Those US Treasury notes have the value of the currency in which they are nominated , which is ZERO .
Like the dollar. Backed by nothing, except force ( US Army).
3/ Keep your useless paper , threats, sanctions, wars, murder , destruction.
The world is tired of them.
The US damage was self inflicted.
This Covid-19 is the
The US damage was self inflicted, it is not China's fault.
This Covid-19 is the
new 911 .
Created to mask the collapse of US economy, its bankruptcy and default.
And, we know that 911 was a false flag.
AE for 911 truth + University of Alaska SCIENTIFICALLY proved that tower 7 was a controlled demolition.
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1/ Russia has always been the big prize for the US psychopathic rulers.
Remember these facts :
-in 1990, James Baker, Secretary of State, promised to the Russians that NATO wouldn’t expend “ one inch toward the east “ in exchange for the Russians
2/ supporting the German reunification in 1990 and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact in 1991
-NATO is the military arm of the USA in Europe
-NATO had no purpose after the Warsaw Pact disappeared
-NATO expended toward Russia
NATO expansion was not done
3/ because “ people wanted it “ -there was no referenda in those countries about if they wanted to enter NATO
-the US has 100 nukes in Europe in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey, all aimed at Russia
-the US invited Putin to attend
1/ A few inconvenient facts about Epstein and Trump
1.AcostaAlexander, who let Epstein avoid federal prosecution in his first trial, later became Trump's Secretary of Labor.
2.Epstein was " suicided " in the custody of Donald Trump’s Department of Justice.
2/ All surveillance cameras malfunctioned, all guards were asleep .
Trump’s AG Barr found this to be normal and did not investigate it. 3. Trump's AG Barr was the first to hire Epstein.
4.Trump’s current zionist barbie AG releases a redacted Epstein list
3/ -a limited hang out. 5. Epstein's lawyer was Alan Dershowitz, who flew on Lolita Express.
Dershowitz was also Trump's lawyer.
Confidential intel report shows US was concerned attorney Dershowitz had Mossad ties.
He is a close friend of Benjamin Netanyahu.
1/ What MAGA is
Donald Trump is America’s Mikhail Gorbachev, only fatter and more ignorant.
MAGA is American Perestroika, but imperialistic.
I suspect that under his toupee, the Donald has a birthmark similar to what Gorbachev had, only that
2/ in the Donald’s case, it represents the map of Greenland.
MAGA will have the same success as Perestroika had .
A real leader can only move as fast as the people are willing to go with him.
But, US presidents have been only figureheads, at least
3/ since they killed JFK and definitely since September 11, 2001.
It is possible that the Donald, with his immense ego and ignorance, really believes that he was chosen to MAGA and will succeed.
But, the owners of the US, the real owners, must know the truth
1/ Palantir is a CIA-Mossad branch for data mining, computing, surveillance and using " pre-crime " to arrest people, before they commit any real crime.
-founded using CIA investment
-after 9-11, 2001
-alleging that the software it designed was responsible
2/ responsible for finding Osama bin Laden ( who had been dead for 10 years when he was “ killed “ again )
-based on a program developed by US Rear Admiral John Pointdexter, who was guilty for his role in
Iran-Contra affair, the famous CIA scandal
3/ * Gary Webb, the journalist who exposed the CIA Iran-Contra scandal was " suicided " with TWO gun shots to the head.
-Palantir software collects and churns through huge amounts of data, from fingerprints, phone records, tips, known connections,
1/ Syria
I am hurt and disappointed about Syria.
But, not all hope is lost :
this is only a battle lost in the ongoing world war.
The fall of Syria is a huge loss not only for Syrians, but for the entire Arab world ( even if most don’t see it yet), for Iran,
2/ for China and especially, for Russia.
The big question is what will Syria become?
Kosherland ?
I doubt they will agree on division: both Israel and Turkey want all of Syria.
The American zionists are planing a Libyan scenario.
3/ But, what if Syria becomes Afghanistan 2.0 for the Judeo-American empire?
Syria fell for multiple reasons:
1.The Syrian Arab Army lost its will to fight.
I don’t blame them:
-14 years of inhumane sanctions, worst being Trump’s Caesar Act,
1/ Democracy in rules-based order:
-France : government collapse, impending bankruptcy
-Germany : government collapse, impending bankruptcy
UK - 2 recent narrowly avoided financial collapses, government nearing collapse. They are banning the most popular
2/ party, AfD, because they are pro-Germany, anti immigration and anti-wars.
-UK : 3 PMs in only a few years, 2 recent narrowly avoided financial collapses, government nearing collapse
-Georgia : Failed multiple color revolution attempts by US/EU
3/ -Romania : Electoral system collapse, after popular vote annulled by the Judicial because the elected president is pro-Romania, anti wars, wants friendly relations with Russia
-Moldova : rigged mail in ballots from US/EU + preventing the Russian diaspora