@RepBrianFitz began his FBI career as an agent training at Quantico on the 1 year anniversary of 9/11. His whole working life has been steeped in seeking out threats, except now the threats he points to are his fellow Americans.
🚨voted NO to impeachment, after refusing SCIF testimony
🚨applauded Trump firing of @petestrzok, a key FBI investigator of the Russian mob
🚨told BillBarr to falsely direct attention to antifa instead of #WhiteSupremacists
🚨voted against election security
@RepBrianFitz's terror tunnel vision caused him to visit the border& ICE encampments: to sympathize w #CBP needing more agents, resources & support, but that the asylum seekers in cages he saw was "overcrowding but no mistreatment"
@terryspen 1) Mr. Spencer, I'm reading your Parkland reporting in earnest since it was highlighted yesterday by my PA01 Congressman Fitzpatrick.
For additional context, I will add what our exFBI agent has done regarding gun safety/control & local school protests in the district since 2018..
@terryspen 2) Back in 2018, Pennridge (Bucks County) school students @NeverAgainPenn protested the Parkland murders with a walk-out demonstration. The proNRA school board & admin put them on Saturday detention. It became national news.
Reminds me of th time a @RepBrianFitz-stan #BucksCounty GOP committee person posted @ring video footage instantly accessed from (ex-FBI!) Fitzpatrick's #PA01 official district office to mock a local visiting Indivisible crew- it was never explained how he gained security access🧐
Again, this was *not* the @BrianFitzUSA campaign office in #BucksCounty. It was at the official federal #PA01 district office of Rep Fitzpatrick
One of the 3 GOP people involved in this @ring security incident at @RepBrianFitz's office is now working for the @marcorubio campaign
"For starters, the Ring system has been repeatedly criticized for its cyber security flaws"
This is the full roster of candidates for #Pennridge school board — you can see some have “cross-filed” which means they are on both Dem & GOP ballots for the May 18 election. Many of them *have* submitted their profiles to nonpartisan @LWV 👍 (but not all😕)
Noting here that the first 4 candidates (listed alphabetically) are also all endorsed by extremist right #KKISpac, and all only filed on the Republican slate for #Pennridge school board.
Chaikin running for #Pennridge has nothing to say to nonpartisan League of Women Voters as Pennridge district residents prepare to vote. But she has plenty to say in fringe forums.
"By entering your name & address, you can see the unedited responses of just those candidates who will be on your ballot. You can do a side-by-side comparison of the candidates, decide which 1 best represents your views. You can print out your choices to take w you to the polls"
"In a primary election, candidates for school board, county judicial courts and district magistrate courts can cross-file which means that they can run in both the Republican and Democratic primary races."