I do not know if this is a blessing or a curse, having intrusive thoughts when I cannot sleep can sometimes lead to new observations on topics. One such occasion spawned this: tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…
Later I will show how Help4Psychology definitions contradict aspects from the modern PDA literature.
Apologies in advance, I have loosely structured this, but it might still evolve rhizomatically.
The Help4Psychology PDA definitions
“Demand avoidance had been present since early infancy and presented across contexts and time.”
“Avoidance is pervasive and often seems illogical or perverse (e.g. the child may be unable to eat whilst hungry)”.
“Avoidance is not limited to a specific activity (or activities, e.g. school) or activities in a specific context.” network.autism.org.uk/sites/default/…
This is important because, Help4Psyschology justify their PDA definitions from the literature & their "extensive clinical knowledege", which as I will show is insufficient reasons to adopt their PDA definitions. network.autism.org.uk/sites/default/…
I will argue, that their PDA definitions are also not reflective of much of the literature, as some key points of early PDA understandings have been debunked in recent times. Which is my point about critiquing Newson & moving to transactional understandings.
Transactional understandings of PDA behaviours, are represented in the Matching the dials concept by Christie & Fidler; matching the demands on CYP with PDA, to their anxiety levels.
It suggests that if a CYP with PDA is expressing demand avoidance without a specific triggers, said person is not receiving appropriate support (including PDA strategies) & are experiencing aversive situations. autisticmotherland.com/2018/05/23/pda/
If a CYP are made so anxious by their experiences & recent situations they displaying demand avoidance without specific triggers 1) The demand avoidance is indicating presence of trauam. 2) That CYP is possibly being abused...
Bare in mind PDA behaviours, including demand avoidance and any without specific triggers reduce with age. Again suggesting such demand avoidance is not intrinsically routed in the individual.
Judy Eatons PDA figure is substantial, it is potentially more than represented in the entire experience of 10 clinicians consulted for the EDA-Q. acamh.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.111…
My concern here is that Help4Psychology, which is a multi-disciplinary team, including Judy Eaton have assessed hundreds of persons with PDA, with narrow stereotypical views of PDA. Their definitions seem to be narrower than Newson's.
Newson accepted that CYP can transition between autism subtypes, including INTO PDA. Also, that not all PDA diagnostic traits were required for a PDA diagnosis. adc.bmj.com/content/archdi…
Bare in mind Newson saw a comparable amount of persons with PDA to Help4Pscyhology, & her database is larger than Help4Psychology one.
Help4Psychology PDA definitions mean that autistic persons cannot transition into PDA. They have a "Rational Demand Avoidance" group, where 5 - 7 year old autistic CYP start displaying PDA behaviour, often triggered by aversive school experiences.
Worth noting Newson, consistently took the approach that is something appears to benefit other stakeholders (often caregivers), it is worth doing. E.g. she created her own diagnostic grouping "Pervasive Developmental Coding Disorders" autismeastmidlands.org.uk/wp-content/upl…
Which underlines my point, Newson seemed to have a broader interpretation of PDA, than Help4Psychology PDA definitions.
Autism history provides stark warning of placing too much emphasis on one clinic's views of autism; Look at the impact of Kanner's narrower conceptualisation of autism vs Asperger's. There are parallels to Help4Psychology & Newson's interpretations of PDA.
We also know from autism, that clinicians can have stereotypical views on any condition, especially how autism presents. I discuss this issue here, when asking if PDA solves the problem of steroetypical views of autism by clinicians: …emandavoidancecom.files.wordpress.com/2020/08/01-aug…
Judy Eaton has a lower dx threshold for autistic females, indicating Help4Psychology does not have stereotypical views for autism. researchgate.net/publication/33…
However, this does not mean the clinic does not hold stereotypical views on PDA.
Must also point out that divergent opinions on PDA, to Help4Psychology are gaining empirical support. For one Wing et al (2011) & Garralda (2003) made certain observations that are being supported.
In the case of Wing et al (2011), Lorna Wing, Judy Gould & Chris Gillerg, might have seen similar numbers of persons with PDA to Judy Eaton, or considerably less. One would suspect Elena Garralda has seen substantially less persons with PDA than Judy Eaton.
It is possible to creation a selection bias, in ones PDA research if they take a narrow stereotypical view of what PDA is, especially when one considers Christopher Gillberg's views on PDA thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/pda-new-type-d…
The point here is that opinion that is different to that of Help4Psychology, by other respected clinicians, who may have substantially less experience with persons with PDA appears to be valid.
It means Help4Psychology clinicial experience is insufficient to dismiss it and use their own PDA definitions that contradicts much of the PDA literature & clinical opinion.
I think this thread shows many good reasons, indicating Help4Psychology PDA definitions are not representative of PDA literature, are stereotypical. While their clinical experience is insufficient to warrant using their definitions.
Next videos I wish to make:
Why I use a "post-Autistic" identity.
Commentary that those using problematic & controversial diagnoses have some ethical responsibility.
When will "PDA Profile of ASD" advocates stop their attacks: before, or after their attacks drive someone to suicide?!?
Last issue is bothering me a lot. Not only due to the effects of their attacks on me. Also that their is a pattern in their behaviour. One can reasonably label a dangerous group (ironically, how they label some critiquing PDA).
One would think after:
@milton_damian threatened to take legal action against Sally Cat for a defamatory petition which had 700+ responses in 48 hours in 2018.
Their attacks against Harry Thompson, apparently made HT heavily suicidal in 2023.
"Facing Change and Uncertainty: Lessons Learned from Autistic Children and their Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic"
Open access article link.springer.com/article/10.100…
This is one is interesting talking about demands. It also seems to talk about how avoidance is relating to anxiety (stress). There is also an example of demand-avoidance in their which highlights why proposed rational-irrational demand-avoidance split is problematic.
This one p9. It discusses how some children avoided demand to learn/ do education activities at home. While it is positioned as "refusal", it is a form of demand-avoidance. One can question if demand-avoidance is rational, or irrational in nature. Answer is subjective!
@milton_damian Does anyone else find it weird considering the high variation in clinical practice assessing autism; that "PDA Profile of ASD" advocates felt the need to prematurely define with a research report, that purports to provide guidance & identification on PDA?
Point here, is one can respect autism identifications from clinics with divergent assessment practices. Why should PDA identifications be treated any differently (if they do identify PDA)? Why should we view divergent PDA identifications as inferiors to others?
Highlight how weird it is some decided "their" PDA identifications better than others.
Suppose those clinics who have supposedly been over diagnosing PDA, got together produced a report on how to assess/ identify PDA & said all "PDA Profile of ASD" identifications are not PDA?!
@forestvanslyke In response to those saying have meltdowns due to critiquing PDA. One could view it as unfortunate & responsibility of those prematurely reifying PDA as a distinct entity...
... PDA literature notes PDA is a controversial & contested topic. Many people have been & are critical of PDA, for many good reasons...
@forestvanslyke for example see this thread on people who have been critical of PDA over a 20 years: