1. Here is a thread with a series of my articles on false flag attacks, a favorite trick of NWO, which employs the fear-then-relief response employed by interrogators in the Reid Technique.
3. Through COVID-19, they seek to drive us to forced vaccinations, socialized medicine, and cybernetically implanted medical records, stored in chips on our wrists.
5. But that will seem small time when they blow Three Gorges Dam in China, blame it on Taiwan, the only non-member of the United Nations, start a war, and require survivors to join the U.N.
6. Hundreds of millions will die worldwide as part of their plan to reduce world population and destroy harbor cities so they can be rebuilt to accomodate the new giant ships.
7. Imagine when the biggest dam unleashes a flood down the Yangtze that floods across the Pacific like a tsunami....
8. NWO plays similar games as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) purposely create state bankruptcies and naturals disasters to drive countries to further borrowing and all of us to global environmental solutions.
See my article below, regarding a report I made to the FBI, since an Israeli government account sent me the addresses of Israeli embassies along with a recipe for Molotov cocktails.
Plus, here's another I wrote, while your masters in British Military Intelligence, and American Central Intelligence, stage attacks against Jews, to justify your existence, as you falsely claim to oppose these actions.
Here's my article on the attempt by the Israeli government to involve me in terrorist activities on American soil, through entrapment, while I reported their crime to the FBI
I published it on my website with three million hits.
P.S. You can file it next the one-billion-dollar lawsuit that I brought against your criminal organization, as I took my case all the way up to the United States Supreme Court.
P.P.S. And you can file it next to the article I wrote on how you seem to have used brain-washed veterans to stage attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas under Operation Gladio B.
P.P.S. And I applaud the moves to reacquire Panama and to annex Greenland, but I just hope the wildlife doesn't get lost in the shuffle--since national parks are also what makes our country great!
@RepThomasMassie Our enemies are luciferians who arrange events to astrological gangsigns, so you should look to the occultation of Saturn by Venus, since Saturn, or Chronos, stands for Time (TikTok), and Venus stands for Lucifer.
@RepThomasMassie Our satanic enemies are just that crazy, while you can learn more about the astronomical events that drive their decision-making in the video below.
@RepThomasMassie Here, too, is an article I wrote on the arrangement of a constitutional amendment in conjunction with their manipulation of the government, through assassinations, and otherwise, more than fifty years ago.
@RepThomasMassie P.S. When I was at Cambridge, the English lady whom I loved used to laugh at "God Bless America," which is so vulgar and typical of New York. It's not about songs, but how about a real song, which reaches Appalachia, like "America the Beautiful."
@RepThomasMassie P.P.S. And here's a bit by the fellow who sang it, Pete Seeger, who was blacklisted by the government, and he was far from perfect, but at least he had guts.