أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وصلى الله وسلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه ومن قفى قفوه إلى يوم تبلى السرائر

Muslims have for a long time argue over things that are not necessary, things that are never part

of what Allah is going to ask a servant or what a servant will not be asked in his grave.
The most despicable thing is for you to see Muslims pronounce Haram and Halal on things Allah and His messenger never pronounced it to be Not minding the fact that they have no legal/moral
right to pronounce Halāl or Harām alas Allah and His prophet didn't do so
Allah says:
وَمَا كَانَ لِمُؤْمِنٍ وَلَا مُؤْمِنَةٍ إِذَا قَضَى اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَمْرًا أَن يَكُونَ لَهُمُ الْخِيَرَةُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ ۗ وَمَن يَعْصِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ فَقَدْ ضَلَّ ضَلَالًا مُّبِينًا
Its not of the believing Male or female to have a choice on a command Allah and His prophet have issued. Whoever disobeys Allah and His messenger has fell in a manifest lost.
Al-Ahzab 36..

وَمَا آتَاكُمُ الرَّسُولُ فَخُذُوهُ وَمَا نَهَاكُمْ عَنْهُ فَانتَهُوا

Al- Hashr 7
And whatever the prophet ordered you with do it, and what he prohibits you deviate from it.
The prophet SAW has explained categorically that Allah alone has the legal right to declare Halāl and Harām and He has done it through the prophet SAW.
1- عن أبي الدرداء رضي الله عنه مرفوعا بلفظ :

( مَا أَحَلَّ اللهُ فِي كِتَابِهِ فَهُوَ حَلَالٌُ ، وَمَا حَرَّمَ فَهوَ حَرَامٌ ، وَمَا سَكَتَ عَنهُ فَهُوَ عَفْوٌ ، فَاقبَلُوا مِنَ اللهِ عَافِيَتَه ( وَمَا كَانَ رَبُّك نَسِيَّا )

Abu Dar'Dāi from the prophet SAW who said:
Whatever Allah has permitted in his book is permissible, and whatever He has prohibited is non permissible, and what He made not mention of is a pardon. So take the pardon of Allah upon you (And your Lord will never forget (to mention) anything).
أخرجه الدارقطني في سننه (2/137) والحاكم في المستدرك (2/406) (10/12) والطبراني في مسند الشاميين (3/209)

عن أبي ثعلبة الخشني رضي الله عنه عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: ( إِنَّ اللهَ فَرَضَ فَرَائِضَ فَلا تُضَيِّعُوهَا، وَحَدَّ حُدُودًا فَلا تَعتدُوهَا ، وَحَرَّمَ أَشيَاءَ
فَلا تَنتَهِكُوهَا ، وَسَكَتَ عَن أَشيَاءَ رَحمَةً لَكم مِن غَيرِ نِسيانٍ فَلا تَبحَثُوا عَنهَا ).
From Abu Tha'labah Al-khashaniyy R.A from the prophet SAW who said:
Verily, Allah has obligates Obligations do not play with them, and He set red lines (limits) do not cross them,
and He prohibited some things do not commit them, and He refused to talk about some things they are mercy/pardon to you not forgetfulness do not go about searching for them.

Narrated by jama'a
All these are indications that whatever is prohibited should be prohibited by Allah
and His messenger, not by a sahabi or Tabi' or any other person.
What we are talking about is the verse of the Qur'an in Suratu Luqmān verse 4 where Allah says:

وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَن يَشْتَرِي لَهْوَ الْحَدِيثِ لِيُضِلَّ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ وَيَتَّخِذَهَا هُزُواً
أُولَئِكَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ مُّهِينٌ.
Amongst the people is he who buys (Lahwal Hadith) to deviate from the way of Allah without knowledge and takes it (Allah's commandments) for granted, those are ones who begots a severe punishment.
I am putting the (Lahwal Hadith) in bracket
because that is the ground of argument.
It was narrated from some of the sahābas like ibn Abbas and Abdullahi Ibn mas'ud and Ikrimah that (Lahwal Hadith) means music (Al-gināu).
Before we go into explanation, let's look at what the words (Lahwu) and (Hadith) means then we would
look at what (Lahwul Hadith) would look like linguistically.
لهو :
It's grammatical structure morphologically is :

لهى - يلهو - لهو


ألهى - يلهى - إلهاء - لهو


تلهى - يتلهى - تلهى - لهو
Among its synonyms are:
1. السهو Negligence

2. العبث Joke/Fun

3. المزاح /Unintended speechJoke

4. الغفلة carelessness

5. اللعب Play
لهْو الحديث:
كلّ كلام يلهي القلبَ ويأكل الوقتَ ولا يثمر خيرًا ''
Whatever distracts the heart and takes away time and never yield benefit.
These translations and synonyms are from Arabic dictionaries.

There is no single place where لهو was given a synonym to be الغناء to the best of my research. I would be glad if one can help me spot one.
Since its established that The Music (Al-Gināh) is not a synonym to (Lahw)
or (Hadith) then one need not argue that any translation that will come fort translating (Lahwul Hadith) as (Al-Gināh) is a indirect (Tāweel) and so if you are not a subscriber of Tāweel to the verses of the Qur'an then you have no argument here because they are 2 diff things
But, I am one the subscribers so let's see what their Tāweel look like.
Note: The following Narrations will be coming from books of Tafāseer and specifically we would be using the Tafseer of Al-qurtubiyy because its the last to be published between :
1. Tafseer of Ibn Jarir At-tabariyy

2. Tafseer of Ibn Katheer

3. Tafseer of Al-Qurtubiyy
Note the 3 Books of tafseer look exactly alike, only few things differentiates them.
In Al-Qurtubiyy under the verse we are talking about, he brought some narrations of Ibn Mas'ud saying:
روى سعيد بن جبير عن أبي الصهباء البكري قال: سئل عبدالله بن مسعود عن قوله تعالى: «ومن الناس من يشتري لهو الحديث» فقال: الغناء والله الذي لا إله إلا هو؛ يرددها ثلاث مرات.
From Saeed bn Jubair from Abi As-sahbāi Al-bakariyy said:

Abdullahi Bn Mas'ud was asked about the verse of
(Lahwal Hadith) he said: Music, I swear by Allah that there is no God but Him, he repeated it 3×.
There are many other Ahadith mentioned but the real truth is that not one of them if chainly sound.
It should be noted that the Only hadith Al-imam Al-Qurtubiyy Rahimahullahu
Mentioned from At-tirmidhiyy from Abu Umamah from the Prophet SAW is also a weak hadith and can be called a fabricated Hadith.
قال ابن أبي حاتم حدثنا محمد بن إسماعيل الأحمسي حدثنا وكيع عن خلاد الصفار عن عبيدالله بن زحر عن علي بن يزيد عن القاسم بن عبد الرحمن عن أبي أمامة
عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لا يحل بيع المغنيات ولا شراؤهن وأكل أثمانهن حرام وفيهن أنزل الله عز وجل علي « ومن الناس من يشتري لهو الحديث ليضل عن سبيل الله »

Ibn Abi Hātim said, we were told by Muhammad bn Ismāil by Waqe'e by Khallād As-Safāriyy from Ubaidullahi bn zahr from
Aliy bn Yazid fro. al-qāsim bn Abdur Rahmān from Abu Umāmah from the Prophet SAW:

Its prohibited to sell/buy female musicians/singers (slave) and eating the money from it is Harām. Upon them Allah revealed : ( Among the people is he who buys Lahwal Hadith to deviate from the
path of Allah).

وهكذا رواه الترمذي « 1282 » وابن جرير « 21/60 » من حديث عبيدالله بن زحر بنحوه.

At-tirmidiy also narrated it with the number (1282) and Ibn Jarir in his tafseer (21/60) from hadith of ubaidullahi bn Zahr with the same way.
ثم قال الترمذي هذا حديث غريب وضعف علي بن يزيد المذكور قال علي وشيخه والراوي عنه كلهم ضعفاء والله أعلم
And then At-tirmidhiyy in the same hadith said: this is a strange Hadith and weak, because Aliy bn Yazid was criticised by scholars and himself, his teacher and the person that
narrated it from him are all weak (untrustworthy) people.
Allah knows all.
عن أبي موسى الأشعري رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : (من استمع إلى صوت غناء لم يؤذن له أن يستمع الروحانيين في الجنة . فقيل : وما الروحانيون يا رسول الله ؟ قال : قراء أهل الجنة).
From Abu Musāh Al-Ash'ariyy R.A that the prophet SAW said: He who listen to the sound of Music will not be able to hear the (Ar-rauhaniyeen) in the Paradise. They said: what is Ar-rauhaniyyun ? He said: the sounds of the people of paradise..
الترمذي (نوادر الأصول) 2/87
In the chain of Narration there is (حماد بن عمرو) and scholars faulted him.

قال الذهبي في " _المغني" : "روى عن الثقات موضوعات ، قاله النقاش ،

Al-hafidh Az-zahabiyy said in his (Al-mugniy) :

Hamad bn Amr narrated false hadith and ascribed it to trustworthy men. This was said
by An-naqqāsh

وقال النسائي : متروك
And Nasāi said about him:
His hadith are to be abandoned (not reliable).
If we are to continue bringing the ahadith in Al-Qurtubiyy not a single hadith will be faultless, all of them have faults. A lot of them fabricated.
But let's admit the fact that they were narrated and go by that.
The big question is was Al-imam Al-Qurtubiyy generalizing music in his thought and explanation according to what he narrated and then were the sahābah generalizing too ? No

Why No ?
Let's ask Al-imam Al-Qurtubiyy to explain it himself.
Under the same verse where he was explaining the non permissibility of Music in Islām he said after narrations:

ولهذه الآثار وغيرها قال العلماء بتحريم الغناء ، وهو الغناء المعتاد عند المشتهرين به ، الذي يحرك النفوس ويبعثها
على الهوى والغزل والمجون الذي يحرك الساكن ويبعث الكامن ؛

And for those narrations and others scholars arrived at the prohibition if music, and it is the type of music that is know with those who are famous with it, which is the one that shakens the soul leads one to start
catching unnecessary feelings, and Erotic poems (Love poems) and joking with unnecessary words, and it shakens a calm one and reveal whatever is concealed.

فهذا النوع إذا كان في شعر يشبب فيه بذكر النساء ووصف محاسنهن وذكر الخمور والمحرمات لا يختلف في تحريمه ؛ لأنه اللهو والغناء
المذموم بالاتفاق،

This type, if found in a poem/Music where girls are mentioned, describing their body parts and how curvy they are and other things which are concealable body parts of a girl, and mentioning of Alcohol and other forbidden things, there is no diverse opinion in
it as it is Harām. Because that is Al-lahwu and Al-gināh that is dispraised (prohibited).

فأما ما سلم من ذلك فيجوز القليل منه في أوقات الفرح ؛ كالعرس والعيد ، وعند التنشيط على الأعمال الشاقة ، كما كان في حفر الخندق.

But any (MUSIC) that is free from the above mentioned,
a little is allowed (permissible) in it, like when taking a bride, and during celebration, and when reawakening the body during hard works; like what happened during the digging of Holes in madinah vastly known as (Al-khandaq).

Now, this is Al-Qurtubbiy categorizing even with
the narrations being faulty. But who is Al-fatih to say ? Me Unknown son of unknown. May Allah help us.

Before we move out of the verse let's take it to account that Qatādah and Ad-dahāk didn't translate the said verse the way it was narrated from the sahabas. And this if its
true that the Sahabas translated it that way - even though its not evident- we should be seeing the likes of Qatādah and Ad-Dahāk translating it that same way...

Ad-Dahāk learnt Tafseer from Saeed bn Jubair and Saeed directly from Ibn Abbas (Habrul Ummah). It speaks volume.
Allah knows best.
Again, looking at the purpose of revelation to this verse everything will be much more clearer.
قال الكلبي ، ومقاتل : نزلت في النضر بن الحارث ، وذلك أنه كان يخرج تاجرا إلى فارس فيشتري أخبار الأعاجم فيرويها ، ويحدث بها قريشا ويقول لهم : إن محمدا - عليه الصلاة
والسلام - يحدثكم بحديث عاد وثمود ، وأنا أحدثكم بحديث رستم ، وإسفنديار ، وأخبار الأكاسرة ، فيستملحون حديثه ويتركون استماع القرآن ، فنزلت فيه هذه الآية
Al-kalbiy and Muqātil said: It was revealed upon An-Nadr bn Al-hārith. He use to go on trade to Persian and buys the then forms
of newspapers/magazines, he will come back and inform the Quraish about it. He say afterwards: Muhammad SAW use to tell you about the people of Ād and Thamud, and now I am telling you about Rustom, Esfandiar of (Iran) and the sasanids.

So they (unbelievers among quraysh) goes to
listen to his information and stop listening to the Qur'an, then this verse was revealed.
When we say there is a kind of music that is permissible (Mubāh) this second category which Al-qurtubiyy himself explained is what we mean.

Do we have proof for it ? Yes ...
Let's ask the Qur'an and hadith
صلوا على النبي الكريم...صلعم

Allah mentioned in the Qur'an Suratul Shuarāh :

وَالشُّعَرَاءُ يَتَّبِعُهُمُ الْغَاوُونَ
And for the poet they are followed by lost individuals.

أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّهُمْ فِي كُلِّ وَادٍ يَهِيمُونَ
Don't you see that
they are confused in every valley you meet them

وَأَنَّهُمْ يَقُولُونَ مَا لَا يَفْعَلُونَ
And they say what they don't do.

إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَذَكَرُوا اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا وَانتَصَرُوا مِن بَعْدِ مَا ظُلِمُوا ۗ وَسَيَعْلَمُ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا أَيَّ
مُنقَلَبٍ يَنقَلِبُونَ

Except for those that believe and do good deeds and remember Allah (chants Allah's praise) much, and aid (Islam) when attacked. Those that will know their fate after.


عن أبي الحسن سالم البراد - مولى تميم الداري - قال : لما نزلت : ( والشعراء
يتبعهم الغاوون ) ، جاء حسان بن ثابت ، وعبد الله بن رواحة ، وكعب بن مالك إلى رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - وهم يبكون فقالوا : قد علم الله حين أنزل هذه الآية أنا شعراء . فتلا النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - : ( إلا الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات ) قال : " أنتم " ، (وذكروا الله كثيرا)
قال : " أنتم " ، ( وانتصروا من بعد ما ظلموا ) قال : " أنتم " .

From Abu hussain Salim Al-barrād- said: when the verse was revealed: Hussān bn Thābit came to the prophet SAW along with Abdullahi bn Rawāhah and Ka'ab bn Malik (all poets of the prophet SAW) crying, they said:
Allah knows we are poets and revealed such verse. The prophet SAW read the completion ( safe those who believe and do good deeds....) he said: you are the ones. (And do much remembrance of Allah) he said: you are the ones. (And aid Islam after it was fought) he said : you.
رواه ابن أبي حاتم . وابن جرير.
It was also narrated by Bukhari and Muslim that:

« خ3513 م2486 » أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لحسان اهجهم أو قال هاجهم وجبريل معك
The prophet SAW said to Hussān bn Thābit say to them a defamatory poem and jibreel is with you.
And as for musical sound like drum or other instruments they take the law of Bandir (Ad-daf) and without doubt Ad-daf is permissible in Islam.

حدثنا مسلم بن إبراهيم حدثنا شعبة عن أبي إسحاق عن البراء رضي الله عنه قال كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ينقل التراب يوم الخندق حتى
أغمر بطنه أو اغبر بطنه يقول:
والله لولا الله ما اهتدينا # ولا تصدقنا ولا صلينا
# فأنزلن سكينة علينا
وثبت الأقدام إن لاقينا

إن الألى قد بغوا علينا#
إذا أرادوا فتنة أبينا

ورفع بها صوته أبينا أبينا
From Al-barrāu R.A said: the prophet SAW was digging on the day of the battle of Al-khandaq until his stomach became sandy and was saying:

By Allah, if not for Allah we won't be guided

We won't be giving charity and not pray 5 obligatory prayers

He descended tranquility on us
And make us firm when we are attacked.

Those enemies have transgress on us,

Even though they want destruction and calamity to fall we refuse..

And the prophet SAW raises his voice with chorus

We refuse we refuse
You might be saying this is poem but poems in Arabic are sang in 99.99% case.


أخرج البخاري ومسلم عن عائشة، قالت: دخل علي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وعندي جاريتان من جواري الأنصار تغنيان بما تقاولت الأنصار يوم بعاث، قالت: وليستا بمغنيتين، فقال أبو بكر:
أمزامير الشيطان في بيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وذلك في يوم عيد، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «يا أبا بكر، إن لكل قوم عيدا وهذا عيدنا»
Al-Bukhari And Muslim narrates from Aisha who said: The prophet SAW came into my abode and there were 2 little girls with me from Ansār
neighborhood singing music (with Band) with what the Ansār said the day of Biāth. She (Aisha) said; And they (girls) weren't paid singers, so Abubakar said: Are you playing the flute (Mizmār) of the devil in the prophet's house on Eid day ? The prophet SAW said: Oh Abubakr every
nation/people have their celebration days.
In other narrations the word band (Ad-daf) was mentioned.

If this hadith shows anything it is telling us that using musical instruments to sing in times of happiness and celebration is allowed. And since it was done in the presence of
the prophet and a sahaba wanted to stop it (which implies that he thought its harām in any form) and the Prophet approved it then we an called An approved sunnah (As-sunnatut Taqreeriyyah)
Lastly, when the prophet SAW migrated from Makkah to Madinah, the answer sang the following

طلع البدر علينا
من ثنية الوداع
The moon has rise on us from thaniyatul Wada'i (one of the names of Makkah then)

وجب الشكر علينا
ما دعا لله داع
Its incumbent upon us to be grateful he didn't call except to Allah alone.
أيها المبعوث فينا
جئت بالأمر المطاع
Oh you messenger raised from us, you came with non arguable affair.

جئت شرفت المدينة
مرحبا يا خير داع
Your coming dignifies madinah, welcome oh best of callers.

And on this occasion bands ( Ad-dufuf) were used.
Conclusion: There is a clear different between the songs prohibited and the ones permissible as you have read. There is no way you can start to compare the musics of Naira Marley and co. with that of The An-nasheed ( السلام عليك يا يا رسول الله ) or any other Muslim songs which
are free from what Al-Qurtubiyy mentioned as prohibited. Like : eulogising a girl and describing her supposed concealed parts of the body, praising alcohol and its drinkers which Allah has lay cause on all the participants of it from makers to the very last consumer,
saying words of shirk and others.

If a song is free from these its permissible. Especially the ones we see some of our Muslim brothers sing which when listening to them makes you remember Allah and the prophet and at that it increases one the love of Allah and Islam as against
what was mentioned in the verse we are talking about that the type that makes one to ho astray (ليضل عن سبيل الله بغير علم ويتخذها هذوا).

Singing with musical instruments is allowed during:

1. Eid
2. Marriage
3. Happy times.

So if its allowed in those times I wonder what
prohibits it if done in the appropriate time.

You cannot be playing music when you are supposed to be praying , or reading the Qur'an any other worship.
Everything has its time.
If you want to talk about the hadith :
يستحلون الحرى والحرير والمعازف
Please try and read the book
of Al-Qaradāwiyy (Al-islam Wal-fan) he submissions were based on the faults of this hadith and how it fails to meet up to requirements.

Disclaimer: This is not encourage one to start playing musics all the time as it is much better you listen to the Qur'an since we have them on
Audio and videos in this era.
The write was triggered by some sect of Muslims who thinks listening to music of any kind is harām, so I decided to put what Allah has made me to understand about the issue in order to strike a balance between our fatāwas of today and the old ones.
But if we are to be talking about Ahadith of prohibition non of them is sound, they ate all faulty, and we should be very careful with dealings with the Hadith because lying against the prophet SAW is not like lying against an ordinary person.
If you were able to read it to this
End may Allah reward you for that..

May Allah reward me for what I said right and forgive whatever I said wrong...
وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم
*those that attacked Islam will know their fate after

• • •

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Apr 14, 2021
My attention was drawn to this tweet and I feel I should try to make an approach to answering the question. May Allah make it a beneficial knowledge between me and you.


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#fasting #QuestionandAnswer
Fasting is ordained on any Matured muslim, sickness free and in peaceful condition.
One, who is in the war front is encouraged not to fast if the following conditions are met:
1. He War must be with the aim to protect lives and properties. It must not be an attack on other group or country for destruction solely or mutual disagreement, Or any other reason that doesn't please Allah SWA
2. If the war is intense and demands activiness like constant moving
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Apr 13, 2021
Ramadan day 1 hadith:

عن أبى هريرة رضي الله عنه قال، قال رسول الله صلى عليه وسلم:

" ليس الصيام من الأكل والشرب، إنما الصيام من اللغو والرفث.... فإن سابك أحد أو جهل إليك فقل "إن صائم إن صائم"

حديث صحيح

From Abu Huraira, that The prophet SAW said:
" Fasting is not just abstaining from eating and drinking, but it is the abstainance from foul words (Abuse) and any form of sexual intercourse.... Should one abuse you or done something wrong to you say "I am fasting, I am fasting".

Sound hadith...
By interpretation: The hadith is teaching us how we should live our lives as Muslims in Ramadan and by translation our everyday Live.

Don't just think not eating or drinking is enough to extend your fast
Read 5 tweets
Mar 6, 2021
بسم الله والصلاه والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن اهتدى بهديه إلى يوم تُطْوَى السماءُ كطي السجل للكتاب.


This thread was triggered by the viral tweet/broadcast of BBC hausa where a man was explaining how he
2. arrived at the decision to marry his 2 wives in the same day came to play. He mentioned somethings that aren't true by claiming the following:

1. That Allah gave the order to start with 2 wives in the very first attempt.

2. That marrying 2 wives in a day is Sunnah.
3. In as much as it (marrying 2 wives at once) is permissible in ISLAM but there are still some issues that needs to be cleared for the purpose of others who would seek to emulate him in this cause.
To make a short caption for this I say:
Read 31 tweets
Dec 13, 2020
1 أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وصلى الله على النبي الكريم وآله وصحبه أجمعين ...
اللهم إنى اعوذ يك أن أَظلم أو أُظلم فإنما الأعمال بالنيات

I saw your tweet since Friday but thought you're bemused by ignorance and never wanted to respond but the rising request to do the needful made me come to it today.

1. To start with, the book you are referencing الداعية العالى has been graciously criticised.
Not just written unpublished books but a verbal criticism.
2. The book was not written by sheikh and was written after the demise of sheikh but as usual you must tell the word you are foolish since its about Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass R.A
Read 44 tweets
Sep 27, 2020
الفضل والكرامات لشيخ التجانى رضي الله عنه
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

وصلى الله على النبي الكريم وعلى آله وصحبه وأولياءه أجمعين.

#SheikhTijani Image
Today, we join everyone to celebrate a hidden treasure of Allah, a honourable gnostic, the seal of auliyāu, the pole of Sufism, Maulana Abul Abbas Sheikh Ahmad At-tijaniy R.A

It is of much importance we do this kind of remembrance to ourselves because it was said:
فبذكر الصالحين تتنزل الرحمة
With the remembrance of the pious mercy pours
A lot of us would want to hear the Distinctions (miracles) that Allah endowed our blessed sheikh with and I know we are waiting to hear he turns stones to gold, or raise the dead or even caused one to die.
Read 45 tweets
Sep 26, 2020
OK, it seems you don't know why I said you are confusing me. Clearly, your tweet which I quoted translates opposite of what the hadith you are quoting relates.

Hadiths are more than an ordinary English translations.

Do hold on while I explain to you

1. Your tweets translates as (Protection and catering for) no longer a purpose for marriage.

One thing you missed here was that, those 2 things were never reason for marriage, they were mere rights of a wife over a husband. Anybody who sees them as purpose is mistaken
2. The hadith you mentioned in Buhari was narrated by Abu Musāh as part of the signs of end time. Even though scholars fault the hadith I don't want to talk about that.

But what the hadith was translated to be was that ladies will later come to hang on men seeking for marriage
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