And true to the nature of despotic intentions and regimes, violence and suffering are tools, not issues to be understood, worked on, solved & resolved.
No. That is too much work.
It requires caring & ability & the wisdom to actually understand a problem.
This is #ShockDoctrine in action.
Whom do you serve?
At every level, institution, individual, office holder...this question will be answered, willing to or not.
These are times that assay the soul.
The answer we come up with is the framework of all that comes next.
We have all the lessons of history to show the patterns of
Whatever else is true, will not be able to plaintively cry, as cowards & sycophants who know better, but still think they can get away w just this last act of beneficial subterfuge,
"Who could have possibly have known?"
Here we are again, at a new crossroads. The choices then framing the conditions we are dealing with now. As the choices we make now will
Already there are little slips of whimpers from those whose sacred oath of office to protect the country has been so rudely ignored for reasons still occult.
Rubio, Graham, Collins, even McConnell are puffing out wisps of concern.
The question "Who do you serve?" will be asked in different ways. Including "Why did you serve that?".
[And let's not forget the S.Court]
And all of it will be worthless as the country dives into the conflagration.
Not because the citizens are unwilling, as a group, but for the self indulgent, self serving,
Back to the top of the argument. And so as in COVID, so the unleashing of chaos & violence, and the unmentioned third crisis of the economy.... All of it conspires to create uncertainty, fear & anxiety
It is the lawless use of lawlessness to unleash forces
A perturbed citizenry is a malleable one. Eventually, the cry will be: "just fix it. stop the madness"... And, the cost will be forgotten in the stress of the moment...
And just as Kelly Anne says, they will have unleashed the dogs and wait for the people to offer anything for them to call them off.
"...this will show them who the law and order people are".
The patterns of history are being replayed. This is not new. But it is consequential.
"Who could have possibly have known?"
Each of us, at the level we live and serve in our society.
"Whom do you serve?"...
That is the question that is on the table.
Lincoln spoke about a house divided in his time. We are as divided in our own time. As choices were made then were fraught with meaning & consequence, so the choices we are grappling with will as well.