The ideas that animate transgenderism are rooted in a handful of 20th century philosophers.
These notes look at how the identity fluidity movement – “gender ideology” – can be traced to Sartre’s ontology of “the subject”.

I look at them on another thread.
This thread looks at the philosophical roots – which were and are the core drivers, in my view.
Life is purposeless. Sartre came to believe it was tolerable only when a person projects their own fantasies on it.
He ran with this theme.
It attempts to explain the nature of being.
To do this, it categorises related concepts and orders them.
It might suggest what a being, a person – a “subject” – ought to exist for.
They are given meaning only in relation to the subject perceiving them.
The human subject is an author, a conductor, a creator of values – initiating its own projects and interests – and must take full responsibility for whatever results.
•the “fluidity” of existence
•the idea that existence comes before any essence – “biology is not destiny”
•the subject having to impose meaning upon itself
•the “project of identity” as an existence – “for itself.”
Any attempt to query that meaning is seen as aggression from an “Other”.
They interpret existence solely through the lens of gender.
But that might be too generous…
Although these ‘gender existentialists’ unwittingly operate on Sartre’s framework, they are yet to reckon with another part of his philosophy: –
the concept of “bad faith.”
“The very project of flight reveals… an inner disintegration in the heart of being.”
But if one requires cosmetic modification to become-what-one-is – one is not that.
When a subject seeks a mode of being that they are “prevented by nature from attaining” – “this attitude, it seems to me, is bad faith.”
being-female, or being-male.
“A peculiar type of evidence appears; non-persuasive evidence.”
Who has not been a recipient of this!
Bad faith is the projection of an identity – an identity project – that is not in check with reality: – “a being which is what it is not, and which is not what it is.”
“You’re the one who keeps showing me dirty pictures!”
He called this: – "self-recovery."
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