Tom Nettles is the Reformed evangelical norm, not Charles Spurgeon in 2020. One of the dark secrets of American Calvinism, is that its entire US history has been on the side of theologically & anthropologically advancing white supremacy over blacks...…
It was this way during slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, desegregation, white flight in the 1970s, 80s, & 90s, locking arms with the GOP stigmatizing black inner-city residents & then using that to justify "mission," & so on. American Calvinism did not end slavery nor Jim Crow.
The shame this brings must be overwhelming to those who consider Reformed Evangelicalism the standard of how the gospel should be defined & those who believe their tribe is absolutely right. That is, "we get the gospel right." "If are right, how were "they" (not us) so wrong?"
The black church's entire history, since its inception, has been fighting against the racism & white supremacy of Calvinists from the Puritans, to Particular Baptists, to Presbyterians, and so on. As such, Nettles recent article is no surprise.…
The cleanse themselves of the shame of this American fact, 2020 Reformed evangelicals, when this history is raised, immediately leap to the following: (1) focussing on abolitionists, (2) squeezing a gnat through a straw to find the outlier black Calvinist in those circles, . . .
(3) Hoisting up Charles Spurgeon's anti-slavery content as some kind of deletion of the fact that UK/USA Calvinism has primarily supported the theological anthropology of white supremacy over blacks. It seems exaggerated & romanticized in its bringing about of *real* change.
Spurgeon's anti-slavery views lost him support of Southern Baptists. The same Southern Baptist perspective at the time is represented in Tom Nettles' 2020 article. Don't hear what I'm not saying: Spurgeon was a great preacher in the Baptist tradition & was faithful to it!
Kudos to him! In that sense, it's appropriate to celebrate him for those reasons but to raise him as proof that UK/USA Calvinism has not emphasized white supremacy, fails. The exception proves the rule. It also opens the door for the conflation of abolition with anti-racism.
Here's the question, from a black church perspective: what difference did Spurgeon's teaching make in rooting out *racism* in the 19th-century? Both UK & American abolitionists were extremely racist & I can't find the evidence of the effects of his preaching on English racism.
I'm interested in this, because of what I consider a romanticized & exaggerated view of his influence on English racism. I plan to contact black British scholars to explain their perspective on Spurgeon's racial impact because I don't see, historically, how racism was reduced.
In the US, instead of addressing the white nationalism that is rampant in 2020 Reformed evangelical culture, as an extension of the reading their own tradition, they have chosen the "whataboutism" approach to fight against BLM, critical race theory, intersectionality, etc.
Instead of embracing the epistemic humility that says, "huh, maybe there's something wrong with our tribe theologically because it historically fails to prevent Christian racism, we'll deflect by claiming others are the problem." If Spurgeon were the norm, there'd be no Nettles.
If Spurgeon were the norm, there'd be no discussions warning about the "threat" of "social justice warriors," "cultural Marxism," "critical race theory," etc. Instead, there would be an emphasis on white nationalism, submitting to black church leaders for direction, etc. . .
If Spurgeon were the norm, the emphasis would be "what happen to our forefathers during Jim Crow; to Billy Graham, Okenga, Criswell, etc. & why were they such failures on issues of race in the 1960s and 1970s?" And so on. Their version of the gospel doesn't end Christian racism.
If Spurgeon were the norm Picket, Lecrae, Mason, Tisby, etc., would not have walked away. No, the spirit of rejecting Spurgeon is the norm. Nettles is the local church norm. The Facebook norm. The blog norm. The Twitter norm. This why Thabiti has wasted many years of his life.
Thabiti Anyabwile has to say this in 2020 because Spurgeon is the outlier exception, not the rule. Not the norm. Why is he having to address this in 2020?
So please, Dear White Reformed Evangelical in a church tradition rooted in the Southern history, or Puritan race history, as we say in black community, "Take care of home first." Spurgeon will unsuccessfully assuage the shame of your history until you root out white nationalism.
I've seen leaders use Spurgeon to address 2020 issues, as if Spurgeon carries some sort of authority, say, like the Catholic Magisterium. White Calvinists didn't care about Spurgeon on race then & many won't care now in a context where authority rests in local church tribalism.
Spurgeon fandom on race will fail until they can figure out why their version of Calvinism does not prevent racist attitudes, Nettle's writing nonsense about slavery, etc. Here's the evasive (cowardly) response: "they had a blind spot in applying the true gospel." #TakeCareOfHome
Actually reading first is always helpful @itslukek 👆🏾 (name the traditions out loud)
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Young Life was founded in 1941—well-intended but a bit misguided. Teens weren’t disengaged from church; they lacked their father's spiritual formation at home. Fathers are the greatest predictor of faith persistence into adulthood. Rayburn should’ve launched "Father Life"!
Again, have decades of data, dating back to the 1840s, that fathers are greatest predictor of faith persistence from childhood to adulthood, and instead of hiring pastors for men and fathers, churches hire youth pastors.🤦🏾♂️This still happens today!! Decades of data about fathers!
Adolescence emerged from dad-deprivation, yet the ministries pursued the kids (YMCA, camps, youth groups) instead of fathers. I still don’t get it. A 6:30 AM Wed. Bible study & F3 aren't enough to serve men and fathers. Fathers need comprehensive, structural support. #Confused
Oops. The 1950s suburban nuclear family was a massive cultural mistake: men were away from their children most of the week, the homes were terribly lonely for women, teenagers were around peers all the time and became delinquent, adultery exploded, men were lost & anxious,
mothers were viewed as the only important adult in the home and bore too much of the responsibility for managing all aspects of family life, fathers were just a source of income, suburban social life was boring, unhappy & frustrated mothers became distant from their children,
homes became increasingly child-centered and obsessed with performance, adult masculinity was reduced being a "company man" and spending time engaging in hobbies; teens had the financial means to be "me-centered" and became more nihilistic, rebellious, cynical, & materialistic;
Wrong: I’ve written two books on Thomas Sowell. These posts are tiring & silly. Welfare destroyed marriage only among blacks in the lower quintile (the poor). Most blacks are not on welfare and @rothmus is presenting some nonsense here. Here’s why @prageru is dead wrong & lying:
(1) AFDC grew in expansion to blacks in the early 1970s after Jim Crow. In 1970, approximately 22.3% of the African American population was receiving (welfare) AFDC benefits. Welfare impacted marriage for the 22.3% NOT the 77.7%. Conservatives are misleading people grossly here!
(2) This overlooks the relationship between employment and marriage for black men. This economic oversight is extraordinary. Black marriages declined overall when blue collar jobs left inner-cities, impacting low-income blacks more acutely. Men won’t typically marry if they feel shame about providing for a family (but they will have kids, thanks to welfare & women earning more money in their own)
One of the largest influences on traditional black church music during slavery was the Scottish Hebrides Gaelic Lined-Out Psalm singing tradition. The Scots-Irish & enslaved blacks were so integrated as “lower-class” people that slaves learned & adapted lined-out Scottish forms.
This is what the original Scottish Gaelic Psalm singing sounded like.
Lined-out Scottish forms emerged in contexts where hymn books were not available. This tradition arrived with the Scots-Irish in Appalachia and across the Deep South. In fact, the Scots introduced the slaves to something called, “fried chicken.” The rest is history…
Evangelicals are gullible because they lust after social power and the influence of people "in high places." The GOP has been using white evangelicals as a political pawn to maintain power since the 1970s. Donald Trump is signaling that he could not care less about evangelicals.
Revivalist evangelicals, for some reason, were led to believe that being brought into the "halls of power" would influence America's faith, morals, and politics. The black church did not fall for this evangelical approach, given evangelical's history on race during Jim Crow.
Donald Trump's GOP does not care about evangelicals because they know that, no matter what, conservative evangelicals, are not going to vote for Joe Biden. The democrats have moved too far left on social/moral issues so the GOP has conservative evangelical voters locked in!
Is “Christian Masculinity/Raising Boys” the new $$ hustle? This guy wants to charge y’all $65 to teach y’all how to have friends and conduct a rite-of-passage programs for your sons. Dads, you don’t need this. I can tell you how to do this for free! 😂😂😂
You guys are not helpless children. You can figure out how to have fun with each other & your sons on your own terms. No website needed! 😎 1) How to have friends: do stuff together on a regular basis (work, fun, study, listen) and “encourage each other daily.”
2) Rite-of-passage has three ingredients: a) separation from an environment of ease, comfort, and familiarity. b) initiation—introduce challenging obstacles to overcome that requires boys to find new strengths and demands encouragement from peers and elders. Meaningful + fun!