2019 has been a crucial year for @HumanistsInt: a 70% increase in income, £100k+ given out in grants to our Members and Associates, new staff members, more resources invested to #ProtectHumanistsAtRisk, etc.
Don't forget to tune in later at 15.00 UTC for the launch of the Freedom of Thought Report by Humanists International! Here are some highlights from the report.
We submit the following questions to the candidates standing for election at the Human Rights Council as part of the online #HRCpledging event hosted by @amnesty & @ISHRglobal
Saudi Arabia (1/2): Many peaceful citizens, incl. #RaifBadawi#AshrafFayadh & #AhmadAlShamri, languish in prison for the ‘crime’ of exercising their basic human right to free expression. If elected, will KSR end its zero-tolerance policy towards dissent or criticism? #HRCpledging
Saudi Arabia (2/2): KSA has arbitrarily detained and persecuted many women for advocating reforms to the male guardianship system. Will KSA demonstrate a true commitment to human rights by pledging to release these activists & investigate allegations of their torture?#HRCpledging
The behavior described in this article is serious and completely reprehensible, and warrants a full investigation by the police or relevant authorities.
Thread: 1/12
While the disgusting behaviour described in this article does not remove a person's basic right to asylum, it does affect whether we are willing to work on his case.
To date, we have released a statement of concern, written to the RAB regarding the current situation for FoRB in Tunisia and signposted Amari to groups that may provide well-being support. We will not be taking any further action.
In many other countries apostates face social stigma or are actively discriminated against or persecuted by the state, even when there are no official laws stating that ‘apostasy’ is illegal.
Humanism is non-religious, but there are several other aspects and components of humanism. For instance, humanity, gender equality, the environment, other animals, science and culture.
Defending human rights, protecting humanists at risk, and promoting humanists values at the United Nations and other human rights bodies (hmnts.in/advocacy) is an important part of a humanist organization’s work.
By embracing the word humanism, you are expressing that you are linked to other like-minded thinkers and groups from all around the world (hmnts.in/our-members) who share your ethical grounding.