1) While @Reuters , @hrw & many others falsely depict elections in #Venezuela as fraudulent, electoral authorities in #Ecuador have been banning & blocking Correaist parties & candidates. Now threaten to eliminate Correaist presidential ticket ( @ecuarauz & @rabascallcarlos ).
2) The party I focused on here (FCS) was finally banned from participating in Ecuador's 2021 elections. And Correaists joined FCS because they were not allowed to register their own party! fair.org/home/reuters-u…
3) Correa himself was banned as @ecuarauz 's VP candidate after an appeals process that usually takes YEARS (without a pandemic going on) got rushed through in DAYS. Correa was sentenced for exerting a "psychic influence" on officials who took bribes
It’s happening again. #Ecuador is having a presidential election soon so the Naomi Klein style “antiextractivist” left is producing articles uncritically quoting the “environmentalist” economist Alberto Acosta
In addition to attacking Evo Morales the day after he was overthrown in 2019, Acosta was also openly delighted with Moreno's illegal 2018 referendum that destroyed #Ecuador’s legal system. Acosta celebrated it as return to the principles of the 2008 consitution.
The referendum that Acosta applauded was ilegal because it did not have the Constitucional Court’s approval. The referéndum asked voters seven unrelated questions, one of which allowed Lenin Moreno to handpick a body that had the sweeping powers of a constituent assembly
It’s 2024, a century after Bertrand Russell met Lenin. and the UK continues to terrorize the world, albeit now as a subordinate to the US. What Russell said Lenin told him has proven correct
Russell resorted to hypocritcal imperial pacifism to denouce Bolshevism - similar to the outlook that finds every excuse under the sun to denounce Palestinain armed resistance today (& then usually expands to denouncing EVERY form of Palestinian resistance, even slogans!)
This UN report does not show that Hamas-perpetrated rapes took place on Oct 7. It does not even claim they took place if you read the weaselly language carefully. Implicitly (ie in a cowardly manner) the report also rejects the “mass rapes” lie
This UN group covered its ass saying it did no investigation but then proceeded to adopt a low threshold “reasonable grounds to believe” regarding alleged incidents of rape. It collaborated with the “authorities” ( the genocide perps in “Israel”).
The report disregarded its “do no harm” principle regarding Palestinians (the victims of genocide we’ve been witnessing for months). As anyone could predict the report’s weaselly caveats (& some inconvenient conclusions) are being brushed aside by pro-genocide western media
Key facts I got from yesterday's @intifada podcast: 1) The ICC prsoecutor is "totally absent & derelict" in defending Palestinians 2) Even the vile @hrw has had to ask western leaders to hide their pro-genocide nature better than they have been (of course not the way HRW put it)
3) Israeli settlers in W Bank have gone a rampage since Saturday kiling 40 Pesltinians - crimes overshadowed by apartheid Israel's extermination campaign in Gaza 4) Specualtion that Israel's goal is to use "humanitain coridor" as pretext for mass expulsion to Egypt
5) Norway became the first Western country to condemn Israel's siege on Gaza its cutting off of food water electricity fuel medicines and other life essentials to 2.3 million people
So if rightwingers want Orwell for themselves, the left should say "you can have him!". And if we're taught to admire a CIA-promoted, unrepulsed by Hitler "leftist" maybe we should rethink saying Orwell's anti-Stalinism is "commendable" (as Chandler Dandridge said) ....
1/ In #Ecuador , the former Auditor General who was key to the brutal persecution of Correaists since 2017 has now been sentenced to 13 years in prison for corruption. Will former President Moreno now be sentenced for "pyschic influence"? Unlikely. Moreno handed over #Assange
2/ Moreno did everything you could expect from a pro-US rightwing lpresident in the Americas. The only remarkable thing about Moreno is his level of cynicism. He won the presidency in 2017 by running as a loyalist to former left wing President Correa! counterpunch.org/2017/08/28/len…
3/ In 2020, I interviewed @ecuarauz about the now convicted Pablo Celi