For fifty years, I have been a survivor of CIA, NSA, Tavistock, & Illuminati mind control--a targeted individual who fights V2K, PROJECT MONARCH, & MK-ULTRA.
14 subscribers
Feb 1 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
To the ADL:
See my article below, regarding a report I made to the FBI, since an Israeli government account sent me the addresses of Israeli embassies along with a recipe for Molotov cocktails.
This comes from Aman, Shin Bet, and Mossad.…
Plus, here's another I wrote, while your masters in British Military Intelligence, and American Central Intelligence, stage attacks against Jews, to justify your existence, as you falsely claim to oppose these actions.
Here's my article on the attempt by the Israeli government to involve me in terrorist activities on American soil, through entrapment, while I reported their crime to the FBI
I published it on my website with three million hits.
P.S. You can file it next the one-billion-dollar lawsuit that I brought against your criminal organization, as I took my case all the way up to the United States Supreme Court.
P.S. Fight fire with fire, I always say, while I applaud the executive orders to keep America First!
Jan 21 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
@RepThomasMassie Our enemies are luciferians who arrange events to astrological gangsigns, so you should look to the occultation of Saturn by Venus, since Saturn, or Chronos, stands for Time (TikTok), and Venus stands for Lucifer.…
@RepThomasMassie Our satanic enemies are just that crazy, while you can learn more about the astronomical events that drive their decision-making in the video below.
Jan 21 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
@RepThomasMassie Dear Representative Massie:
This is sappy garbage.
It's not about the feel-good tingle, when you listen to music, or a picture of smiling whoevers, but it's about doing something.
These people seem to have bought you off.
And you disappoint me.
@RepThomasMassie P.S. When I was at Cambridge, the English lady whom I loved used to laugh at "God Bless America," which is so vulgar and typical of New York. It's not about songs, but how about a real song, which reaches Appalachia, like "America the Beautiful."
Dec 21, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
1. Learn the real story of Magdeburg, which is plainly a false flag attack staged by NATO and BND.…2. These attacks involve mind controlled lunatics who are not what they seem, while 911 is only one example of the deep state's control and use of the muslim terror network.
1. Learn the real story of Magdeburg, which is plainly a false flag attack staged by NATO and BND.…2. These attacks involve mind controlled lunatics who are not what they seem, while 911 is only one example of the deep state's control and use of the muslim terror network.
That's when I wasn't exposing your fraudulent cars, whose exploding engines contain hundreds of nonrecyclable parts, as your success depends on slave labor, mining pollution, and Biden-Harris energy policies.
@davidicke While I celebrate the life of David Icke's daughter, this post appeared at the top of my feed, so CIA threatens my daughter through apparent coincidence & control of this platform.
See their moves--and visit my site (with more than two million hits).
I heard the implied threat your masters made against my daughter, as you continue to interfere with my use of your platform.
You are a fool, and the slave of fools, you stupid coward.
Support free speech, as you claim to do.
The world sees your lies.
Oct 24, 2023 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
1. Since the Office of Naval Intelligence, in Suitland, to support of Army Seventh Psychological Operations Group, in Sunnyvale, is bothering me today, I thought I’d do a short thread on them.…2. They’re using microwave harassment, directed energy weapons, and hive mind, and they think I can’t hit them back.
1. Learn what’s really going on in Israel, while MOSSAD, run by the English, in MI7, as it is run by the Catholics, in CIA, run their little Babylonian slaves like the Prime Minister of Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu.…2. It’s not just connected to Catholics, Jews, and Muslims, but it goes to Egypt—-under their obscene traditions of the so-called Abraham Religions.
@CathyCathyFox Further to Cathy's tweet above, here's another piece I wrote on Mia K, while one reader said that some of the silicon in her breasts must have leaked into her brain....…
@CathyCathyFox Mia Khalifa had more dignity when she was giving blowjobs on camera than she later showed when she became "an influencer," while her sicko masters leave their markers all over the pretty little numbskull (for whom I feel truly sorry).
1. As usual, the Jesuits, the slaves of the Jesuits in England, and the slaves of the English in China, are bothering me.…2. China is their little slave, so it’s no surprise the rest push it in front, so the land of slaves bears the brunt of this thread from my site, which has more than two million hits, and five hundred articles, while China came by in my very first week.
While you are reading my article on the turn of seasons, and the leaves begin to fall, take a stand against the senseless murder of more than half a million grouse, every year, in England.
Pamela Anderson is a real person, who overcame disgusting attacks, while the enemy tried to use her image; as she stands up for animals and against the deep state. No wonder the global intelligence community just tried to weaponize her against me....…
Read my article, above, on the little games played by little boys---and, meanwhile, real men and women, like me and Miss Anderson, stand united in our support of a vegetarian diet and our opposition to the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of baby seals by the scum in Canada.
Sep 15, 2023 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
1. As I amattacked with neurostrike, the scum think I can’t hit back.
The criminals in the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC), with the Mounties (RCMP), CSIS, & CSEC are up to no good with the Shuswap Fire. And you know the Jesuits and the Crown are in there, too. Learn more from locals on the scene! And help get the truth out!…
Read more about the criminals in Canada in my article below--not only how they rape and traffic the children of Native Americans, but also how they kill hundreds of thousands of baby seals every year at a financial loss.
Many ailments to which big pharmaceutical interests offer fake solutions are really false flag attacks by neurostrike weapons. Learn more in my article below, and please retweet!…
Microwave harassment, directed energy weapons, neurostrike, and Havana Syndrome are well-documented but seldom-noticed. Still, it's easy to figure out what's going on simply from your own experience.