As can be imagined, US wouldn't and wouldn't dare to sign such a treaty. Worldwide mass surveillance is the cornerstone of the US/NATO dictatorship.
A/ All applications and service providers sign no backdoor agreements.
B/ All countries refrain from mass surveillance of other countries
C/All operators respect sovereignties and comply with national laws.
Notice how Reuters, mouth piece of Pentagon, continues to accuse China of censoring US social media, though reality is the latter voluntarily withdrew from the China market for not wanting to
D/Comply with the request of sovereignties to locate servers of collected data locally etc
As can be imagined, they will malign China's initiative
US clean network initiative is fake bullshit designed to kick out Chinese companies.
Another reason of the US clean network scam is that US is extremely afraid of China or anyone else having access to the CIA shenanigans around the world.
But with Big Data, every dirty crime of US/Nato shall be known and judged one day.