Some misunderstand the purpose of vaccines. Commissioner @SteveFDA is one of them. Donald Trump is another.
That lack of understanding has the potential to cause COVID-19 to be hear for a long time.
We want those 2 numbers to be as high as possible. You can simply multiply them. Multiply 100% by 50%. It equals 50%.
Here's the trick...
If a vaccine is only 50% effective, but trusted by 80%, we get the same 40%.
So trust is just as important as effectiveness.
The FDA originally set a goal of 50%. A typical successful influenza vaccine would be at that level.
So trust is essential if we care about the "we."
A 50% effective vaccine that is 25% trusted would impact 12.5% of the population.
'If I count on you & you count on me but neither of us takes the vaccine, we both lose.
You started out ok by allowing the FDA scientists to articulate the measure they would use to approve a vaccine. 50%. But you abandoned that.
1. Breaking your promise on the 50% metric
2. Bowing to political pressure on hydroxy
3. Knowingly mis-stating the benefit of a treatment like convalescent plasma
These are things you've done already Steve.
-Overruling FDA scientists
-Letting scientists get bullied by the president's tweets
-Having a scientist resign in protest
-Rushing an EUA without data
-Allowing any political factor, like an election, to interfere with decision making.
-Get all the data from phase 3 as you said you would
-Share it publicly and transparently
-Do that when you get results.
When will that be?
If that happens at 6 o'clock tonight, great. If it takes 3 months or 6, that's when we will have an answer.
I'm going to suggest how you handle it when Trump asks for the EUA to be issued.
At risk is not just COVID, but all the future things we need vaccines for.
Steve, this is beyond the presidency, beyond a career. Its a historical mistake you can make. We need these weapons.