Veritas Semper Vincit Profile picture
"Beauty will save the world" Fyodor Dostoevsky. Beauty and the truth. Trying to do both here and at my sites, a blog and a caricature one.
🇨🇿 Nosey George - Naštvaný 😾 Profile picture Emsky Profile picture 🐾Александра Опалић 🇷🇸❤️‍🔥🇷🇺 Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jul 6 9 tweets 2 min read
How The US saved and recycled Hitler's Nazis- the CIA connection

Reinhard Gehlen was Hitler's head of German military intelligence in the East, chief of Wehrmacht Fremde Heere Ost (FHO), an anti-Soviet military intelligence service. Image 2/
In 1945, Americans arranged the secret transport of Gehlen, his officers and the FHO intelligence archives, to the US.
It was authorized by General Walter Bedell Smith (chief of staff for General Eisenhower) and William Donovan (former OSS chief)
Dec 1, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
The censorship on old twitter and the rest of social media was / is so primitive, brutal, uninspiring that a caveman could do it.
And, indeed, we have cavemen doing it.
Elon Musk, being an intelligent and elegant oligarch,
redefined and refined his censorship, adding to it, of course, some mercantilism.
He bought twitter, said " free speech on twitter ".
Then, he changed the name to " X " and did not say anything about free speech on " X ". Image
Nov 16, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Timeline of the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza
Follow the money trail to see who benefits ( cui bono ? )

1. Levant Gas Field is one the of biggest in the world : estimated 122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
Gaza and Lebanon have claims. Image 2/
2. The Oslo Accords in 1995, which Israel has signed, gave the Palestinian Authority the sovereignty over its maritime territory.
3. Palestinians sign a contract with British Gas ( BG ) for the development of their gas field ( estimated $ 500 billion ).
Oct 23, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ Osama bin Laden

Remember, he was the designated culprit for 9-11, the war on terror, the pentagon's " 7 countries in 5 years" project ( starting with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, with Iran).
This project had 2/
the advantage to overlap with Israel's ambitions for Eretz Israel, Oded Yinon plan.
Countries destroyed, millions of Arabs killed and displaced from their lands.
Over $ 7 trillion spent
Oct 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The American zionist empire trying to preserve its hegemony:
-they made a plan ( PNAC)
-they organized the biggest FF ( September 11, 2001)
-their " Which Way to Persia " was supposed to come at the end of the " 7 countries in 5 years" 2/
At that time :
-Russia was not a problem, it had been raped and pillaged by the Harvard boys and they thought that Russia will never recover
- they were so sure that Russia was finished that they didn't even bother to partition it as they always wanted
Sep 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ Putin
Taking on the Empire of Lies is a gigantic job, but Putin never really looks too stressed out about it, in fact, he looks amused while listening to the empire's lies.

The fake, debt-leveraged, funny money economy declared war on a real economy based Image 2/
based on real physical assets
Guess who will win ?

Putin’s approval rating in the US is now 22 %
I would be really surprised if Biden has more than 10 % approval ( officially it is 31% )
Congratulation to Putin for a higher approval rating in the US Image
Jul 16, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
The perfect financial typhoon is developing in the US, threatening to swallow the Empire of Lies :
The US government is about to hit $1 TRILLION in interest payments on borrowing paper dollars printed by the private Federal Reserve Corporation . Image 2/
the government spending has increased to $646 billion in June, up almost $100 billion from a year ago
the tax revenues have decreased by 9.2% from $461 billion to $418 billion.
While the US budget deficit nearly tripled Image
Apr 25, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
1/ - Ukraine coup timeline -
-end 2013 :
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych rejected an IMF loan and EU association agreement because the loan would hand over control of Ukraine’s natural resources and increase the cost of living for the Ukrainian people. Image 2/
- Feb 2014 :
a color revolution = Maidan, organized by the US with help from EU, especially UK, Poland, Germany+ France, takes place, removing Yanukovich , who escapes being killed by the US ( like Gaddafi was ), with Russia's help . Image
Apr 20, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ The Grand Chessboard
In 1997, Zbigniew Brzezinski, says:
It is imperative that no Eurasian rival power capable of dominating Eurasia be allowed to emerge and contest the American power
Based on The Heartland theory of the British analyst Halford Mackinder Image 2/
of controlling the world:
-the core of global influence lies in what is known as the Heartland, a region of the world situated in Eurasia due to its sheer size, a wealth of resources, and a high population
-that world’s terrestrial surface was segmented Image
Apr 18, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The next big crisis is the commercial real estate
- in the US and Canada ( Murka and Canaduh )

Regional banks account for 70% of total CRE
( corporate real estate ) loans outstanding, excluding multifamily, farmland+ construction loans
-JP Morgan 2/
The commercial real estate is ready to blow up
- JPM, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs are all sounding the alarm

Corporate Real Estate Debt maturities= a staggering $2.5 TRILLION , are due in the next 5 years
They can’t pay the mortgages and on
Apr 11, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
NATO was created by the US in 1949 as the 4th Reich
Yes, you read that right
Here are the NAZI officers occupying high positions in NATO :
Adolf Heusinger, Hitler's Chief of Staff, went on to become Chairman of NATO Military Committee in 1961-1964. 2/
Hans Speidel, NATO Commander of Central Europe (CCE) 1957-1963
Apr 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Annalena Baerbock invited the wife of a notorious fascist "Azov" leader ,Denis Prokopenko, to Germany
He's a lieutenant colonel in Azov.
Before, he was the head of "AlbatroSS", a gang whose members wear Ku Klux Klan hoods, swastika masks + Hitler shirts. @semper_vincit This bro tried to say Sieg Heil, but no longer can't

Notice the Azov patch ?

Not only that, he can't jerk off to Dalai lama
Apr 8, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The US is primarily a service economy.
Brookings Institute : 4 out of every 5 Americans work in the service sector

The western losers have all “ service economies “, meaning, not producing much ( except bullshit ) and offering “ services “ 2/
U.S. is at a dismal #33rd with ~19% of its economy in the industrial sector.
The US GDP is fake, as everything else in the USA
Its real GDP, when you take away all the fraudulent numbers and inflations, is probably somewhere around $7-10trillion or less
Mar 26, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ Shazam !
Why isn't the US leaving Syria ?

The US troops are protecting Genie Oil’s theft of Syrian oil.
Rupert Murdoch and Lord Jacob Rothschild are major shareholders in Genie Energy, an Israeli-run company which has been granted the rights to explore Image 2/
for oil +gas in the southern half of the occupied Golan Heights
Now, you know why Trump recognized the Golan Heights as Israeli territory i.e. legitimate resource theft. Image
Mar 15, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
90 % of the money parked at SVB were not insured and belonged to Israeli companies. [ sic! ]
SVB was the “ off-shore bank of Israel “
That’s why SVB was bailed out
All Israeli companies got bailed out, even those uninsured, on American taxpayers’ money 2/
Based on inside information, Israeli firms withdrew $42Billions, on Thursday, before the collapse of the bank
Who alerted them ?
Yellen ?
The Bank’s executives payed themselves bonuses the morning before the collapse
Mar 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The first victims of the historical peace deal mediated by China between Saudi Arabia- Iran will be, in order :
- American illegal presence in Syria- Russia, Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia will tel the US to FO
Currently, Bashar al Assad is in Moscow 2/
- The zionist entity ( it already has massive internal problems - millions protesting and asking for the demission of Netanyahu’s recently formed cabinet )- they will be told Israel can’t continue to oppress the Palestinians
Mar 15, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
1/ The American financial Ponzi scheme is coming to an end
3 big American banks collapsed:
-Silicon Valley Bank
- Silvergate Bank
-Signature Bank
SVB insiders withdrew $209 billion from the bank only to have Janet Yellen step in to replenish their funds. 2/
Fun fact :
The CFO of SVB bank is none other than the former CFO of Lehman Brothers.
This is ONLY the beginning, as ALL American banks are insolvent.
Due to what's called " double entry accounting ", banks have to put all their $$ in deposit
Mar 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The American zionist empire ant its EU servant want to force Serbia to recognize its southern province, which was occupied by NATO in 1999, as an independent state, so that the empire admits it into UN, EU, NATO It demands Serbia to impose 2/
sanctions on Russia
Meanwhile the Serbs ( not the politicians ) :
-82.1% of Serbian citizens support Russia
- 87.2% of them are against membership of Serbia in the hated NATO
-the support for Serbia’s entry into the EU dropped to 20%.
Feb 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Russia :
The outbreak of Rift Valley Fever in 1977 in Cairo, where the U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit Three was located.
Egypt never had this disease before.
It suddenly emerged in Egypt, simultaneously infecting 18,000 people. 2/
Further analysis of the samples taken from the population showed that the total number of infected people was around 2,000,000.
Several months before the epidemic started, the American staff had been vaccinated against Rift Valley Fever
Why ?
Feb 2, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Polish character
A combination of :
Delusions about the American zionist empire
Pathological Russophobia ( because Russia stood in the way of the big Polish empire )
Phantom pains of past glory
Inability to asses and adapt to the current 2/
current realities
Inability to learn from ( multiple) past mistakes
Fake beliefs they are devout Catholics, a traditional society and conservative with moral values while they align with the Satanic West
All equals a certified failure as a nation