فرآه ثعلب آخر فسأله لم قطعت ذيلك ؟ قال له إني أشعر بسعادة وكأني طائر في الهواء يالها من متعة .
When another fox saw him, he asked, why did you severe your tail? He replied:
I feel happiness (without the tail). I feel like I’m flying in the air. What a great delight it is!
فجعله يقطع ذيله ! فلما شعر بألم شديد ولم يجد متعة مثله ، سأله : لما كذبت عليّ ؟
So the second fox cut his own tail, but rather than find it pleasurable like his friend said,
he felt sharp and excruciating pains. Turning to his friend, he asked, why did you lie to me?
قال : إن أخبرت الثعالب بألمك لن يقطعوا ذيولهم وسيسخرون منا
He replied, if you inform other foxes about the pain, they will not cut their tails and will make mockery of us.
فظلوا يخبرون كل من يجدوه بمتعتهم حتى أصبح غالب الثعالب دون ذيل! ثم إنهم صاروا كلما رأوا ثعلبا بذيل سخروا منه !
They started informing all the foxes about how delighted they feel until most of the foxes had their tail severed. Whenever they see a fox with tail, they mock him.
( فإذا عم الفساد صار الناس يعيرون الصالحين بصلاحهم ! واتخذهم السفهاء سخرية )
Whenever evil becomes rife in the land, righteous people are often condemned for their integrity and the fools turn them into objects of mockery.
عن كعب رحمه الله قال: “ليأتين على الناس زمان يُعَيَّر
المؤمن بإيمانه كما يعير اليومَ الفاجر بفجوره حتى يقال للرجل إنك مؤمن فقيه”
Ka’b rahimahullāh said, it shall come upon the people, a time when a believer shall be condemned for his faith in the manner that today the corrupt person is being condemned for his corruption
إن المجتمع الفاســـــــد إذا لم يجد للمصلحيـــــن تهمــــــة .. عيّرهـــــم بأجمــــــل ما فيهـــــم ..
In a corrupt society, whenever there's no concrete proof to smear the righteous persons, they denigrate them with their best character...
ألم يقل قوم لوط : ( أخرجوا آل لوط من
قريتكم إنهم أناس يتطهّـــــــــــرون
Did the people of Prophet Lūt not say, “Exile the household of Lūt from your town, they are a people given to purity (religious)?!
ويحكى ان رجلا دفن كلبا في مقابر المسلمين
It was related that a man buried his dog in the Muslim cemetery
فشكاه الناس الى القاضي ، فاستدعاه القاضي وسأله عن حقيقة ما نسب إليه
So the people complained to the judge and the judge summoned him to come and defend his action
فقال الرجل : نعم لقد أوصاني الكلب بذلك فنفذت وصيته .
(On appearing before the judge) the man said, my dog
wished to be buried in the Muslim cemetery. I merely executed its wish.
فقال القاضي : ويحك أتستهزيء بنا .
Judge: (Enraged) What’s wrong with you? Are you making mockery of us here?
فقال الرجل : وقد اوصاني الكلب أيضا ان اعطي 10000 دينار للقاضي ..
The man: My dog had also
directed me to give a thousand Dīnār to the judge...
فقال القاضي : رحم الله الكلب الفقيد
Judge: (smiling) May Allāh have mercy on your late dog
فتعجب الناس من القاضي وكيف تغير في الحال ،
The people were shocked by the sudden change in the judge’s countenance
فقال لهم القاضي :
لا تتعجبوا ؛فقد تأملت في امر هذا الكلب الصالح فوجدته من نسل كلب اصحاب الكهف .
Judge: Do not be surprised. After due observation, I realized that this righteous dog is a descendant of the dog of the ‘As-hāb al-Kahf (The Companions of the Cave)
هذا حالنا اليوم..
بعض الناس تتغير مبادئهم ومواقفهم فينطقون بالباطل ويدافعون عنه حسب رغباتهم وما تقتضيه مصالحهم
This is exactly our situation today. Some of us change our principles & positions at will, support & propagate falsehood once it serves our interests and benefits.
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Summary of Professor Akanji's lecture on dietary habits: 1. You only have control over what is between your mouth and throat. Between the throat and the anus, you have absolutely no control over it. That is, once food has passed your throat, it's out of your hands;
2. After a meal, it takes 5 to 7 hours for the digestive system to complete its work. Assuming you eat @ 7am, your next meal should be @ 12pm or 2pm;
3. Eating in-between meals disrupts digestion and puts pressure on the system. It's like putting pepper in a grinder and before
4. it completes its task, you add corn or cassava to it;
5. It's healthier to eat just once in a day and take plenty of water and fruits;
6. It's dangerous to sneak into the kitchen at night to chop meat or snacks after taking dinner. Drink water instead.
Recently, a famous social media couple announced divorce days after their second child was born. What is most shocking is that this couple lived their entire matrimonial life on instagram, portraying themselves as a perfect match, living the best marital life anyone can wish for.
Many of their followers might have felt so miserable with their own lives, hoping and praying they can be as happy as the now estranged couple. In fact, some may have thought that they were in the wrong marriage, torturing themselves emotionally and mentally.
Lessons: 1. There's no perfect human being on earth. Such characters only exist in Zee World;
2. Thus, there cannot be a perfect marriage. Every marriage has its problems and challenges, even when couples wear cosmetic and forced happiness to disguise their emotional struggles;
1/Many who are otherwise spectators on either side of the aisle on this matter are unfortunately oblivious of the historical as well as empirical facts therein. Understandably, though inexcusably, many amongst them are irked by positions & counter-positions
2/This sentiment-based bitterness is further fueled, by a mischievous few, who know the truth, but would rather capitalize on the ignorance of many, to heat up the polity. It is, therefore, a fact that this situation, if allowed to linger for much longer will only lead to anarchy
3/Fundamentally, there are two court judgements that conclusively address the ongoing brouhaha.
The first unambiguously ruled that the government owns these schools, while the second unequivocally ruled that it remains a fundamental human right for the girl child to choose to
The Sincerity of the Sahābah: Jarīr bn Abdil-A'lāh Al-Bajalī رضي الله عنه in Focus
It is narrated that Jarīr bn Abdil-A'lāh Al-Bajalī رضي الله عنه once sent his servant to purchase a horse and he got one at about 200 Dirhams. When he saw the horse, he asked his servant:
He: How much did you buy it?
Servant: 200 Dirhams
He: Indeed, you have underpriced this horse. Do you recognize the seller?
Servant: Yes, I do
He: Take me to him immediately.
On getting to the owner, Jarīr رضي الله عنه said to him, "You have sold this animal for a lesser
value than its actual worth. I'm going to pay you more for it. So he continued to add more and more money to it until the final payment came at 800 Dirhams from 200."
Shocked by this rare kindness, the seller asked him, "why did you pay me this much for the horse?"
1. Today, in our explanation of the Hadīth لا يقبل الله صلاة أحدكم إذا أحدث حتى يتوضأ “Allāh will not accept the prayer of any one of you if he breaks wind, until he does wudū”, we examined the juristic polemics on the application of the word قَبول ‘acceptance’.
2. The reason for the differences in its application can be traced to the differences in its connotations. Basically, jusrists have defined this word in two ways:
a. ترتب الثواب على العبادة qualification of an act of worship for reward. The major point here is الثواب (reward).
3. If this definition is taken, it would simply imply that an acceptable act is one that qualifies for reward (having satisfied all required conditions), likewise an unacceptable act is one that is not rewarded (even if it satisfies all the required conditions).