Trump saying he wanted to "play down" COVID-19 isn't news. We *knew* he was. Likewise, *of course* he knew how deadly it was. Advisers told him.
You want news? How about 5 major-media reports confirming the Trump White House knew of the virus in November 2019? #ProofofCorruption
PS/ "News" is shocking—not something one previously had reason to suspect. I think this week we'll hear as "news" many things long self-evident. Trump admitting to what everyone in America already knew isn't news. The White House lying about 2019 COVID-19 intelligence *is* news.
PS2/ Media is going to do the silly and stupid things it does—but Americans needn't play along. *We* decide what's important: discovering when the White House learned about COVID-19—November 2019—or "learning" that yes, as we all *knew*, *Trump* knew he was downplaying the virus.
PS3/ When actual news comes out about Trump, I tweet it, whether it comes from ABC News, NBC News, The Times of Israel, and others—like my research on when the Trump White House learned of the virus—or Bob Woodward. But I can't pretend non-news is news just because it's "new."
PS4/ I *strongly* urge people not to adopt any new timeline for the White House's virus response that sets the beginning of Trump's recognition of the virus danger at late January. That is false—that is not what happened. But I'm afraid that's the new line that is being sold now.
PS5/ I'm glad we're hearing Trump's words. But I saw this happen with FEAR and the Trump-Russia issue—a book that seemed to be "hard" on Trump wrongly said there was no collusion. Now, a book that seems "hard" on Trump will *revise the pandemic timeline* in a way that aids Trump.
PS6/ In any event, I'll say no more—as anyone who reads Chapter 42 of Proof of Corruption and sees my sourcing will understand why this is upsetting. It's far easier than many think for a book that seems hard on Trump to in fact be doing him a much bigger solid than any critique.
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(📢) NATSEC COMMUNITY NOTE: Musk is confessing to beginning to blame Ukraine for a war Putin started—thus working to aid Putin—at exactly the moment he began having clandestine business and geopolitical negotiations with Putin.
1/ I used to be a federal criminal investigator. I'm now a Musk biographer who recently published a book about Musk, PROOF OF DESTRUCTION. Not a single federal criminal investigator who has researched Musk as I have would doubt that he's coordinated aiding the Kremlin since 2022.
2/ The beginning of the Musk-Putin conspiracy came shortly after Musk made associates aware he wanted to expand Tesla factories to Russia, suggesting he'd received the same business-related entreaties from Kremlin agents Trump got in 2013, 2015, and 2016.…
This is one of the most shameful days in US history.
A weak, corrupt, compromised Kremlinist US president recruited his Yarvinist VP to gang up on a heroic ally on live TV. It devolved into a shouting match. Why?
I mean it: that was one of the most distressing videos I’ve ever watched as an American.
Zelenskyy is the George Washington of Ukraine and one of the most heroic men alive. He sat through a shouted (televised) lecture by two of the _worst_ men alive.
A real-life *horror film*.
What happened today was a character litmus test.
If you watched those two weak-willed Kremlinists (Trump and Vance) and thought they were great, you’re a person of low moral character.
If it wasn’t *clear* to you who the hero in that room was—and how he was abused—shame on you.
I only went to Harvard Law and have three terminal graduate degrees, including a PhD, so I apologize if this is a question a drooling moron would ask, @yhbryankimiq, but is there a reason you do not list his accomplishments?
Is it because none are his—but those of his employees?
I know this is a difficult concept for Elongelicals, so let me use their favorite form of argument: anecdote.
I have 5 higher-ed degrees; I earned them all personally and in the shortest possible period of time.
Elon flamed out at three colleges and was *not* admitted to a PhD.
I’ve founded 4 startups: a consulting company and three media outlets, one a multimillion-dollar operation. I had no seed money for my startups but the little in my bank account.
Musk had money from his dad’s emerald mines and $300 million via Zip2—the idea for which wasn’t his.
As an Elon Musk biographer, I would peg his IQ as between 100 and 110. There’s zero evidence in his biography of anything higher.
And I want to repeat that now, lest you think it a typo.
There’s zero evidence, from his life history, of Musk having anything higher than a 110 IQ.
Stepped away from Twitter for a number of hours—on the basis of this not being a platform worth spending time on—and came back to find this tweet went viral because Nate Silver thinks Carlyle's 1800s theory of history, the Great Man Theory, is still relevant to historians in 2025
I understand the MAGAsphere runs on dudes who stayed at a Holiday Inn last night and are now expert astrophysicists, but another possibility is Musk's biographers know him better than fanboys do, and historians know more than pollsters about history.
I mean I'm just an American lawyer, so what do I know compared to a nepo baby whose money initially came from Zambian emerald mines, but under the United States Constitution and the thousands of Supreme Court decisions interpreting it for 250 years, free speech is *not* absolute
And I guess I would add to that, @ElonMusk, that if you don't know what I just said already, while you do not *have* to shut the f*** up under the First Amendment, you absolutely *should* shut the f*** up until you know what the f*** you're talking about, you *petulant man-child*
@elonmusk MAGAism is feelings over facts
All I ever hear Trump voters say is not what is true by law but what they think *should* be true, not actually how anything works but how they *wish* it would work
When you are poorly educated and know nothing, all you have is your Big Feelings
If you wonder why civil commitment statutes exist, the extremely dangerous derangement Musk is exhibiting publicly is why
He's now accused multiple federal agencies of being criminal operations, accused many federal officials of being criminals, and seems to believe he is POTUS
America is watching the mental collapse of the richest man on Earth in real time—and it's only a question of how many markets collapse, how many millions of people lose their jobs, and how many people die due to his actions before someone who cares about him tries to get him help
Clearly not one member of his family is willing to get off the gravy train to stand up to him and tell him that he needs to get off drugs, take a break from public life, and be hospitalized for a period of time
His employees know he is deranged but are obviously terrified of him