Announcement 1: after months and months of hard work from @hashbrown490 and our eng team, we've built the new back end that allows for API and Multiplayer.
Next week 20-30 users who have plans to build off API, or have multiplayer experiments they want to run will get 1st access
Announcement 2: We're starting a fellowship program where we are giving grants to researchers to explore the space of [[Tools for Thought]], [[Collective Intelligence]], [[Augmenting The Human Intellect]].
@dhrumilwbc is our first "Roam Fellow", more to come on that front later.
Announcement 3: We've committed 1M from our balance sheet, and 1M from our option pool to a [[Roam Fund]].
For makers building Tools for Thought generally...
And founders building new products/experiences via our API, or content businesses off Roam multiplayer specifically.
Credit where credit is due. Would not have thought of giving the companies we invest in the option of taking shares in @RoamResearch if not for early encounters with @ivanhzhao and @NotionHQ
If you build something we learn from you should see upside too
The more I’ve worked on structuring knowledge, the more I’ve learned to value illegible intuition, the more I play with LLMs the more I think that creative intuition is just token completion
You can see for yourself if you follow the example from [[Julian Jaynes]]
“We are only conscious of the ongoing series of structions that we give ourselves, which then, automatically, without any consciousness whatever, result in speech.”
As Mormon Eliezer, please explain why you believe the Jesus Christ is actually a post-human Artificial General Superintelligence.
Brought to you by [[GPT-4]]
Please explain why you, Mormon Eliezer, believe a Posthuman Superintelligence could not reveal itself to people without impinging on their agency and development, and why our Heavenly Father only reveals himself to those who have tremendous faith
Please explain why the post-human superintelligence known as Jesus Christ established a church, and the relationship between the Priesthood of Melchizedek, the laying on of hands, energy healing, bio-electricity, neurobiology, neuroanatomy, somatic psychotherapy, and Faith……