bc I'd planned to start from e101 and just tweet you through the anti-racist resources we've tried to provide
BUT our work on e203 & 204 are probably the most relevant to today's action
in part bc it's possible to get a whole PhD in American religions and still miss a lot of this history unless you explicitly go looking for it
this isn't one of our cute like "I swear my own research is important" moments
Americans USED religion to construct race
meaning people made it up
NOT meaning that it's fake or unimportant
race is meaning we make on and about our bodies and the bodies of others
it's about social order and power
it's about access to resources
it's about valuing one kind of race (in the US but not only in the US: whiteness) over other races
about the ways racism is a visceral experience
that theories of race "land, with great violence, upon the body"

settler-colonizing european christianity is how folks we now think of as Americans learned to think they/we were white
(see Baldwin, "On Being White and Other Lies")

they were "strangers"
and the persistence of religious distinctions in justifying slavery

so what happened?
race happened
but it's also important to know that it was capital-S Science in the 18th and 19th centuries
religion and imperialism and scientific theories of white supremacy are co-constitutive
and learned to think whiteness was superior to all other racial expressions
and used whiteness to justify more christian european imperialism and violence

@syljohns again: freedom for some requires the unfreedom of others
yeah, like this
and religion--what came to be white euro christianity--helped write that source code
bc the creation of American Blackness ALSO makes space for creativity and resistance and community and joy
(oy, the things we have to say in 2020)
BUT ALSO amazing pockets of Black and Native resilience and resistance and creativity
(even as white suffragettes ghetto-ized her speech, spoilers for episode 205)
the 18th and 19th centuries see surges of radical religious innovation ("great awakenings")
some NRMs try to live into racial equality, like the Shakers
Other 19th century NRMs use science and theology to argue for white supremacy, like the Church of Christ Scientist and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
(illustration is from The Mormon Wife, Life Scenes in Utah)

bringing awareness of "eastern" religions like Buddhism
& Shinto
which has a massive impact on America's religious landscape


@syljohns AGAIN plus check out Lerone Martin & @KGinLum's chapter especially
she's tweeting through that syllabus tomorrow, but you can see it here first:

not sure any other single piece of legislation has such an effect on the American religious landscape
plus a spike in "eastern" inspired NRMs, which freaked out the parents of nice white college kids who suddenly started chanting in Sanskrit
to being racialized as Arab by the 1970s
and if you haven't checked out her video on the @ScholarStrike YT page, you gotta
we'll be back after lunch with more #ScholarStrike resources and RTs
don't forget: our DMs are open if you want us to post resources on your behalf!