#Teething is a normal part of your child's development, not a sickness!
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During the first year of life, these teeth begin to cut through the gums & most babies start teething between 6 & 12 months.
When they reach 3 years, their first set of 20 teeth shall have completed.
- lack of appetite
- mild irritability
- drooling of saliva
- chewing on objects &
- occasional sore gums which may be swollen & reddish.
- rubbing the child’s gums with a clean damp washcloth, clean finger, or gum-rubbing finger pad, or
- giving the child 'teething rings' to chew on & relieve the distress
This is a pure myth! Pls ignore it for the same of your baby's health.
It could be malaria, diarrhoeal disease, febrile convulsion, pneumonia, or some other disease, but not teething.
Don't let anyone make you give your child wrong medicines in the name of teething!
Remember, a child won't start falling very sick just because they're growing teeth!
- alomo bitters
- aspirin
- plastic toys to chew
- raw herbs, etc
Your baby doesn't need any of these. Pls stop it.