herhoopstats.com to check it out during the free beta preview. Features include our reSEARCH section, the #WNBA version of Lobo’s Look, team and player pages (including Win Shares and PER), and more.

Here's the @minnesotalynx: herhoopstats.com/stats/wnba/tea…


1. There are costs associated with running Her Hoop Stats. We have purchased our data from @sportradar and there are also costs to keep our servers running.
2. The work across the entire Her Hoop Stats platform takes a tremendous amount of time by our all-volunteer team. We’d like to transition our team to being paid fairly for the efforts (and see the rest of the #wbb community be paid too!)
1. Newsletter: herhoopstats.substack.com
2. Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the…
3. Social media (here, FB, Insta)