Its worth considering some of the driving factors behind these conspiracy theory protests.
Anti masks rhetoric can be a gateway drug to the far right. Once people believe one others become more believable.…
2/ Its similar to how groups like ISIS groom recruits. Its about formenting distrust, separating the target away from others, only the groomer speaks the truth others won't admit, only the groomer can be trusted.
The problem is that the groomer wants the target to be
3/ marginalised, to make them feel the victim. It means they are more likely to be drawn towards towards the groomers off of a helping hand, to be accepted as part of their tribe.
It means ridicule and insults dont work, you are doing the work of the groomer for them.
4/ And once a target has been dragged down the rabbit hole to a certain level of tribalism then they will embrace and celebrate anger and insults towards them.
'Anoying the right kind of people' they get a kick out of trolling, others anger vindicates their behaviour, it becomes
5/ a vicious 'positive' feedback loop.
What is worrying is the creeping in of Qanon and their conspiracies theories into the UK.
Plenty of Qanon and other related symbols in the anti lockdown crowd today, also started hearing more late night called on radio BBC 5 live and @LBC
6/ 'Trump will win the election because its written in the bible' I heard a few days ago. 'The end days are coming' also seems to be increasing in frequency in the past couple of weeks.
Its amazing how little attention this creep of dangerous conspiracy leading to ideology is
7/ Its about creating the fog of war in a digital age. One conspiracy linking into another.
For instance it can be worth lookinh at which hashtags are bunched together.
Lots of London protect & covid is fake #'s that are international in use.
Also the #1stAmmendment, many of the
8/ If you start checking through accounts, you get the expected Venn diagram.
Here we have 5G
9/ Many groups and accounts involved in the anti lockdown protest were also involved in the protest outside the Palace the other day protesting about Prince Andrew, a save children hashtag has hijacked and plenty of blue tick accounts amplified that protest and its messaging
10/ Not here to defend Prince Andrew, we probably should be shipping him off to the FBI, however perfectly legitimate calls for him to answer questions can be usurped for other intentions as Qanon managed to do successfully this week.
11/ For those not in the know a core Qanon conspiracy is that a secret cabal of satanic paedophiles are running the world and only Trump can save us by secretly uncovering the truth from inside the white House
12/ You can see why Qanon appeals to people waving Nazi flags, they say the conspiracy is run by Jews, other Qanon fans talk about Marxist conspiracies and then phrasing starts getting mixed up by people including UK politicians using phrases like intellectual marxists and
13/ even cultural Marxist which is a less than subtle term of antisemitics.
I sometimes wonder if some politicians and commentators even realise what they are saying or if they are just using the phrases that they know will rally the trolls to them.
14/ Sometimes I wonder who is setting the political narrative and discourse. Are politicians and media types encouraging the trolls and conspiracy theorists, or have the commentators and MPs now trying to brandish their warriors against woke credentials become reactionaries
15/ merely in pursuit of chasing those clicks and likes, because as professional politicians their only concern is maintaining power particularly now theyve outsourced policy making to opaquly funded think tanks
16/ And its always worth keeping an eye out for digital agent provocateurs
1/ So Toby Young, now a member of the house of Lords is directly receiving support from Musk, a member of a foreign government
2/ This is after the FSU jumped onto a case of a teacher appealing against a school for being dismissed for their online posts, the case was being backed by Christian Concern and FDU piggybacked as an intervener
3/ Worth noting the case centred around a petition from CitizenGo, an organisation identified as being part of a US/Russian network designed to undermine sexuality and reproductive rights
While much of the UK media has focused on DEI, tariffs and confirmation hearings there's been less focus on what appears to be an attack on the US constitution, purges of people and scientific information, and efforts to supress opposition and scrutiny
2/ First a quick look at the pardoned Jan 6 rioters as an example
Toby Young to join House of Lords
Ridiculous, consider the content of his Daily Sceptic which produces a daily diet of climate change denial and antivax stories
I bet he continues to complain about elites and the establishment whilst wearing his ermine
Consider how he set up Free Speech Union after Jordan Peterson and James Or (Edmund Burke Foundation/NatCon) went to Peter Thiel for support who then sent his chief of staff to help set up FSU
And then there is Toby Young’s support for "progressive eugenics" the belief that the rich are rich because they rich are genetically superior while poverty is a result of being genetically inferior
🧵The latest Republican Covid Oversight Committe provides a clear picture of the alternative reality that will soon be taking charge of US health institutions
It's worth considering the implications for the FDA when the grifters become gamekeepers
2/ It's hard to know which came first, claiming a cure for covid as a reason for removing all measures, or the grift, likely it depends on the individuals.
Lets look at a timeline of the promotion of alternative treatments that continued to be promoted once proven ineffective
3/ The first example of people producing an alternative treatment protocol that I know of is from the AAPS linked organisation that rebranded as Truth for Health Foundation
There has been ongoing attacks on the CCDH since they published their disinformation dozen report years ago on the biggest antivax promoters online, this named RFK Jr and others who have been embraced by MAGA appearing at a conveyor belt of conferences
3/ Despite their claims they aren't political this crowd and their ecosystem of overlapping groups is very close to the centres of power like Thiel who are driving the modern day Republican Party
🧵 Amazing when RW media decide to care about SEND students
When it comes to VAT on private schools they are suddenly worried about SEND pupils, but they backed austerity, the dismantling of CAHMs real terms cuts to school budgets, and loss of 20,000 support staff mainly TAs
2/ I think it was autumn 2017 we had a protest regarding SEND students being let down over 80,000 educators and SEND parents gathered outside Westminster, it didn't get a single mention in the media from any outlet
3/ 2016 ATL conference motions booklet
Look at the issues we were trying to raise, issues largely ignored, and only raised when suits a narrative