BREAKING @FCPSSupt@fcpsnews uploads flawed plan to eliminate race-blind, merit-based admissions to America’s No. 1 high school + replace it with euphemism it calls “merit lottery,” but there is little merit + more lottery.
Earns F grade. READ PLAN BELOW…
This is roadshow TODAY for plan to gut Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology with flawed scheme to actually increase underrepresented minorities. @fcpsnews@FCPSSupt included ZERO public participation. WATCH THE SHOW 3-530 PM LIVE at
They go through history of FCPS failures.
Go through the concept of "historically underrepresented" students -- their buzzword to lead to ideas of "systemic racism."
They bury their plan in Slide 12. 3.5 GPA. Enrolled in Algebra 1. Residency. "Revised" Student Information Sheet with "questionnaire/essay.' And finally the lead buried: "SELECTION BY MERIT LOTTERY." As one parent put it: "Merit Lottery!!! Why don't they just call it Lottery."
Here are all the buzzwords of "critical race theory." "Equitable access." "Holistic" review. Plus continue to give seats to area students outside Fairfax County.
More of new "critical race theory" word of the day: "HOLISTIC." It's a euphemism that its architects acknowledge are a way to get around Supreme Court challenge but ultimately it has one goal: illegal racial outcomes. Fairfax County is engaging in social engineering at its worst.
Here is the "Revised Process" with FINAL PROPOSAL at October 8 board meeting in less than one month during COVID-19. While slamming TJ and its students and families as "racist," "privileged" etc. for months, now FCPS pushes its "Caring Culture."
And BAM. FCPS throws out a few links to schools using the "LOTTERY SYSTEM," finally in its second to last slide acknowledging what everyone knows. This is a lottery. As one student says: "It's a lazy solution to a complex problem."
And with slide 26, FCPS with a $3 BILLION budget is done. It took them months to assemble a plan they now pounced on a community in which parents navigating a ransomware attack on FCPS, COVID, mental health issues. Let's now hear from you! I'll share feedback from YOU now.
Watch critical race theory in practice at @fcpsnews at board meeting happening NOW “systems of oppression” it’s everything we know of cult thinking
FCPS hasn't even issued the proposal to the School Board but it's got a resounding "F" from students. Here is one example from @TJStudentAG, created to oppose @TJAlumniAG, which bullies students into silence.
Some more student comments:
"This would ruin everything that makes TJ the school it is...this isn't fixing the problem!"
"How is this fixing anything??"
"and here I was thinking fcps couldn’t get worse..."
The @fcpsnews@FCPSSupt roadshow to sell lottery instead of merit, as part of critical race theory in schools, destroying America's No. 1 high school is about to begin. Go to this link to watch radical educational advises in action:
Live tweeting from the @FCPS@fcpsnews presentation. Superintendent Scott Brabrand begins. He puts up the agenda. Says he's putting forward "merit lottery proposal."
"One of the things we talk about is leading with equity in all that we say and do," he says.
He lays out race-based outcomes. "TJ should reflect the diversity of Fairfax County public schools."
Three-pronged admissions. But that's really fake. 1. dmissions 2. "enhancing the pipeline"
Me: but that doesn't matter once you've started lottery 3. "enhanced wrap around support" ME: they know they will get kids not academically advanced in a lottery
He slips and claims Fairfax County is 37% Asian. It's actually 19%. He corrects himself. He puts the populations statistics.
ME -- TAKE NOTE: This is the race goals.
FCPS Marty Smith isn't even opaque about the race objects. He proves the plan is anti-Asian! He says: "This slide will frame our discussion for the remainder of the day...The diversity of TJ currently doesn't reflect the diversity of Fairfax County."
ME: What's the issue for FCPS? Too many Asians! And who are the largest number of Asians? Kids from India. It's discrimination based on national origin.
FCPS officials speaks about history of FCPS failures, really if you look at what they've done. They failed to increase the pipeline. Look at this as the history of FCPS failures for which they are now targeting Asian kids, especially kids from India for their attack.
Here is the process today says official. 1. Min GPA 3.0. 2. "Take testing"
Brabrand spins a narrative that it's the "admissions testing" that creates a "shrinking" number of underrepresented minorities.
"Admissions testing has been a barrier"
"It has drained merit from the pool"
"This merit lottery...will elevate the talent."
"Students would be put into lottery pathways"
Who writes @FCPSSupt speeches and talking points?
Who came up with this?
"pathway" to TJ with lotteries and chance.
Here are the "pathways"
Guess what's coming next?
Me: Applicants would be based in regions? Me: Guess what the target is? Each region would have 70 spots for kids who have "the merit and the talent"
Me: Guess what they are going after with "geographical diversity"?
Asian kids.
Jeremy from @FCPS admissions talks about the "pathways" for a class of 500 with a "rolling admissions process."
Scott Brabrand @FCPSSupt tries to claim that its increased diversity. But look at the numbers: it's whites who get the increase. And who gets the decrease? Asian kids. Mostly kids from India. Discrimination against national origin.
Look at this slide. You can't even make up how anti-Asian this proposal is. They don't even hide it.
Asians would have gone from 70% to 52%.
This lottery plan is designed to decrease Asian representation. It's anti-Asian.
And whites increase from 22% to 29%!
"The merit lottery is breaking down barriers. It is time for this wall to come down in Fairfax County Public Schools," says Scott Brabrand.
Right, put up a wall to Asian kids now. Makes sense.
Marty Smith from @fcpsnews comes on now. This is the timeline now.
Marty Smith: We are presenting this to the board. Town halls in late September, early Oct. then back to the board Oct. 8. Literally they are giving the community NO TIME for input. @DoBetterFCPS
Marty Smith: talks about "targeted outreach" Introduces TJ Principal @TJAnnB: "At TJ we are a wonderfully diverse community. We recognize Fairfax County Public Schools effort to make ...." more "representatively demographic.
Again race-based outcomes. It's race-based changes.
Scott Brabrand: we are "enhancing" the admissions, and we're going to be involved in "enhancing."
We have to acknowledge we have more work to do and we will do it. We have to ensure a caring culture for all of our TJ students. Including the TJ students there right now."
He says that includes making sure that students feel "included." It's another slam at the mostly Asian students that are there now, with the allegations of racism.
We have to address "socioemotional supports."
"We dont want to create an unhealthy environment"
Scott Brabrand doesn't celebrate the students and families at TJ now.
"We have been talking....we have worked hard around equity....we have made efforts...we have not gotten the outcomes that truly represent the talents that are in the pool...." It's all RACE-BASED outcome!
The test has been "a wall" for "equity," says Scott Brabrand.
He literally says: "It is time to tear down this wall."
Now it's time for board comments. They will start to rubberstamp now. "This is overdue and a long time coming," says the school board chair R. Anderson This is not "the end all be all" but positive first.
Ask about @VASecofEdu. @Keys_Gamarra seriously talks about adults who are from @TJAlumniAG who said they wouldn't send kids to TJ. That is the person who stole the domain names @coalitionforTJ. That's who she is talking about literally. It's critical race theory through anecdotes
Now comes the dizzying explanation of the "merit lottery" for the regions. Don't get confused. It's a geographical lottery designed to target the middle schools with largely Asian, largely kids from India.
Watch the math. R. Anderson. I want to make sure that this process doesn't make the kids in "my region" "disadvantaged." But what she doesn't care about is inequity for other kids. It's about "my region."
Marty Smith: We look at "equity" across regions but look at the "targeted" slide. Sending "recruitment emails." We would be "encouraging more students who have the merit to actually apply to TJ." Let's be really clear: It's "targeted" racial engineering. It's not about education
Says @Megan4Schools. "I am deeply concerned that the board and the public did not have the documents till 11 am today." Exactly!
"I do not understand this time. It is incredibly aggressive."
"There is data missing here."
Says @Megan4Schools: "We don't know about why the regions were not set up in any particular way to immediately translate into defined admissions slots."
"There is no analysis you've provided
"Why are you rushing this?" YES!
Scott Brabrand doesnt even get it right. He claims @tjpartnership has a town hall tonight. It's Thursday. He claims that @VASecofEdu has three town halls. He doesn't mention Atif Qarni excluded the @tjhsstptsa. He doubles down: "We have to make a decision soon."
Scott Brabrand uses the excuse of @GovernorVA@VASecofEdu deadline for Oct. 1 deadline to get "diversity" plan to get TJ funding. But It's Oct. 15 now.
🚨♥️🚨@Megan4Schools says: "There is no way while we are in the midst of a pandemic....I absolutely do not signal to the superintendent that we are going to make this" happen in three weeks. She is on fire. This is the go-to person for the many people who HATE this plan!
Oh my god @FCPSSupt insists that he has to implement this plan this year. He threatens that "it's a call to action for equity..." It's critical race theory meant to exploit the climate of debate today....
. @Keys_Gamarra claims that with COVID we can't test students. "Based on where we are right now, there will be have to be some changes...due to the pandemic." She is clearly aligned with @FCPSSupt. But doesn't she have a conflict of interest? She was on @VASecofEdu taskforce.
"We are on a rushed timeline," says @Keys_Gamarra, using @VASecofEdu pay-for-play October deadline to get state $ for TJ. So critics say: pull TJ from the Governor's School orbit.
She is "aggrieved" by claims of racism at TJ. Again throwing TJ kids under the bus.
Says @FCPSSupt: "This is a moment to do the right thing for kids with regards to equity." He is not a superintendent now. He is an activist.
So now @Karen4Schools tries to argue the GPA in the lottery is the "merit" in this flawed system. "What are the measures of effectiveness?" she asks.
Oct. 8 is the day that you are supposed to submit to the @VASecofEdu? Why aren't you asking for a delay?
.@Karen4Schools speaks on middle schools with advanced maths. Guess who is in those schools? Asian kids. These are the same kids with parents from India a retired teacher called "ravenous." Still: "You're on the right track." Brabrand says: I asked for 10/9 for plan @VASecofEdu
Parent reactions in WhatsApp groups:
"I think we should elect our politicians using a lottery system...why vote?"
"Pandemic seems to be the excuse for lottery."
.@TJAnnB talks about remedial math. The board knows this "lottery" is an academic disaster. Principal: I am confident incoming students would meet requirements for TJ diploma. "We need to be mindful that a governor's school is looking for talent...they are an at-risk population."
the mom of a TJ grad, school board member @ElaineTholen says she cares about "pipeline issues." "However looking at the presentation...I have to agree with @Megan4Schools I am very concerned about moving forward with this plan with very little community engagement to date." YES!
Says @ElaineTholen: town halls don't give you "the opportunity to sit down at the table" with people. YES!
"I would like to see more of that happen. It is very difficult to do that in 3 weeks." Talk to @VASecofEdu about the Oct deadline.
Let's be honest. It's a fake deadline.
Says @ElaineTholen: "Where are the numbers coming from" that tell us what the new representation would be in admissions. Good question!
Jeremy says on modeling: "We are able to take the applicants....and we were able to take that information + do some modeling..." Sounds dodgy!
School Board Melanie K. Meren, "Students at TJ are suffering. Alumni are telling us heart wrenching stories."
This is the anti-TJ propaganda of @TJAlumniAG
"People are hurting..." We talked to "a student who tried to bleach her skin." Meren has thinly veiled attack on TJ kids
The argument of Melanie K. Meren is classic "critical race theory," pitting races against each other. The kids from India could pass as black. And yet they are on the wrong side of brown for Ms. Meren. How very sad.
Says @TJAnnB: When arrived 3 years ago, thought "perhaps I could be an influencer and a positive force" in matching TJ demographics to country demographics. "I have been involved in certain conversations."
Says @TJAnnB "We are all united that...action needs to be taken."
Me: Not really in terms of the kind talked about today.
Says TJ Principal: "I am fully supportive of FCPS efforts" to match TJ demographics to representational demographics of Fairfax County.
"It's really important to hear that you as the principal support this effort" says a board member, Merin. She says that TJ has diversity but it's not good enough diversity.
Says @stella_pekarsky: "I want to do this work in a way that is intentional....I dont believe in Band-Aids. I don't believe in fast work. Some of the questions....the missing data...that troubles me."
YES! ♥️🚨♥️🚨
So @stella_pekarsky notes that there aren't studies on why people aren't applying. And @fcpsnews Jeremy admits they haven't done these surveys.
Scott Brabrand talks about the "underside" of TJ. and "students of color" don't feel welcome. He proves again that he doesn't consider Asian kids as "students of color."
From the beginning, this has been an anti-TJ effort. That is what I have been trying to warn about.
Says @stella_pekarsky: Cutting the outreach position from FCPS is "worrying" to me. YES! What if it's the transportation?
Thank goodness for @stella_pekarsky
Tamara Derenak Kaufax has a lot of questions.
Brabrand: "I respect the secretary of education."
"We can lead or wait to be led." AGAIN it's the fake emergency from @VASecofEdu. But let's be honest. Brabrand agrees with his agenda.
Says T D Kaufax: What about the questionnaire.
I say: questionnaires are used as typical race proxies.
Says Jeremy: "We are trying to get students to meet a certain criterion...passion...looking at merit within a GPA."
Questions and essays are often used as proxies for race.
Says a parent watching about @FCPSSupt talk about the students at TJ and the school:
"Disgustingly very racist point by Dr Brabrand right now."
This presentation is NOT going over well with the community. NOBODY is happy with this plan.
'"It's lazy," says a student.
Says another parent: "Just full of racial innuendo and slander about the current Asian-majority population."
@BetsyDeVosED needs to pay attention about what's going on in Fairfax County. It's racism against Asians, and it's targeted against kids by national origin.
Says @RachnaHeizer: "I want to make sure that we are addressing the that it's fixing the does this help to support our students of color at TJ..."
Okay good point but oh my god. Asian kids are "students of color." Why are they white-washed?
So "access to test prep" says @FCPSSupt is creating barriers and "Ann has told me" that parents spend thousands. That's @TJAnnB the principal. Parents are very angry that she has thrown parents at TJ under the bus. Parents are NOT spending thousands. This is anecdotal.
Now @FCPSSupt talks about the "cultures of school" that feed the "inequity." Let's be honest that he is talking about Asian "cultures," particularly cultures from China and India.
This is clear racism against targeting Asian minorities at TJ.
A parent says incredulously: "Ms. B is on board with this. I feel betrayed." He's talking about the TJ principal Ann Bonitatibus. Parents are very angry.
Says a parent about what @TJAnnB told @FCPSSupt: "He just said that she told him parents at TJ spend 10-15k $ each year to prep."
Brabrand goes after the test. "TJ has to be about more than a standardized test."
Again they are going after the kids at TJ.
Now speaks @AbrarOmeish, whose sister went to TJ. She dives into the weeds. Asks: Have we considered the merits of teacher recommendations?
Brabrand said: "Those recommendations can be subject to bias."
So now teacher recommendations are the bias!
The parents from @LCPforSTEM say: We are seeking the same replay of the same movie from four weeks back. Just the actors are different."
This is a national war on merit and Asian kids. They don't matter anymore, and they are judged as cheating as @VASecofEdu suggested.
Says @AbrarOmeish: "If we are already having outreach advocacy would there anything preventing us from making it an out put" on testing "rather than opt in."
Brabrand fumbles. Parents aren't impressed: "Does it feel like they are making it up as they go?"
So now @KarlFrischFCPS: "It's a problem with the message we send our kids...underrepresented kids.." "Black and brown families don't care," he's told, to apply to TJ. He calls it "bigotry."
OH MY GOD. Kids from India are BROWN. TJ has 79% minorities. White-washing by a white man
Says @KarlFrischFCPS: "Thanks."
After basically erasing the diversity of "brown" kids at TJ, he's done. It's unbelievable truly.
The kids at TJ are FURIOUS listening their board members, erasing them, making them the "other." This is exactly what bias and racism looks like.
Says board member connecting the dots with "structures of racism" and TJ. That's critical race theory. "We have an opportunity to do something different this year....We know we have an application process that is a problem. Our kids don't often see themselves as belonging."
Guess what? It's Laura Jean Cohen. She is ignoring again the STUDENTS OF COLOR who exist at TJ, but in this model of critical race theory, it doesn't matter when you are Asian. Making them the "other" doesn't seem to matter.
It's 6:19 PM and time for "go back." Brabrand asks for 5 minutes. Back at 6:23, says the board person. Hmmm. Math issues at the STEM school discussion.
1. Ricardy Anderson: Chair supports the plan. yes 2. @Megan4Schools says "rushing to this without making sure that we have a process....makes me concerned. I have grave concerns." vote? 3. @Keys_Gamarra: "I am going to have to support this." yes
4. @ElaineTholen: I have a "litany of questions. Why was essay removed?...Why not start another program." Bell rings. Vote? 5. @Karen4Schools: "I absolutely thinks we have to do something new...holistic, merit-based approach. I like what we've talked about today." yes
6. @RachnaHeizer: Has a bunch of questions. Suggests "two-pronged approach." Vote? @Kaufax4Schools says: one of my colleagues there will be boards talking about this if we don't do something. What we haven't addressed the root of the problem...We are collectively culpable."
Sure feels like a lot of hate from the school board members for TJ, say parents and kids.
She was 7. 8. @stella_pekarsky: Dont want to leave it to chance that kids who should be getting in don't get in. Vote? 9. @AbrarOmeish: weighted or unweighted 3.5? Anwer: it's unweighted. Is the only way to enter the pool through GPA? yes. Vote?
A parent viewer: "Seems like our superintendent @FCPSSupt was never interested in STEM and is now making decisions for no. 1 rated STEM school in the country."
Another parent viewer: "They basically want less Asians at TJ. And principal @TJAnnB is not a fan of her own school."
Okay time for @VASecofEdu "listening session" with parents.
"We're good" says @FCPSSupt. And he is. The vote has been stacked for the passage of this plan. So while FCPS has been working on this for weeks, it is pounced upon parents and the community with less than one month for passage. It's been a rigged process, says a parent.
Now it's @VASecofEdu. Remember that he defamed me by inaccurately stating that I am a member of a "hate group" because of my religious affiliation with the Muslim Reform Movement, and he excluded the TJ PTSA from participation in this "listening session."…
So @GovernorVA@VASecofEdu lays out talks he has had over past "few months." These talks were closed. Here are details about the secretive "task force" that Qarni put together. I wrote this August 14. Nobody knew what was going on with these closed talks.…
So the first speaker is Janice Underwood @dei_virginia, chief diversity officer to @GovernorVA. "What I'm excited to share with you is that this is work that is nonpartisan work. This is humanity work."
But it excludes the TJ PTSA? How is that "humanity"?
Ann is at Maggie Walker. Chiquita O'Cain is on from TJ. Rupa Murthy is Maggie Walker parent. Ting Liu is from TJ parent. She came to America from China. "I support diversity...I am concerned about how this process is occurring. I believe TJ can have both diversity + excellence."
Ting Liu says the test is the easiest part of TJ. "The TJ curriculum is more rigorous" I say stop the false accusations + discrimination against Asian Americans. Asian Americans want diversity. During this diversity discussion there is much discrimination against Asian Americans.
Amazing testimonial by Ting Liu!
Sidra Butt is a Maggie Walker parent. Fran Bradford is deputy undersecretary of education working with @VASecofEdu.
Chiquita talks about Great Falls Elementary School that didn't have a lot of STEM enrichment. They spent time also "looking at the stars." They moved to the nearby advanced academic program and she talks about all of the immersion her eldest son did to go to TJ.
TJ parents so appreciate Ting's comments.
One says: "The others are here to cheer for Qarni." Let's see.
That's what the student session was like. Qarni blocked questions from students who dissented. And then blocked a parent on Twitter.
It's Ting from TJ speaking now. She talks about the two-hour commuting commitment that her son takes to go to TJ. Her son wanted to be with kids with a STEM mindset who would criticize his ideas. That's exactly right. They want to be with like-minded peers with the same passion.
Now a parent talks about parents "prepping" their kids for Maggie Walker. Now we're hearing the narrative that slams parents. Very unfortunate to hear. She talks about parents with "resources." "The playing field was not equal since their children were young."
Shocking. Maggie Walker mom with Indian roots: "Asian Americans are competitive because we come from a competitive place." She says: "I see a lot of privilege from the place where I come from." She talks about the "preparation" by TJ parent. "This is not an anti-Asian sentiment."
So @GovernorVA Janice Underwood @dei_virginia now SHAMES Asian parents + dissenters in the chat + calls it "level set." Not much of a "listening session" once again. "It does nothing to add comments that are not helpful," she claims. This is what you call a microaggression.
Ting from TJ stands up without fear. Now the @VASecofEdu starts to talk about "privilege" of the parents whose kids go to Governor Schools.
MG mom from India Qarni talks about the "wealth" of parents and she moves into typical "critical race theory" that negates Asian experience
So this "listening session" is also rigged. Parents shaming other parents about "privilege." More hand-selected participants. "I do want to help answer" a question, Qarni says. It's not about listening to a diversity of ideas. Except for Ting + Chiquita, it's an echo chamber.
This comment from a parent captures the sentiments of the TJ community. They feel othered, shamed, dehumanized and traumatized.
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🚨 BREAKING @FoxNews: Guess who is planning to crash Trump's Jan. 20 inauguration? The Woke Army.
On July 30, a network of troublemakers protested Benjamin Netanyahu, one agitator, Zaid Mohammed Mahdawi, 26, spray painting "HAMAS IS COMIN" on a monument at Union Station and other protestors burning the American flag and fighting with Park Police.
I got a copy of the protest application from National Park Service, submitted for Jan. 20 to protest Donald Trump's inauguration and guess who submitted the application, planning to storm the capital again?
None other than the same @AnswerCoalition, a self-described Marxist, socialist organization, that had its permit pulled on July 30 for the damage to federal property.
Please share with others, so people will be EDUCATED when the media most likely simply calls this a "grassroots" "organic" protest. It's not. It's an orchestrated protest by big-money groups that are part of the unholy "red-green" alliance of Leftists (red) and Islamists and their supporters (green).
Why did I write this column as part of my reporting from the @DPearlProject, a nonprofit journalism initiative? Because Danny Pearl was murdered because we didn't know the enemy that targeted him. You have to have names to do credible threat assessments. I am trying to give you a heads up when you watch the viral videos on Monday.
I have created a public spreadsheet of the 50 organizations that are taking credit so far for "endorsing" this march. You can study them here:…
According to my analysis, 25 of the groups are self-described socialist organizations, five are Muslim, Arab or Palestinian, and the final 20 are "socialist adjacent." I have a list of the groups below.
I will share their propaganda about the protests in the 🧵 below.
Critics, like leaders of the @CLARITyCoaltion , a network of Muslims, ex-Muslims and allies who oppose extremism, say it’s long past time to deny the permits. What do you think?
At a minimum, the public must have its eyes wide open about who is behind these protests, don't you think? Has this been helpful to you?
Have a tip? Write to me at
I've made a list called the WOKE ARMY that you can subscribe to:…
The RED: self-described socialists 1. AnakbayanDC @anakbayandc 2. Anakbayan Montgomery County 3. ANSWER Coalition @answercoalition 4. CODEPINK @codepink 5. Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee @CubaVenezCte 6. Democratic Socialists of America @DemSocialists 7. Diaspora Palante Collective @diasporapalante 8. Dream Defenders @DreamDefenders 9. IFCO/Pastors for Peace @ifcop4p 10. Katarungan DC @dc_katarungan 11. Labor on the Line @laborontheline 12. Los Angeles Tenants Union @LATenantsUnion 13. Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America @mdc_dsa 14. Nodutdol for Korean Community Development @Nodutdol 15. Party for Socialism & Liberation @pslnational 16. The People's Forum @PeoplesForumNYC 17. R.A.I.S. Popular 18. Sunrise DC @SunriseMvmtDC 19. TerpChrp 20. The Left Party USA 21. UAW 4811 @uaw_4811 22. We Act Radio @WeActRadio
The GREEN: Muslim/Palestinian/Arab 1. Bangladeshi Americans for Political Progress @BAPPnyc 2. Maryland2Palestine 3. Muslim American Society @MAS_National 4. Palestine Solidary Network, Montgomery County @PSCMontgomerys1 @PSCUpdates 5. Palestinian Feminist Collective @PalFeminist 6. Palestinian Youth Movement @palyouthmvmt 7. Students for Justice in Palestine @NationalSJP 8. Students for Justice in Palestine, DMV @DMVSJP 9. Students for Justice in Palestine, William and Mary @WMSJP 10. The Olive Guardians 11. U.S. Palestinian Community Network @uspcn 11. Winchester4Palestine @Winchester4Pali
Socialist-Adjacent 1. Brookland Manor Coalition @BManorCoalition 2. Counselors for Social Justice in Mason @GMUCSJ 3. Kymone Freeman @guerillartist 4. Labor for Palestine National Network @Labor4Palestine 5. Minnie Elliott 6. No Tech for Apartheid @NoTechApartheid 7. One DC @_ONEDC 8. PeoplePodium 9. Screen Actors Guild-AFTRA and Sister Guild Members for Ceasefire @sagaftra 10. Union de Vecinos @UniondVecinos 11. Unite Here Local 2 @UniteHereL2 12. United Educators of San Francisco @UESF 13. Artists Against Apartheid @artistsagainst_ 14. Black Men Build @blackmenbuild 15. Damayan 16. Vigil for Palestine 17. Woodner Tenants Union @woodnerunion
Past behavior indicates the protests will bring mayhem to the capital's streets. Yet, @NatlParkService spokesman Michael Litterst told me that current legal precedent makes it difficult to deny permits based on prior incidents.…
On Nov. 5, four days after Trump’s electoral victory, an anonymous person bought the website domain Now the protest’s digital hub, it features an embedded Google Map geo-locating 80 planned "actions" across the country.
It even includes a "J20 media kit" with pre-designed Instagram graphics, a Canva template and printable protest posters emblazoned with slogans like "Stop the Genocide in Palestine" and "Defeat Extreme-Right Trump’s Billionaire Agenda!"
🔥 WATCH. READ! BREAKING! 1/In a game of “Springfieldopoly,” George Ten, aka “King George,” built a $180M empire ferrying Haitian workers to Ohio, and now Feds and the State AG expand their trafficking probe into alleged identity theft and tax fraud. 1🧵…
2/Springfield’s city planner and chamber of commerce president were warned as far back as 2019 that King George was allegedly trafficking workers to Ohio. George invited me into his offices, where he takes “orders” on workers in a “Monopoly Room.” Read……
On Troy Road, I asked Jean André, a Haitian American pastor, about First Diversity, funneling Haitians to Ohio. He said: “It is really a shame to see how they treat people as paid slavery. This is what I call it.” He added: “They are in hell while living on earth.” @1in5advocacy @Debra_Tisler @Chitra_Ragavan
🚨 EXCLUSIVE. MUST WATCH. MUST READ. My newest dispatch @JewishJournal @DPearlProject will blow your mind. It did mine. And reporting it breaks my heart but I persevere because this story is every city’s story of corruption, greed and power.
I came to Springfield, Ohio, on Saturday, and in 72 hours, I figured it out: The story in Springfield is not about cats or dogs. It's about mules and an alleged human trafficking operation, by a man called "King George," shuttling Haitian workers to Ohio in unmarked white Chevy and Ford vans since 2019.
The FBI and Ohio Attorney General @DaveYostOH are investigating whistleblower complaints filed against George Ten, or
"King George," the man behind the surge of Haitian migrant workers to Ohio and purchase of 43 homes, mostly decrepit, where he had the workers pay him rent. All in the shadow of the new @johnlegend theater on S. Limestone Street.
Read my new column and this thread to see the story come to life:
I reached Miguel Ten, dad of "King George" Ten, kingpin of the alleged trafficking. He gave First Diversity to his son to run and told me: "I raised my son as a Christian, and maybe he could do stuff that people don’t like, but that he would never do.”…
❌ “King George" Ten and other slum landlords have Haitian immigrants pay to live in squalor in Springfield, in the shadow of @johnlegend Theater. See his $1.35M mansion in next tweet. A whistleblower inspected a "home" he rents to Haitians and said, "It has to be condemned." That's what the X on the home means.
🚨@FairfaxTimes. @FCPSNews suspended a @LangleyHS student who drew a swastika flag as part of anti-Israel protests AND get this: ALSO SUSPENDED an Asian American teen who allegedly blew the whistle on the anti-Jew hate. Jewish parents plan protest Friday.…
EXCLUSIVE at @FairfaxTimes.
The controversy over swastikas at one of America’s top high schools, just down the road from CIA headquarters, brings the contentious global battle over Israel and Palestine from college campuses and the streets into America’s K-12 school system. The Fairfax County walkouts have been led by Muslim Students Association. which are virulently anti-Israel and many allege anti-Jew.
The Langley High School march included the chant: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," which @ADL says is anti-Jew hate calling for the destruction of Jews in the state of Israel, along with the elimination of Israel.
Parents say this latest controversy reveals another failure by @fcpsnews @FCPSSupt Michelle Reid and her board of 12 members, including @AbrarOmeish, who refused to vote for a resolution expressing sympathy for the victims of the Hamas terror attack.
Local Jewish community members and their allies plan a rally tomorrow -- Friday, Nov. 17, at 11 a.m. -- at Fairfax County Public Schools’ Gatehouse headquarters, which they have renamed “Hatehouse,” to protest the retaliation against the Asian American teen and the lack of school district action on anti-Jew hate.
Here is the photo of the @langleyhs teen who drew the swastika flag and his friend who gave it a thumbs up. The two boys were suspended for three days.
@StopAntisemites posted the photo on Saturday, leading to a witch hunt that ended with a third boy -- an Asian American teen and ally of Jewish kids at Langley -- ALSO GETTING SUSPENDED for three days.
Parents are outraged. It's part of a growing anti-Jew hate in the local schools.
At nearby Woodson High School, Jewish senior, Yakov Schwartz, 18, led a group of half a dozen students, carrying two small Israeli flags, to the football field, where about 250 students organized by the Muslim Students Association rallied against Israel. At one point, students tried to grab his flag, and a mass of anti-Israel students rushed the field to hover menacingly over the Jewish students.
Schwartz said the decision by the Langley administrators to punish the alleged whistleblower follows a pattern and practice of retaliation school district officials mete out against Jewish students and their allies when they raise issues about anti-semitism.
“Fairfax County Public Schools doesn’t truly care about making schools safe for every student,” he said.
“The student who drew the swastika flag not only threatened Jewish students but he also defaced the flag of his country. It’s a disgrace to our flag, our country, and its people,” said Schwartz, who now carries extra Jewish prayer caps, or kippahs, in his backpack to give to friends to wear as an expression of support for Jewish students, especially younger ones still finding their way at the school.
@JasonMiyaresVA @GlennYoungkin @WinsomeSears have made fighting anti-Jew hate a priority in his campaign. Will they be able to protect this Asian American teen, interrogated by school administrators and his phone searched for evidence to use against him -- all without his parents present, according to people familiar with the situation.
Students have posted countless photos and videos from anti-Israel rallies over the past month but Fairfax County Public Schools used this line in the Students Rights and Responsibilities to single out, intimidate and suspend the Asian American @langleyhs student for allegedly raising the alarm about the swastika flag photo: “Digital Citizenship and Security…Students are prohibited from posting information if it violates the privacy of others, jeopardizes the health and/or safety of students, is obscene or libelous, intended to be threatening, bullying or hateful in nature, or causes disruption of school activities.”
@StopAntisemites @fcpsnews @fcpsnews @GlennYoungkin @WinsomeSears @JasonMiyaresVA @ADL @JGreenblattADL
🧵 Remember this day. Nov. 4, 2023. 5:41 PM. The Woke Army is at the White House. “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” they bellowed in the war chant that means only one thing: the annihilation of Jews in the state of Israel.
I stood with my back pinned against the black steel fence between the crowd on Pennsylvania Avenue and the White House, as the anti-Israel, pro-Hamas crowd chanted, “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!” Allah is great.
They shouted the shahada, the Muslim proclamation of faith, too. The call to prayer for the maghrib sunset prayer broke through the chants. And the crowd held signs from the Party for Socialism and Liberation. They shouted for the intifada. And trashed the White House lawn with water bottles and posters thrown over the fence. They painted the pillars to the security gates with red paint of “blood” hand prints.
There is a bloodlust for Israel and Jews. It made my eyes widen, my stomach sick and my heart pulse. It’s staged political theater, socialists bussed in from New York and Muslims ascending from mosques.
We Muslim reformers and ex-Muslims @DrZuhdiJasser @Ayaan @YasMohammedxx @Raheelraza @TheMuslimReform @CLARITyCoaltion tried a 1,000 times to warn the Democratic Party and liberals they had forged an unholy alliance with Islamists but they did it. Now the crowd has a bloodlust for “Genocide Joe” Biden. I’ll put the snapshots from the day here.
If you had any naïveté that Jews or Israels could negotiate with the revolutionaries in the red-green alliance of leftists and Islamists, I can tell you: no way. The Biden administration will have to surrender Israel and Jews to the Woke Army. That’s the only deal they will accept. There is no negotiation. There was not a single word for the Jews slaughtered by Hamas.
I know this after today: the Hamas terrorist murders did not result in shame; it stoked a blood lust among anti-Israel groups from the Socialists to the Islamists to destroy Israel. There is no middle ground with them.
I wear a uniform covering these anti-Jew, anti-Israel protests: my newspaper print jacket over my @IDF hoodie purchased in the West Bank at a Palestinian second-hand store, my book, #WokeArmy—and my war paint: black eyeliner to protect me from the evil eye.
The Woke Army? They went with red paint to ruin the pillars to the White House security gate to symbolize “blood” on the hands of Biden, signs and water bottles they trashed on the White House lawns, stickers they put on the metal fence “F*ck Fascists Nazi Netanyahu + Genocide Joe”— all for taxpayers to clean up.
Be really clear this is NOT a spontaneous protest — this is an organized campaign of the hundreds of organizations in the Woke Army. They include: @AMPalestine @CAIRNational @codepink @MPower_Change @Dreamdefenders @DemSocialists @pslnational @omarsuleiman504 @NihadAwad @NationalSJP, or Students for Justice in Palestine, which hosts pro- Hamas rallies from @columbia to @harvard and @tulane — 100s with combined budgets of at least $500 million in annual revenues, based on my calculations.
They came with expensive banners and megaphones, sound systems and at least five giant TV screens for the crowd to watch the rally.
I’ve been reporting in DC since I was 18 — it’s been 40 years. I’ve never seen a protest at the White House allowed to fly flags over the White House lawn or allowed to throw water bottle projectiles over the fence. I thanked the @SecretService officers I saw for handling this protest with professionalism. “We protect the First Amendment,” an officer said.
THAT IS AMERICA. And that is why this country is to be loved. No Islamic country forget Gaza would allow such protests of its tyrants, dictators and fake kings.
I take you here into the trenches of the #WokeArmy, as they swarm to the White House after a rally and march. I want to assure you: I was never afraid physically.
What I saw terrified me for this nation because of the entitlement that the Woke Army thinks it has got to ignore terrorism and demand the destruction of a nationstate.
That long black banner they put across the fence? It has the names of the “shaheed,” or martyrs, in the fight to destroy Israel.
🚨 🧵 @OCRegister, I argue: if @GavinNewsom signs a xenophobic anti-Hindu bill he “risks alienating millions of Indian Americans…and worse, endorsing an insidious slander,” based on a hoax at Cisco. Reply politely to urge him to veto the anti-Hindu bill.…
2/🚨 Breaking: Just right after publication of my @OCRegister op-ed, I received this comment about California Senate Bill 403 from a spokesperson for Gov. @GavinNewsom: “We don’t typically comment on pending legislation. As with all measures that reach the Governor's desk, the bill will be evaluated on its merits.”
🎯 My point exactly. SB403 is problematic—“on its merits”
🎯 @CalChamber @SVCCofficial should be worried about this bill “on its merits” because the bill makes it open season for anybody to sue others for alleged discrimination based on the very vague concept of “inherited social status.”
🎯 The @AAHOA Asian American Hotel Owners Association (with many Indian American members) has raised alarm bells. Democratic State @SenJoshBecker has asked serious questions about the overreach.
🎯 Here is a link to SB403:
🎯 The Governor’s office said the public can “submit comment re a bill by calling the office at
916-445-2841 or using the online webform (select “an active bill" in the dropdown menu after topics and then select the bill number in the next dropdown menu.) The comments are then routed to our legislative unit.”
Go to:
🎯 @GavinNewsomPres set the standard: and SB403 fails—based “on its merits.”
3/@GavinNewsom has a decision to make, I say in my op-ed, also published in @WhittierNews.
The bill — #SB403 — awaits his signature, banning so-called “caste” discrimination against Indian Americans – by fellow Indian Americans.