If I were public health interoperability czar with the power to pull the Levers Of Power
A 🧵
- Unify FDA, CLIA & CMS powers to tie payment & lab certification to reporting, work w/ CDC to create a registry of reportable tests & include public health reporting in analyte machine test scenarios
- Require reporting of demographics & contact info as COP
- Create a certification fast lane to the LOI/LRI specifications & create test methods that go all the way to lab reporting
- Create a long-term funding mechanism for public health, create certification criteria & tie grant to certification & prod deployment
Case reporting:
- turn eCR/eCRNow into certification criteria
- create a registry of trigger-based collection using CDS Hooks so that we can collect dynamic data
- standardize travel health history
- Plug PH into nat'l networks
- (Same PH funding, certification & grant tie as above)
- Tie reimbursement to interop with Iz registries
(d'ya sense a theme?)
Syndromic surveillance
- Expand ADT hooks so we can see inpatient as well as ED
- AI-based anomaly detection
- Pay states/regions for real-time death stats
(this mostly worked, except for watching the damn dashboard or taking action)
Re-establish a culture of truth, professionalism & being above politics.
But first ()
- Tie FDA powers to make sure we can trace the supply chain to Iz admin & registry
- implement privacy by design in standards development
- include NIST 800-53 or equivalent in PH funding