At the Centre, Congress wanted exactly this to happen. Everyone was happy. No recommendations EVER to abrogate Art 370 will be found
May 1, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
1/ #PoonchTerrorAttack #VoICE The concept of the ‘War on Third Front’ I frequently write about needs to be understood. Army soldiers are cannon fodder. Five dead, nationalistic euphoria, jingoism and simply carry on with life till next attack takes place. 2/ #PoonchTerrorAttack #VoICE Has anyone got affected other than the five families? Even Army needs to excuse from shedding tears. It has come down to PULWAMA KA BADLA as if it’s a bloody Hindi movie. Those 40 dead in Pulwama have taught no lesson to anyone. People are getting
Mar 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ #UnderTheSun Received one of the finest review of my book Under The Sun (it’s on Amazon and Kindle). QUOTE Dear Sanjay
Yes it was too early to talk about your book during our last call..After the last page ,I was desperate to read your next book..... 2/
....Your dedication was very inspiring. Your love and desperation to join services is evident in each story /experience..The contribution and support of Savita Vahini too inspired you to give your best...
....I really felt proud of you as you always
Mar 26, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ #VoICE #SelfPublishing #UnderTheSun I don’t like the tone and tenor of the tweets on recent ‘piracy’ incident by the author of a book written by a veteran. Social Media has been used in a very filthy way and hundreds of veterans with zero understanding of publishing have been 2/ so eloquent in criticising the act, naming and shaming the suspect and painting the author as ‘peedit’ ‘victim’. No Sir. We need to understand publishing field. My book, ‘Under The Sun’ was published on 27 Sep 2022. It is on Amazon and Kindle. I started writing my
Mar 25, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
1/ PART-2 First read Tweet 4 to 7 below. How transparent #SAVITA is you will know. My friends parents wanted to help a forces widow. Yesterday in flat three hours the contribution was made. I don’t touch cash. The Benefactor transfers money directly to Beneficiary. 2/ See how it is done. My friend was given bank account details of the widow of an Infantry deceased soldiers widow. He was in SIKH LIGHT INFANTRY. Step 1- Rs 270,00 was transferred as a test transaction. Screen shot was sent to me which I sent to the widow.
Mar 24, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
1/ Meet POLLY (name changed) This pic is of 2012 when he was three years old. The second picture was taken yesterday. In 2012, I asked Polly ‘Polly bada hokar kya banega?(what do you want to become when you grow up?) He replied ENGINEER. What? #SAVITA #VoICE #Polly ImageImage 2/ He was in Play Group. I was dumbfounded. I asked him what is an ‘engineer’? He said he doesn’t know. Why do you want to become an engineer? He pointed at my son, then 17 yrs, and said ‘because Dada wants to be an engineer”! He had heard the word from my son. I again posed my……
Feb 20, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
1/ #CounterInsurgencyIndustry #VoICE #CentralFunds See a random news attached. 15 years and Rs 1.14 LAC CRORE. That is SEVENTY SIX THOUSAND LAC CRORES each year. I first went to Valley in 1991. Insurgency had just started. It was in 90’s that Kupwara Division was raised. Four 2/ Counter Insurgency Forces were raised and we had over 50-60 Rashtriya Rifles battalions raised. CRPF and BSF were seen sometimes. All were paid out of their respective budgets. J&K Police was unseen and unheard of. Where did all the money go? Interested to find, RT this tweet.
Feb 20, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ #TellMeColPande I am writing since last seven years that keeping Kashmir Insurgency ALIVE is the combined effort of everyone connected to it. Terrorists, Informers, Over Ground Workers, Politicians, State and Central Govt employees, Bureaucracy, Intelligence and Military. 2/ None wanted it to finish and hence each kept it alive. Remember I wrote the same day it was announced that abrogation of Article 370 has BROKEN THE BACK OF #CounterInsurgencyIndustry Here we are today!!!! Army had no business to be in Kashmir Insurgency since turn of century.
Nov 29, 2022 41 tweets 20 min read
1/ Start a journey with me tomorrow, 01 Dec to 03 December 2022 when I travel for three days going from a village to another in Himachal Pradesh to meet my unit soldiers who have long retired. This is brotherhood, camaraderie and love. This is my HUMBLE bow to my men. #VoICE 2/ I will, on 01 December leave Delhi at 5am, meet 5-6 veterans in Kurali (near Ropar), 2-3 veterans in Ropar and then climb hills and via Bilaspur go towards Mandi and attend a function of one of my old colleague at Ner Chowk where I will meet 10-15 veterans of my unit #VoICE
Nov 11, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
1/ UKRAINE … #UkraineRussiaConflict I am loving it! Since March 2022 I have written over 10-15 threads and numerous tweets at regular intervals. All tweets first analysed in going conflict and predicted future. Not even one reading of conflict has been proved wrong. In fact 2/ UKRAINE … #UkraineRussiaConflict fact my reading of conflict has been accurate. I always maintained that war was over in first two weeks, Ukraine Resistance took over. Russia was never interested to capture/destroy/annexe areas or to punish Ukraine. THIS IS RUSSIA’S
Nov 10, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ 1991- Ice Hockey participation was mandatory in our small garrison which had four units. Ladakhis in one unit, three Infantry Bns and a Artillery unit. Only Ladakhis played it like absolute professionals. To other four battalions the complete struggle was to stand on 2/ Ice Hickey Skates. Playing was beyond capability of these four units. The championship was in winters and provided only opportunity to laugh our guts out for days together. Ladakhi unit fielded four teams plus four of our clueless units. Five days of absolute fun where
Oct 30, 2022 17 tweets 10 min read
1/ #KargilBluntTruth #KargilKIA Let us put Kargil Blunt Truth and Kargil Killed in Action in correct perspective. Let there be NO DOUBT that not only Capt Vikram Batra but to me the 527 Killed In Action are all Param Vir Chakras and National Heros. Each of these 527 have families 2/ #KargilBluntTruth #KargilKIA Each laid down his life for INDIA. Anyone, including Maj Gen Mor, should not doubt it. The General has given lot of clarifications and I leave it to you all. BUT what is this hashtag #KargilBluntTruth ? Let us give the General a chance and let
Oct 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ What ‘ease of business’ are we talking about? It has been 38 days that I applied for a GST number as individual. My CA did it on my behalf. THIRTY EIGHT DAYS and yesterday he was exasperated, frustrated and tired since endless requirements keep getting thrown up. There are 2/ those who tell me it is seven day job. “Lao ham karva dete hain”. Why will I go to an Agent? Legal Firm? Tout? I simply went to my CA who does this. He knows I will not pay a rupee bribe. 38 days it is. NOW… no politics please, I don’t know if it is State or Centre subject
Oct 14, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
1/ #IndiaUSA Why is USA in panic as the Ukraine War enters 'winters'? Will 'annoying' India harm US? Why is it that it is taking actions against India which will harm US itself in long run? Is India pro-active? Why is US ANTI INDIA?👉If interested RT. 50 RTs and I will write. 2/ #IndiaUSA
Q1. Why is USA in panic as the Ukraine War enters 'winters'?

NATO is US and US is NATO. Winters are setting in and so is panic in US. Russia drags the conflict to winters and creates unprecedented energy crisis in 28 European nations. Can US help them? Can US ask
Oct 13, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
1/ #MyTakeOnNATO My take on NATO. NATO is 73 yrs old. Today it has 30 members, 28 in Europe & 2 in North America, USA and Canada. At 2% of GDP to be spent for Defence, you don’t have to guess who pulls the cart. Of the 28 European nations, more than 10 nations are inconsequential 2/ #MyTakeOnNATO USA had just one aim in mind while creating NATO- exploit the ‘fear-factor’ in European nations post WW2 and contain speard of communism or USSR. The intense rivalry with Russia fed the fear. Ukraine was the only country fully hostile toward Russia and was
Oct 10, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
1/ #RussianJuggernaut #RussiaUkraineWar My numerous tweets/threads/observations from Mar 22 onwards are on Twitter. I have always maintained that Russia holds the reins and is nose dragging the NATO and US month on month. Russia was never interested to finish the war. Russia did 2/ #RussianJuggernaut #RussiaUkraineWar I have shared my thoughts very regularly & till now there has been no reading of 'future' of this war which I have read and tweeted. The "WAR" finished in the first two weeks itself. Those calling this as Russia-Ukraine War (my hashtag too)
Sep 25, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
1/ #RegimentationAndColPande Regimentation is NOT about ‘Regiment’ it is about ‘brotherhood’. You live and die for ‘brother in arms’. Those who served along with you are your brothers. One leaves, another comes, you leave, another replaces. Common factor is ‘we all were bound’. 2/ Bound by what? That precisely is where the misuse comes in. Regimentation in last 40 years has shifted from loyalty to brothers to loyalty to the person who writes your Annual Confidential Report. While in service every officer knows who to butter. Whether the senior is in
Sep 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ #DecolonisingIndianArmy @PMOIndia is ‘decolonising Indian Army’. Why should PMO step in? See this clip which was part of my YouTube video uploaded on 22 Jun 2022. Army was just not interested. Why? The resistance to change is deep. 2/ Any veteran criticising the ‘decolonising’ Indian Army is a beneficiary of the system and hence naturally expected to criticise. I have written extensively on ‘lanyard nepotism’, ‘killing of merit’, ‘dominance of the mediocre’, ‘rank race’ resulting in killing of merit.