How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App is one of my rules. I use language quite carefully. When someone response to something I have said by calling it "word salad," nothing is lost by blocking them. we who are opposed to transgender ideology should continue to press this point in this way. drowns men. So what drowns water? 2nd stage of labor, the pushing stage, lasts from 15 minutes to a few hours—what is being birthed, if not a child? At what instant does what is being birthed become a child? Is a child with one toe still inside NOT a child? Why not? What's the magic of the toe being outside? I have often noted, God and God alone is capable of making an argument from evil against His existence—but He of course does not. This is easy. is very clearly an anti-American idea, since the American idea is that the state is CREATED in order to PROTECT NATURAL RIGHTS (which precede the state and do not depend upon it for their existence).