Richard Woods Profile picture
@cads_lsbu PhD student A leading critical #PathologicalDemandAvoidance expert Attributed as autistic, presently with a "post-autistic identity" Views are my own
2 subscribers
Feb 24 9 tweets 2 min read
"Care Across Contexts: Ethics of Care and Relational Leadership Increasing Efficacy of Interventions for Disabled and Neurodivergent Learners"
Free to access Masters thesis… I should warn people it discusses the use of ABA!
Feb 13 40 tweets 8 min read
At some point in the future, a committee, will decide if autism subtypes will be accepted again. Such committees are often open to political lobbying, e.g., lobbying by Autistics to exclude subtypes from DSM-5. Please see here for above point on Autistic lobbying.…
Feb 7 30 tweets 7 min read
Unless others boldly claim you experience demand-avoidance differently to them, then apparently it is fair game to claim you do not have PDA.
Unless demand-avoidance is not an Autism feature?
In which case how can PDA be a "Profile of autism"?!? No, autism is not centrally defined by demand-avoidance!

Yes, this is some of the fallacious logic (& claims) I have to deal with some from others.
Jan 26 13 tweets 2 min read
Next videos I wish to make:
Why I use a "post-Autistic" identity.
Commentary that those using problematic & controversial diagnoses have some ethical responsibility.
When will "PDA Profile of ASD" advocates stop their attacks: before, or after their attacks drive someone to suicide?!? Last issue is bothering me a lot. Not only due to the effects of their attacks on me. Also that their is a pattern in their behaviour. One can reasonably label a dangerous group (ironically, how they label some critiquing PDA).
Dec 4, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
"Facing Change and Uncertainty: Lessons Learned from Autistic Children and their Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic"
Open access article… This is one is interesting talking about demands. It also seems to talk about how avoidance is relating to anxiety (stress). There is also an example of demand-avoidance in their which highlights why proposed rational-irrational demand-avoidance split is problematic.
Nov 24, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
@milton_damian Does anyone else find it weird considering the high variation in clinical practice assessing autism; that "PDA Profile of ASD" advocates felt the need to prematurely define with a research report, that purports to provide guidance & identification on PDA? Point here, is one can respect autism identifications from clinics with divergent assessment practices. Why should PDA identifications be treated any differently (if they do identify PDA)? Why should we view divergent PDA identifications as inferiors to others?
Nov 21, 2024 92 tweets 17 min read
Thread on draft slides for “Ethical responsibility for negative responses to encountering critique of “Pathological” Demand-Avoidance (PDA)" video. Video should be published by end of November 2024 (I am unsure if I will wait for feedback on these slides before recording the video).
Nov 20, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
@forestvanslyke In response to those saying have meltdowns due to critiquing PDA. One could view it as unfortunate & responsibility of those prematurely reifying PDA as a distinct entity... ... PDA literature notes PDA is a controversial & contested topic. Many people have been & are critical of PDA, for many good reasons...
Nov 19, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
This is my latest image showing how social avoidance behaviours to demand can escalate. It is adapted from PDA Society's "What is PDA" booklet, p7. Image It is adapted from this image from PDA Society 2021 p7. Image
Nov 19, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
This meme was first published by Sally Cat on facebook. It is not a "joke". Its bullying by its creator.

If I edited this meme to have Sally Cat's face on it, & saying "It is all makes sene of why she was such an incompetent, arrogant, under-qualified twat"; that edited meme would be viewed as bullying.Image Sally Cat's views on me, since they created this meme, also show that this meme is an accurate reflection of their views on me; i.e., the meme is not meant to be taken as a "joke".
Nov 17, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Title and abstract for my talk next month.

What are the predicted risks of the proposed autism subtypes of “Profound Autism” & “Pathological” Demand-Avoidance (PDA)? Abstract.
Leo Kanner suggested autism as a subtype of Childhood Schizophrenia, as part of the historical broader attempts to categorise people expressing social communication via subtypes over the last nine decades. ..
Oct 28, 2024 45 tweets 8 min read
There is much to admire about someone's dedication to "PDA Profile of ASD".

Still, @milton_damian have you, or I ever intended Rational Demand Avoidance to say one's demand-avoidance is entirely rational reasons, or only "good reasons"? Image The assumption that rational demand avoidance, means a person can only experience demands due to "good reasons"/ rational reasons to be used to justify the pretense of the claimed split between RDA & PDA. Image
Oct 28, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
Rather interesting!… “There is a lot of idiosyncratic interpretation of autism, depending on how much each service adheres to the NHS’s diagnostic criteria and what each psychiatrist’s own interpretation of what autism is.” Prof Marios Adamou.
Oct 25, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
This is a short thread on the title & abstract for the talk!
Why is it premature to split “Rational” Demand-Avoidance from “Pathological” Demand-Avoidance?
Oct 18, 2024 69 tweets 12 min read
Thread on draft slides for “Pathological” Demand-Avoidance (PDA) & Pediatric Symptom Checklist-17. video.

Video should be published weekend of 19th-20th of October 2024. Below is the title slide for this presentation. Image
Oct 7, 2024 20 tweets 3 min read
I have a lot of issues with how some are attempting to define "Pathological Demand-Avoidance".

Seemingly arbitrarily claiming demand-avoidance is different in nature, because it is illogical/ irrational, from logical/ rational is one of them. What is logical/ rational vs irrational/ logical is inherently subjective and value judgements, often often specific. Often PDA literature notes this is usually defined by an external observer's perspective.
Sep 28, 2024 58 tweets 10 min read
Thread on draft slides for Broader cultural context of “Pathological Demand Avoidance” (PDA) “Profile of ASD” video.

Video should be published weekend of 28th-29th of September 2024. Below is the title slide for this presentation. Image
Sep 23, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
If you want an example, of why I am so critical of PDA Society's so called guidance on PDA diagnoses, the thread by @AnnMemmott highlights flaws when research only involves people with certain outlooks.
As I explain in the document below the so called guidance by PDA Society on how to identify PDA is biased by who they included in the research & why they asked them.…
Sep 19, 2024 59 tweets 10 min read
Jonathan Green's response to Gillberg et al (2024) has also been published. Among other things, it calls for a transactional approach to PDA & transdiagnostic approach to PDA research.… Gillberg et al (2024b) response article seems relatively well balanced. Recognises points both Jonathan Green & I make, while arguing for their proposed PDA research agenda. Key point is importance of external observer value judgement about nature of PDA though!
Aug 28, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
What's on my mind?

Almost complete vacuum in literature on Non-speaking PDAers/ PDAers with Intellectual Disability

If possible, I should mention that in the editorial!

I am bloody good at my understanding & knowledge of PDA, e.g., Newson's likely contribution to that vacuum. Take below diagram from Newson 1996, p6. It shows Newson's Pervasive Developmenetal Coding Disorders grouping, which has PDA separate from autism, but also related to dyslexia & dysphasia. Diagram has an intelligence/ potential line, low on left (autism), high on right (PDA). Image
Jul 26, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Oh demand-avoidance welcome back into life for the infinitive time. Oh but wait, is this demand-avoidance rational, or irrational? Who gets to decide if this demand-avoidance is rational, or irrational? How should one define if this demand-avoidance is rational, or irrational? So I am avoiding reading an email response to a request for me to be able to do something potentially "cool". I am anxious because the "cool" activity is "fun" for me, but not "cool" for others. Person whose consent I need, likely would be in the "not cool" for others group...