I've been saying this for months now, but the behaviour of police globally over COVID-19 coupled with inconsistent application of draconian restrictions on civil liberties is over the top.
THREAD from a distinguished Australian legal academic. 👇👇👇
I'll cover this in more detail tomorrow in my @talkRADIO spot with @Iromg, but for now a few preliminaries.
First, just because I think a writer like Suzanne Moore is quality doesn't mean I agree with everything she says. [1]
Second, Suzanne Moore hasn't been cancelled. She has, however, been siloed. The number of people in my mentions who've never heard of her until today is notable. [2]
The reason my followers haven't heard of her is because I'm a Tory and most of my followers are Tories. Yes I have a few LibDem and Labour followers, and a few "hate-followers" of various stripes, but it's mostly Tories. [3]
I have copy to finish today & so will be off for a bit, but in the interval, I'll leave you with this piece from arguably the country's leading jurist, Lord Sumption. [1] dailymail.co.uk/debate/article…
I have become increasingly alarmed at the abrogation of the rule of law (particularly its core principle, "treat like cases alike") the government's response to COVID-19 has engendered. [2]
The most glaring, of course, has been the state's habit of treating similar protests differently, apparently on the basis of race but certainly on the basis of political views. I'm looking at you, Black Lives Matter, you pinheaded American imports. [3]
People who believe in media effects theory are so touching. Presumably they also believe watching porn produces sex offenders (it doesn’t) and playing video games produces school shooters (they don’t).
The thinking behind stopping people reading the paper for a day holds that humans and our social world are highly malleable, our identities susceptible to massive alterations as consequences of tiny, simple interventions. [2]
People who believe in this version of “false consciousness” view human behaviour as irrational and easily manipulated. This is the image of working-class people a great many educated people hold at the moment. It’s at the root of the various Russia conspiracies about Brexit. [3]
I'll give this a bump so you can read the piece I referred to while talking to @Iromg this morning.
To Tony Abbott or to not Tony Abbott? I spoke with @Iromg on @talkRADIO about why he is such a polarising figure (even as a trade envoy), and what happened when Australia had six PMs in eight years.