Here is a map of #TX02 We need your help to flip this district, one of the most gerrymandered districts in the nation and need to cover every crevasse of it. We need to elect @SimaforTX and we will with YOU!
We have endless amounts of volunteer opportunities!! Texans deserve better leadership, and someone they can trust.
Join the fight to elect @SimaforTX who will be a champion and voice for all.
June 18, 2021: Wake up at 5:30am pst, rush to LAX to find out my @JetBlue is canceled? No explanation from staff. Make a 🚨 call to the fam, sent a @Skiplagged link for the next AM flight out, @Delta, only to find out it's for a July departure. (Apologies to those who booked.)
It's 8:30 am now, not satisfied, heart is racing, a bit hysterical, the most extended lines battling me in between @JetBlue@Delta@AmericanAir customer service. Why is this happening? What is this lesson? I want to get to my home state to join the trailblazers on ground.
9:00 am, booked a flight. Still, a bit on edge, with my fashion job, deadlines, and what's at stake, my head feels foggy. Order some breakfast, which consists of sparkling stars and a splash of OJ. I take a breather.
I spent a month in rural GA, covering six counties with zero to no democratic infrastructure. The need for *connectivity* is even more valuable as many lower-income and rural-area families often struggle to either pay for and/or have access to it.
The local fast food parking lot was the “hot spot.” As if the struggle to participate in Zoom mtgs, go online for virtual classes, and work from home weren’t enough stress, now Georgia voters have to think about one extra step just to cast their vote?
Thank you @SylvesterTurner and @RodneyEllis for your support and joining us at our distribution site yesterday in #FifthWard. We served over 2,000 people with water, food and essentials. Big thanks to all who have donated and supported these efforts.
It was an honor to serve alongside the @Bohras_USA community. My heart is filled with their love, kindness and friendships. 1,000 meals were donated by their community to serve the needs of the Denver Harbor area. Grateful. 🙏🏼❤️
Before our distribution, we were led in prayer by leaders and volunteers from @Bohras_USA — a beautiful moment that brought us all together.
When we make community a priority, it’s how we see change. The scale of Texas is a blessing, yet a challenge on its own. Our communities are hurting in marginalized areas, and we need to help amplify their voices.
Today proved once that grassroots organizing is the root of economic movement. 🙏🏼 @MarcelMcClinton
This is it. The final week of 2020. 🗣We need to finish STRONG‼️ These rural southern areas in Georgia are imperative to win the senate - we need your help on the ground. Join us this week to save democracy one last time. 🍑💙
Every blend makes a difference in Coffee County. Sign up to volunteer this week:
Hi Friends -- I want to introduce a new project called @myvoice_mypower which is a grassroots, youth-led organization that is mobilizing across our communities and throughout the country. #MVMP is energized by a cultural shift to create a platform of inspiration for our youth.
Since launching this organization almost 2 months ago, our volunteer base has grown significantly with team members in the age range of 14-35. Our goal is to empower individuals to register and #GOTV this November, engaging them to become involved in every aspect of democracy.
Every Wednesday, we mobilize our team of volunteers to make a real difference. Our "Postcards to Voters" campaign has been quite a success! To date, team #MVMP has written over 2,000 postcards to states including TX, SC, FL, MA + HI. 🗳️