What is a storm? This is a violent disturbs of the atmospher. It can also be a difficult situation. You might be going through a storm now, this message is for you.
Being a Christian will not stop you from going through a storm. You might choose to pull over or keep driving through the storm. God didn't design the storm to keep you in there but to bring you out of it.
Storms come and go but God'd word remain the same. If you panic during a storm that can wreck you. But stay true on God's word (Isaiah 26:7) If you keep your mind stayed on jesus you will outlive the storm.
The need to understand that the storms are regulated and have a timeframe. Speak to your situation rather than panic. Every storm you're going through, you're coming out in Jesus name.
Don't be bothered with the drama but on God's word. What God has said is what count. Your victory is here but sometimes you have to go through the storm.
This isn't a storm to test your faith or pre victory but as a result of disobedience. The same thing happened to Jonah. Sometimes we can attach a Jonah on our journey.
God still loves you even in this storm. God wants us to return to Him. The greater blessing is for you to have a relationship with God. You need to come to the point of repentance like Jonah.
Storm fills people with fear. Fear hinders people from thinking clearly. Resist fear from your life at all costs. Fear brings other troubles with it. In the midst of the storm, God is with you.
God wants to promote you even in the midst of the storm. This storm is taking you to a greater height. You are moving to a better place after the storm. The storm won't sink you.
Welcome to service! 🙌 Today, we step into a realm of divine power to Enlarge Kingdom Frontiers! 🔥 Get ready for an encounter that will shift your destiny.
Ministering: Pastor Sam Ekomekido
Topic: Power to Enlarge the Kingdom Frontiers
Text: Psalms 84:11, Proverbs 4:18
#SundayService #ChurchGRA #ChurchGRAService #GraceAndGlory
To advance and enlarge God's Kingdom, it is impossible without the power of the Holy Spirit.
One major characteristic of living things is growth. When you are not growing, then something is wrong. Anywhere you find things not working, it is time to seek the face of God's help.
1. Impatience. Seeking quick solutions. You need faith and patience to inherit the promise. 2. Ignorance of the help that come from God and consequences...
Good morning, welcome to God's Royal Assembly online platform. We are excited to fellowship and worship God with you this morning. Thanks for joining us!.
Now ministering is our Senior Pastor, @danayidu
Topic: All Round Fruitfulness
Fruitfulness is the a state of being extremely productive or prolific (Gen 1:28). God desires that you be fruitful.
Five Areas God wants you to be Fruitful 1. Fruitfulness of your body: God doesn't desire any of His children to be barren. (Exodus 23:25-26)
God wants you to be fruitful in your body.