It's not an OBVIOUS matter.
Let's see how she does.
You can also have a look at philosopher Rebecca Tuvel's infamous "In Defense of Transracialism."… (Excerpt below).
That we do not is irrational, and must be a prejudice.
Let's see if Dianna can sort it.…
"In Defense of Rebecca Tuvel"…
Her use of "tend to" gave a bit of wiggle room, but that gets dropped immediately.
Dianna is not defending trans people. She is a transphobic TRUSCUM.
And of course Dianna, truscum though she may be, doesn't WANT to discredit BOTH. Just the one.
She can't back up the "very often" here.
I comment: "Very often, a person, a straight white male for example, chooses to be perceived as a trans woman because it is advantageous for them to do so."
That's no small incentive for low status men, since men are naturally driven to SEEK STATUS.
We all know we live in 🤡🌎.
Then they aren't NECESSARY to be transracial either.
1 So? That doesn't mean it's the case for ALL transracial folks, and
2 Dolezal at least CLAIMS true racial dysphoria.
If BOTH Krug and Dolezal CLAIM a MENTAL CONDITION led them to identify as black—isn't that RACIAL DYSPHORIA? Dolezal says it is. Who is Dianna to question HER lived experience?
So all trans people are pretending? NON SEQUITUR.
Tuvel's "if it works for one, it works for the other" applies.
But then her case doesn't WORK.
You if you are going to appear to a condition of dysphoria as THE basis for transgenderism, then you're TRUSCUM.
In other words, she knows she failed in her object. She has done NOTHING to say why transgenderism is okay and transracialism is not.
But of course that would apply to at least some seeming cases of TRANSGENDERISM.
She attempts the only method that could work, TRUSCUMISM, but then distances herself from, undermining her only real argument.
Would Anderson regard these as "bad motives"? They were "pretending to be something they were not" because it was "advantageous". Was that "not their place"?
This could even open the door for, horrors!, saying that sex is biological and "feeling" is pathological.
This is of course, Tuvel's question, and the question Anderson totally failed to answer.
But "race" is ALWAYS an arbitrary grouping.
Black is female and White male because Yin-Yang says so.
The whole thing is a continuum on many axes.
And I thought 'progressives' DECONSTRUCTED CATEGORIES.
It would be a matter of society acceptance. This WOULD BE a case of "something assigned, at birth or later."
And assignments can be reassigned.
Why would they do that, rather than what you ARE?
This symmetry is, I assume, why @BenjaminABoyce named his video on Anderson's tweet thread "Blackface & Womanface".
1 If transitioning from what to black is wrong because it is an exercise of "male privilege" then transitioning from male to female is wrong because it is exercising "male privilege."
2 "If GIVING UP whiteness is 'white privilege' what is KEEPING it?"
IF P is accepts transgenderism in a broad sense (not "truscumistically"), THEN P ought, by parity of reasoning, accept transracialism.
I, however, give zero fucks about heresy to the Woke. I would destroy their entire cult if I could. I am an ENEMY, not an ALLY.
It is perhaps this same energy that the TERFs are aware of. I loathe them, but they aren't wrong. /FIN