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@ActonInstitute Research Fellow | Interdisc & Theo Studies Prof Kuyper College | Former Chemist | #Keto | @ClemsonUniv Alum | Book:
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Feb 19 9 tweets 2 min read
Oops. The 1950s suburban nuclear family was a massive cultural mistake: men were away from their children most of the week, the homes were terribly lonely for women, teenagers were around peers all the time and became delinquent, adultery exploded, men were lost & anxious, Image mothers were viewed as the only important adult in the home and bore too much of the responsibility for managing all aspects of family life, fathers were just a source of income, suburban social life was boring, unhappy & frustrated mothers became distant from their children,
Feb 11 7 tweets 2 min read
Wrong: I’ve written two books on Thomas Sowell. These posts are tiring & silly. Welfare destroyed marriage only among blacks in the lower quintile (the poor). Most blacks are not on welfare and @rothmus is presenting some nonsense here. Here’s why @prageru is dead wrong & lying: (1) AFDC grew in expansion to blacks in the early 1970s after Jim Crow. In 1970, approximately 22.3% of the African American population was receiving (welfare) AFDC benefits. Welfare impacted marriage for the 22.3% NOT the 77.7%. Conservatives are misleading people grossly here!
Jul 24, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
One of the largest influences on traditional black church music during slavery was the Scottish Hebrides Gaelic Lined-Out Psalm singing tradition. The Scots-Irish & enslaved blacks were so integrated as “lower-class” people that slaves learned & adapted lined-out Scottish forms.

This is what the original Scottish Gaelic Psalm singing sounded like.
Jul 17, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
Evangelicals are gullible because they lust after social power and the influence of people "in high places." The GOP has been using white evangelicals as a political pawn to maintain power since the 1970s. Donald Trump is signaling that he could not care less about evangelicals.
Revivalist evangelicals, for some reason, were led to believe that being brought into the "halls of power" would influence America's faith, morals, and politics. The black church did not fall for this evangelical approach, given evangelical's history on race during Jim Crow. Image
Jul 4, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
Is “Christian Masculinity/Raising Boys” the new $$ hustle? This guy wants to charge y’all $65 to teach y’all how to have friends and conduct a rite-of-passage programs for your sons. Dads, you don’t need this. I can tell you how to do this for free! 😂😂😂 Image You guys are not helpless children. You can figure out how to have fun with each other & your sons on your own terms. No website needed! 😎 1) How to have friends: do stuff together on a regular basis (work, fun, study, listen) and “encourage each other daily.”
Jun 5, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
One of the biggest differences between the PCA and the PC(USA), is that the PCA is full of pastors like Rev. Zachary Garris who believe that the transatlantic slave trade is supported by the Bible. He’s a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS. Image Rev. Garris only believes that the abuses of slavery were wrong, not chattel slavery itself. This raises several questions. 1) How did he graduate from RTS holding these views? and 2) How did he pass his ordination exams holding these views?
Mar 14, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Therapist Jim Brillon on “Mother and Son Enmeshment.” You’ll never hear a church leader discuss this. We talk too much about “father wounds” but lots of young men fail to launch because of their mothers. This is a huge trend in the South. “If mama ain’t happy, no one is…” I’ve had male college students over the years who had moms that required their sons to talk them every night. True story. These were Christian moms from conservative churches. Many moms look to their sons to get the emotional support they need & don’t have from their husbands.
Jan 10, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Thoughts? Can we stop whining about young Christian guys following Peterson, Rogan, Tate, etc. These men aren’t a problem. Neither is YouTube. The problem is that the other men in the lives of teens aren’t compelling. Youth group/Christian schools infantilize boys with moralism. Also, the problem is that many of their own fathers aren’t speaking greatness into the core issues in their son’s lives. Fathers aren’t empowered or encouraged because, for some silly reason, we think teens need to listen to a 24-year-old who is “cool” and “fun.”🤦🏽‍♂️
Jan 1, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
I *almost* approached a dad in a restaurant yesterday to ask him for an interview about being a dad. The way he was interacting with his three sons, esp. his teen son, was really beautiful. I actually choked up. I debated approaching but I didn’t want to interrupt what I saw.😂🤷🏾‍♂️ The reason I choked up is that his teenage son is probably clueless about how rare it is for a dad to be *that* engaged (eye-contact), affectionate, & joyful with sons in public. Read the data! When they got up to leave, the teen was beaming with self-confidence!!
Dec 30, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
If church men are policing women about being “immodest,” women should started telling guys to stop looking like slobs. I recently had to tell a young guy to stop wearing hoodies & jeans everywhere. I pointed him in the direction below and 3 things happened: 1) ⬆️self-confidence
2) girls started saying “yes” when he asked them out. 3) He walked into a job interview and nailed it. He noticed that people automatically treated him differently with greater respect when his shirt was tucked in and he looked like a professional.
Dec 15, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I've changed my mind, I used to think that conservative evangelicals valued the role of fathers. I no longer believe that. A 30-year study shows that the most important determinant of faith persistence in kids is the *relational* warmth of fathers, then grandfathers. I cannot name a single pastor or church in America, that structures children & youth programming around this fact. Conservative churches wrongly focus on fathers as "spiritual heads" when fathers as relational & affection heads matters 100x more than leading a family devotion.
Dec 3, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
My advice to churches searching for their next pastor: hire the guy who is a no-name, has no social media presence, whose sermons are faithful to the Text but doesn't "wow," is faithful to the Lord, his wife, his kids, and loves all of those people *more* than the church. You want someone who will not "put your church on the map" because he's too busy doing home visits and sending elders into hospitals. You want the guy who does not speak at conferences and does not write articles & blog on ministry websites.
Nov 21, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
“It’s the pastors.” This is the source of the problem. I realized this yesterday. US pastors don’t believe in a father’s influence at home. Most really don’t. They may preached about it but they don’t staff their churches accordingly. If they believed it, here’s what you’d see: A dedicated ministry to fathers and support specifically for fathers. The data is so clear that faith persistence for children into adulthood is driven by great dads. So, what do US pastors do instead of staffing to build great dads: they build a youth & family ministry. 🤦🏽‍♂️Wrong!
Nov 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Today the men of Alpha Tau Omega at Grand Valley State U. brought me to campus to talk to them about being men of unwavering virtue. One lad’s basic response, “I felt like running through a wall after you spoke. So pumped!” They we’re so grateful! Image After the event, I went back to their fraternity house and we talked for two more hours. College guys need adults who believe in them. They’ve been beat down about being male their whole lives. So sad. Fraternity men want to be great men but America has given up on them.
Nov 17, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Conservative Protestantism is a factory of celebrity narcissism: Narcissistic men(NM) surrounding themselves by self-effacing, subordinate men with father wounds. With “local church authority,” narcissists build ministries around themselves. Subordinates want their confidence. The Narcissist: extremely winsome, charismatic, gives appearance of confidence; needs to be admired; indiscriminate adoration of strength and contempt for weakness; belief in the omnipotence of intelligence and reason; invites people to debate; extreme value placed on foresight;
Nov 16, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Divorce + abandonment destroys kids. I sobbed through this. His son became a murderer & the reasons are textbook: childhood trauma. Parents divorced(at 7), mom moved states with boyfriend(at 10), & severs contact with her kids. Her son murders a teacher.… Hurt boys, hurt others. I’ll be talking about this case for years. A church could’ve possibly saved this family & prevented a teenager from becoming a murderer. This kid was a star athlete, was nearly an honors student at a $20K/year private school, etc., but was deeply troubled.
Nov 13, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I saw this ad and it made me sad. It’s a men’s only center in Bali for ambitious men to rest, train, eat well, & recover in a supportive community of other ambitious men (while working on their businesses). US Christianity has shamed ambitious men conflating ambition with pride. As a result, ambitious men, which is perfectly good and virtuous, walk in many churches & encounter a Christianity that breeds self-effacing shame. Or *only* celebrate spiritualized ambition (Matt 28:18-20). How sad is this? So ambitious guys go here.
Nov 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Parents are CJOs (Chief Joy Officers): I’ve been in circles where the parental instruction was primarily about “discipline,” fathers as stoic philosophers, drilling the gospel, but not joy (Neh 8:10). Don’t expect kids to persist in the gospel without “joy” as a synonym for “my parents.”
Kids dance too what dad dances to (2 Sam 6:14-22). This is the Grimwade Family. Imagine what kids would be like if this type of joy was the way their family functioned. Joy is the birthplace of obedience. I wish parenting books taught the importance of joy!
Oct 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The West naively listened to its own philosophers and convinced elites that religion was passé, irrelevant, and doesn’t need to be studied. Religion was even purged as a required college course. Now American leaders are tragically impotent to broker peace anywhere in the world. Today, we’re calling on religiously learned leaders to help figure out what to do about so many of world’s conflicts today which are almost all centered on the intersection of religion & land. Why major in religion in college? To become a world leader who might prevent genocide.
Sep 9, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Most in the PCA really want to be Southern Baptist instead of Presbyterian. The LCMS wants to be Lutheran. That’s the difference. As a result, many PCA churches focus identity in other things: “faith & work,” “missional,” “racial reconciliation,” being “evangelical first,” etc. LCMS leaders don’t lust for public fame, recognition, or social status. PCAers will lead with mentioning all of the famous/influential folks in the denom. The PCA lusts after being “culturally relevant” & being seated at the table. They start “Study Centers” adjacent to colleges.
Aug 14, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I'm on a flight listening to a non-denom pastor of multi-site, mega-church *sell* his church to someone. She's already a Christian and he's basically trying to talk her into leaving her existing church to attend his. He said, "a growing church is a dead church." Hers is small. What set him off is that she attended his church for a while then stopped. He gave a long church-growth illustration (that I'm sure he learned at a conference) about why church-growth churches are the best ones.