My father, in his infinite wisdom, did not, against my wishes, contact the greem embassy to have his papers squared away before attempting to fly to greece and, as such, has now been denied entry into the EU. What's that about age making you smarter?
Can someone explain to me the use of having an emergency line if they don't answer the emergency line and the voice mail box is full??
My mom's sick, there's no bus and all taxis but the one I took cancelled on me. I think the universe is telling me not to take that driver's license test...😬😬
I do NOT have to face The Hill I got cut on last time. This day is now a lil bit better
I would like to thank the organic farmer's market for starting now and placing themselves on The Dreaded Hill.
Yesterday I attended a peaceful demonstration in the centre of Athens (GR) on #BLM. Unfortunately, there was also a protest for the environment at the same time and place, so there was a bit of confusion as to who was doing what.
The crowds were very different. The BLM crowd was mostly young people, mostly wearing masks whereas the climate change activists were all ages but very few wore masks.
The climate change organisers did their thing, they had a speech and around 19h, it ended. 2/
That's when the BLM protest kicked off. It was a peaceful sit-in in front of the greek parliament with the added migrant cause. It was a great experience, it was heartwarming to see many young greeks come out in solidarity when a lot of the country is deeply xenophobic/racist. 3/