But when it comes to "getting eyes on the outbreak" we are still peering through the same dirty windshields.
Could $100k change that?
We have lots of websites and lots of citizen scientists (including me) trying to piece it together
We don't have a national strategy.
The CDC has been muzzled.
State/local leaders are mostly overwhelmed with trying to figure out what's going on, or have stopped looking at science altogether.
Businesses, schools, families have to decide for ourselves...
"do I send my kids to school?"
"do I go into the store/ restaurant"
"do we invite people over"
is "What are the chances that someone I bump into is infectious with COVID?"
Tell me where I can find that
The data we have is not good enough. Fancy methods can try to solve that, but not enough
There is no design. No systematic testing of the same population, with collection of key risk data, across jurisdictions
We are testing different populations over time. Symptomatic? Hospitalized? Young? Workers? How do we know what's actually happening..soon?
@WeinbergerDan (and a group that included me) found that even those aren't reliable. In some areas massively undercounted
AND LATE, too late.
Literally have to go to a meeting to look at OUR OWN HOMEGROWN ANALYSIS* to see where we can safely send our staff into doctors offices
*Infection Intensity~ [Deaths past 2 weeks] X [change in case count past 4 weeks] X [change in positivity rate]
{holds head}
Syndromic Surveillance on ED "CLI" visits has been very helpful!
It was an incredibly scary moment when I saw on March 7th a huge increase in "difficulty breathing" visits in NYC, at a time when there were only 2 confirmed COVID cases
Thankfully, NYC made this data public
that's a scandal, even if the @CDCDirector doesn't seem to realize it
But this data has a real problem...
(no, FB doesn't get data)
This data is aggregated and rolled up, and served up through open APIs
UMD: covidmap.umd.edu/api.html
CMU: covidcast.cmu.edu/surveys.html
Open APIs! @aneeshchopra @dpatil
@Google ran a very short survey for CMU through Opinion Rewards app, which exchanges responses to surveys for app store credit (not actively collecting AFAIK)
This one (w @mgh_htl) is longitudinal
Using their platforms for data efforts like these are #2