THREAD NYC MAYORAL CANDIDATES 2021 and ANALYSIS on SHELTER ANIMAL WELFARE (feel free to chime in) and candidates or potential one's as well
@CurtisSliwa Nobody would make no kill happen faster than Curtis. He ARRANGED to rescue a kitten at ACC and bf his family got there, they killed it. Certainly retaliation for his no kill stance and criticisms of ACC. Difficulty? NYC is liberal.
@JCats2013 Second biggest animal lover is John Catsimatidis. Owner of Gristedes chain. I believe I read his wife gave their cat CPR. I believe like @CurtisSliwa he would make ACC no kill and replace leadership in a heartbeat. Difficulty? Also not a liberal in liberal NYC.
@BKBoroHall ERIC ADAMS. Former cop. Drowned a rat in a city council session. Intentional cruelty with such brutal arrogance can not be supported. Would continue ACC #deblasiosyulinnyc
Cory could been hero and called for immediate ACC leadership change; he ignored R pleas. Continues to do so and would not comment on: Maverick,
Don, fix n kill. Warning: Like @NYCMayor will lie n promise no kill; be not fooled!
ANOTHER DO NOT VOTE FOR MAYOR @scottmstringer CURRENTLY @NYCComptroller Did incredible audit years ago about atrocities at ACC and never followed up. Promised us audit bout year ago and never did one. He like @NYCSpeakerCoJo knows exactly what goes on at ACC but ignores it.
All appearances seems to be a kind hearted person. I have no idea of her stance on no kill nyc. A huge concern is she was @NYCMayor right hand/ advisor. This major RED FLAG. But open to listening.
Another person that has NOT stated their animal shelter policy regarding no kill: KATHLEEN GARCIA (Head of Sanitation) @NYCSanitation Open to hearing her views.
Plse DO NOT kill this dog. Give us a little time. We will find a rescue. Plse. I'm begging here. This dog has so much life. Let us network. Better alive and in a cage for a week than dead. Plse have mercy on the trauma this dog has endured.
Gang, I in love with jewel. She is so sad, so much love and in high kill hell. Help her enjoy life under a willow tree, chasing balls, finding her place in the sun. Share, tag, do one act of kindness for this baby. If u know anyone in CA who could foster or adopt. #savejewel