since #BidenTheRapist is trending, here's a piece *written in 2008* describing how it was widely known that biden accosted staffers in the senate, yet not a single journalist has bothered to follow up on it
the fact biden was doing this shortly after his wife's fatal car accident is depraved enough, but it gets worse when you consider that he lied about how his wife died, blaming it on the driver being drunk, a story he made up. he only apologized to his family after he had died
so here we have biden with multiple credible accusations of assault and rape and a long history of lying about everything from being jailed while trying to see mandela in prison to deeply personal things like how his wife died, and we're supposed to believe him over his accusers
my mentions are now flooded with bluemaga biden bros making fun of alex cockburn's name (yes, they're all 6), saying trump raped more ergo biden's rape is totally cool, and calling me a russian bot. typical bluemaga stuff. btw this piece is also great:…
this is amazing: one rando biden bro w/ like 50 followers just made up a series of events about biden not being in the senate then so that it would contradict cockburn, with zero evidence, and other bluemaga types started repeating it as if it's fact. this is trumpian derangement
they are literally just making stuff up and repeating it to each other as if it's fact because it's convenient to them. they did it earlier with the obama flint clip. if you think a biden win will make any of this better you're delusional
Bernie Sanders's account recently posted the deranged claim that "For 250 years the United States has supported democracy." This was not a fluke. Bernie Sanders is now repeating that depraved neo-con lie at all his rallies, making it a core part of his messaging. From today:
the speaker who introduced Bernie Sanders shouted the Azov Nazi slogan "Slava Ukraini!", Sanders repeatedly laundered the Azov Nazi proxy war and did not mention the ongoing Gaza genocide until someone shouted it out at the end and he repeated his lies:
so Bernie Sanders is now doing a neo-con tour through America, erasing the history of genocidal US empire's wars and coups and the countless millions of deaths it caused across the world, as he launders an ongoing proxy war and goes "uhhh MEDICARE MAYBE, UHH MEDICARE GOOD"
never forget that the Erdogan-Jolani regime now massacring and torturing civilians was already mass torturing, killing and raping civilians in its vast network of NATO-funded dungeons before their CIA and Mossad backed offensive to establish their fascist regime was successful:
the Erdogan-Jolani regime is very good at massacring, torturing and raping civilians with its CIA-Mossad armed and funded gangs, but they are totally powerless against Israel. Then they can't do anything. Erdogan can't even provide air defense. Here's why:
the same Erdogan-Jolani gangs funded and armed by the CIA-Mossad now roaming the streets of Syria killing, torturing and raping civilians haven't fired a single bullet at the Israelis who keep occupying more land. That's so strange:
Yuval Abraham repeatedly spread the genocidal atrocity propaganda rape hoax, said Hamas must be destroyed which is a call for genociding Gaza, lied about Hamas being responsible for the lack of peace and called them "Islamist supremacists" who want to subjugate and kill all Jews even though they have repeatedly called for a diplomatic resolution which Israel has blocked and have said their struggle is with Zionism, not Jews.
And he works for the liberal Zionist +972 Magazine which was co-founded by Lisa Goldman, who lied that she personally saw non-existent photos of beheaded babies to mainstream that genocidal lie among Western liberals and progressives:…
That's why they gave him the Oscar, in case you were wondering. And that's why he hijacked the moment to whine about the Israeli rape-soldier prisoners in Gaza, grotesquely equating them with the countless Palestinian hostages. Palestinian lives can only be valued by the Western media class when filtered through the genocidal liberal Zionist lens as embodied by Yuval Abrahams. And that is why they exist.
the great Mohammed el-Kurd (@m7mdkurd) said it perfectly:
also as @Louis_Allday pointed out, Yuval Abraham's AI stories for liberal Zionist +972 Magazine (whose co-founder Lisa Goldman laundered the 40 beheaded babies hoax) are designed to absolve Israeli rape-soldiers from criminal liability:…
Lula on Zelensky: "I don’t know the President of Ukraine. But his behavior is a bit weird. It seems like he’s part of the spectacle. He is on television morning, noon, and night. He is in the U.K. parliament, the German parliament, the French parliament, the Italian parliament, as if he were waging a political campaign. He should be at the negotiating table.
Reporter: Can you really say that to Zelensky? He didn’t want a war, it came to him.
Lula: He did want war. If he didn’t want war, he would have negotiated a little more. That’s it. I criticized Putin when I was in Mexico City [in March], saying that it was a mistake to invade. But I don’t think anyone is trying to help create peace. People are stimulating hate against Putin. That won’t solve things! We need to reach an agreement. But people are encouraging [the war]. You are encouraging this guy [Zelensky], and then he thinks he is the cherry on your cake. We should be having a serious conversation: “OK, you were a nice comedian. But let us not make war for you to show up on TV.” And we should say to Putin: “You have a lot of weapons, but you don’t need to use them on Ukraine. Let’s talk!”
Lula said this about Zelensky in May of 2022, at the height of the deranged Western media and political class propaganda about the Holy and Sacrosanct nature of the US-NATO proxy war. Because he knew exactly why it was launched and how it would end:…
He said what Trump and Vance are now saying, but before over a million were killed in the meat-grinder intentionally by US-NATO empire, including Trump who now keeps bragging over and over again that unlike Obama he did send the Azov Nazis advanced weaponry and integrated them into the NATO military infrastructure, directly precipitating the proxy war.
Trump and the Zionists who own him wanted the proxy war to weaken Russia through Ukrainian blood, and now having accomplished that sufficiently they want to end it as part of a deal to cleave Russia away from Iran ahead of the war they will launch against them.
Gustavo Petro on Zelensky: "This is a war between brothers, armed by powers external to the Slavic peoples. Now Zelensky and Europe are betrayed by the USA, which got him and Europe into the war.
Zelensky's stupidity, and I say this clearly, for allowing himself to be manipulated by Western Europeans, who do not know where they are going, whether towards Hitler, or towards nothing; they fight with their Slavic brothers and end up giving Ukraine to the Americans.
Remember, support for the Ukraine proxy war is only normal among the US pseudo-radical "left", Bernie Sanders and AOCIA leading the charge. Because they are totally wedded to the US-NATO empire.
when the Ukraine proxy war began causing mass destruction and destitution, what was the first thing Israelis did? They began luring young Ukrainian girls to their country to rape them and turn them into sex slaves, and the government promoted and enabled it all:
just recently the Israeli parliament gave an honorary award to a pedophile gang-rapist who is Israel's most beloved artist, does official events with the military and leading politicians, and whose song became their anthem. Israel is a death and rape-cult:
Israeli toddlers, children, girls and women from Gaza border settlements are actually being raped and tortured by pedophile rapists, except it's happening in Tel Aviv, done by Israeli Zionists. Zero Western media coverage of this actual proven mass rape:
Zelensky is seeing in real time what happens when you sell your nation and people to the US-NATO-Israeli empire, as he is humiliated in front of the world, shouted at, scolded like a petulant little boy, and no one is coming to help him. It's over. They got their pound of flesh
everything Mearsheimer and the few others who said it was a proxy war for the sole purpose of destroying Ukraine to weaken Russia has been proven right:…
Just recently the US and Israel voted against the UN resolution blaming Russia for the proxy war. The same Israel that invited Azov Nazis on holiday and used their vast propaganda apparatus to launder them and the proxy war for years, which Zelensky repaid in kind by committing himself fully to the genocidal Zionist project, and framing Ukraine as the new Israel for the US-NATO empire.
Application refused. Because you have no power, you have no Israel lobby, you have no Zionist media and political class that dominates both liberal and conservatives in the US and the West, and you're facing Russia, a state with the actual ability to fight back against the entire US-NATO-Israeli empire. It's over now, they're moving on to the Iran war so they need to wind this meat-grinder down to peel Russia away from Iran for their precious Israel's war. The neo-cons have no use for you anymore, the disgusting pathetic scumbag you are and have always been.
After the 2014 Azov Nazi coup that you were the proud inheritor of they activated you to weaken Russia as much as they could, as you together destroyed your entire country and people, while you siphoned off cash to the Virgin Islands bank accounts of yourself and your Zionist billionaire funders like Ihor Kolomoyskyi (see…).
And now it's all coming to an end. The only question that remains is where you will end up. I hope it will be where I imagine it.
the most important lesson to learn is the one Nasrallah emphasized over and over: Never trust the US-NATO-Israeli empire. They will gleefully destroy entire nations and peoples for just a little more leverage on what they perceive as a threat:…
They killed millions in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, and Ukraine, and it's like nothing to them. Destroying entire nations and people's is what the US-NATO-Israeli empire exists to do. That is its purpose: To destroy and weaken whomever dares defy them by insisting on their sovereignty and independence.
That is not allowed. You are not allowed to do that. They will mass murder and rape your entire nation and people if you dare do that.
But you can resist. They are not all-powerful. They were beaten back by Hezbollah. They were not able to defeat Hamas. When they launch their war on Iran soon, it will have to apply this lesson and respond in kind, or they too will end up like all the others. Remember Nasrallah's words, memorize them to heart!