Catching up with the reading and looking forward to the chat.
We've expressed public worries about how a focus on intersectionality has lead the police into offering public support to political campaigning - be interested to know if others share this view.
"It’s where aspects of identity intersect and overlap - e.g. race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, faith or disability - so that prejudices and discriminations converge and become multiplied."
No mention of sex?
And of course
"More people are talking about intersectionality because we haven’t made the progress towards DEI [diversity, equality and inclusion] that we thought we would have made."
BREAKING!!!!! 1. This is why we are not accepting an apology from @northumbriapol. They go after a woman for saying Trans Women Are Men. Meanwhile…. (Read to the end).
2. Officer after officer were delighted to pose with these signs:
An officer from Prevent and a Detective from @northumbriapol have just turned up at the home of a 12 year old Jewish boy to ask why he said ‘I want to see Hamas obliterated’ and ‘I’m against trans. I’m gay not queer.’
2. Prevent state that they have evidence of his radicalisation because he was seen in his backyard with what they called a lethal crossbow. (Pictured) It’s a child’s toy with the power of a potato gun.
3. The attempted to interview the child on his own and demanded access to his snap chat account. They wished to learn from where he was getting his terrorist ideology and interest in firearms (which shoot foam arrows).
1. BREAKING!!!! We are thrilled to support the launch of a gender critical police network. Good to know there are still coppers who know the difference between reality and make-believe, and are prepared to say so. Give @PoliceSEENUK a follow.
@TalkTV @JuliaHB1 @GBNEWS
2. A Detective Inspector from @gmpolice says:
“This is long overdue. We know officers and staff who have been referred for disciplinary action for merely expressing a view that sex is real and that they don’t subscribe to gender ideology. Many officers and staff have been warned to keep quiet or have their careers harmed or ended.”
3. “We have to ensure that there is a space where officers and staff know that sex realist views will
be respected and not subject to cancellation or harassment. We cannot sit back and do nothing; public confidence is being lost. We call upon those leaders in the police service to step up now and support us.” @CCJardineNP @PoliceChiefs
1/5 BREAKING: Newcastle United increases ban on lesbian for tweeting that trans ideology is harmful.
The ban is for the remainder of this season AND the following 2 seasons.
The tweets had nothing to do with @NUFC or with football. Yet the club states that they are in breach of its ground regulation. Judge for yourself:
2/5 Newcastle United reported the woman to @northumbriapol, working with its police liaison officer. The Club used its database of personal details to direct the police to our client.
There was no lawful reason for this GDPR breach. The offence (sic) had nothing to do with the Club, the ground, or football in general.
3/5 Newcastle United is Saudi owned. In Saudi Arabia, our client would be executed for her sexual orientation. In Newcastle, she is simply hung out to dry. @NUFC hates lesbians.
1. Yesterday, a lesbian woman was interviewed under caution by @northumbriapol for saying Trans Women are men. They interviewed her despite a warning from Fair Cop to leave her alone. This is the transcript. @SuellaBraverman @SpeechUnion
Read it all. It is terrifying.
2. The police turned up on her doorstep and told her that they were obliged to interview her under threat of arrest, claiming that the Miller ruling gave them no choice.
3. Scared out of her mind, and with no idea what she had done, she agreed to attend the police station. Advised by us, she secretly taped the interview.