@filipprl @Gerashchenko_en On September 1, in the liberated territories and in the Donbass, more than 320,000 children went to school, of which 29,500 were first-graders. This is one of the main achievements of the SVO. We wrested more than a third of a million children from the hands of brutal ...2/x
@filipprl @Gerashchenko_en Russophobic propaganda . This is wonderful.
Last year, in the Kherson region, in the summer, people came up to me and asked what language they would teach in schools? I answered, a strange question, in Russian, of course. They did not believe me, they asked me again. 3/x
@filipprl @Gerashchenko_en Russian schools were closed, Russian was made a second foreign language, teachers worked half-time or less. Parents hired tutors to teach written Russian to their children.
Think about it - in a region where the entire population speaks Russian and ...4/x
@CorneliaBeeking Cornelia, ist es nicht so, dass wir jetzt für eine Grundimmunisierung der kleinen Kinder eintreten sollten, bevor es im kommenden Winter zu spät ist? Hier ist insbesondere eine Kampagne der Pädiater gefragt. Diese stehen jedoch der Impfung aus gutem Grund sehr kritisch gegenüber.
@CorneliaBeeking Kinder unter zwölf haben nur bei Immunschwäche eine klare Impfindikation, diese wurden geimpft. Sonst gibt es, insbesondere unter Omicron, quasi keine schweren Verläufe. Wir haben noch keinen Nachweis dazu, ob Long Covid durch Impfung reduziert wird.
@CorneliaBeeking Derzeit gibt es auch, trotz der aktuell hohen Durchseuchungsrate durch die Jugendliche Populationen hindurch (die ganz gut durchgeimpft sind) keinen klinischen Anlass, angesichts der auch in Bezug auf Long Covid blanden Omicron Verkäufe, die Strategie zu ändern.
“In Wirklichkeit gibt es aber nur zwei Menschenrassen, nämlich die ‚Rasse' der anständigen Menschen und die der unanständigen Menschen. Und die ‚Rassentrennung‘ verläuft quer durch alle Nationen und innerhalb jeder einzelnen Nation quer durch alle Parteien.“ - Victor Frankl
"But in reality there are only two races of men, namely the 'race' of decent people and the 'race' of indecent people. And 'racial segregation' runs across all nations and within each nation across all parties.” - Victor Frankl
«Але насправді існує лише дві раси людей, а саме «раса» порядних людей і «раса» непорядних людей. І «расова сегрегація» поширюється на всі нації та всередині кожної нації з усіма партіями», — Віктор Франкл
@tribelaw Hi, Germany 🇩🇪 here again.
In the 1970's West Germany suffered from severe series of domestic terrorism.
The Rote Armee Fraktion RAF.
Their attacks on capitalism, targeted Bankers, Politicians, Embassies. To finance, they were committing robbery, killing police.
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@tribelaw October 20, 1977, former chancellor Helmut Schmidt held a speech on the responsibility of the democracy to protect his citizens, as also had been outlined by the German Supreme Court.
He said :
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@tribelaw "The Federal Constitutional Court did in the early Morning hours of October 16 on behalf of ours People recognized for right: Articles 1 and 2 of ours Of the Basic Law oblige the state to to protect life. This duty to protect is full.
@HouseJudiciary Hi, Germany 🇩🇪 here again.
In the 1970's West Germany suffered from severe series domestic terrorism.
The Rote Armee Fraktion.
Their attackes on capitalism, such as Bankers, Politicians, Embassies. To finance, they are committing robbery, killing police. /1
@HouseJudiciary October 20, 1977, former chancellor Helmut Schmidt held a speech on the responsibility of the democracy to protect his citizens, as outlined by the Supreme Court.
He said :
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@HouseJudiciary "The Federal Constitutional Court did in the early Morning hours of October 16 on behalf of ours People recognized for right: Articles 1 and 2 of ours Of the Basic Law oblige the state to to protect life. This duty to protect is full.
@funder Remember RAF in Germany 🇩🇪 in the 1970's?
Listen to the speech in the German Bundestag by the former chancellor Helmut Schmidt in his speech from October 20, 1977:
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@funder "The Federal Constitutional Court did in the early Morning hours of October 16 on behalf of ours People recognized for right: Articles 1 and 2 of ours Of the Basic Law oblige the state to to protect life. This duty to protect is full.
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@funder She commands the state to protect itself and to put it in front of this life in a promoting way; this means above all, it also protects against unlawful attacks by Preserving the pages of others.
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