advised brands from Google to Marriott, and many in between, on consumer trends
spoke at conferences everywhere
here is the simple, powerful framework my team used to spot emerging trends
*thread 👇*
(i) change and (ii) fundamental human needs
the key?
new trends emerge when *change unlocks new ways to serve fundamental human needs* such as convenience, value, security, or status
let's go deeper
we live in a world of seemingly fast and disorienting change: technological, social, economic and more
it can throw us off balance
and to discern meaningful new directions of travel – new trends – within it
humans are motivated by a set of needs that at their most fundamental are stable over time
those unchanging needs can anchor our attempts to make sense of a changing world
driverless cars! AI! facial recognition!
but simply saying 'there will be AI in future' tells us nothing much about how life will be in the years ahead
when we do that, we start to see how these changes will fuel new trends in human behaviour and mindset
check out some examples from the distant past...
that would have empowered you to glimpse the rise of the #soblessed #livingmybestlife influencer, and much that came along with it

that habit turns you into trend watcher. Anyone can do it!
we all see a ton of new stuff – app, services, platforms, whatever – every day
it can feel overwhelming. But all that stuff is data for the trend watcher
what change is making this innovation possible?
what basic need is this innovation trying to serve?
remember, you're looking in particular for *innovations that leverage recent change to serve a core need in a new way*
can't stress this enough:
real, meaningful, lasting new trends are founded in basic human needs
instead of feeling overwhelmed by all the innovation you see, you'll feel empowered.
because you'll be drawing powerful new trends out of the chaos
then you'll be able to put your trends to work to create new products, services, and campaigns that change the world
remember: trends are nothing if you don't use them
it goes to 12,000+ subs, and we'd love to have you
the simple trend framework I just told you about?
it inspired the name...