Joe Emersberger Profile picture
Union member w/ Ecuadorian roots. Co-Author of "Extraordinary Threat: The US Empire, the media and twenty years of coup attempts in Venezuela" (Monthly Review)
2 subscribers
Feb 24 9 tweets 2 min read
It’s happening again. #Ecuador is having a presidential election soon so the Naomi Klein style “antiextractivist” left is producing articles uncritically quoting the “environmentalist” economist Alberto Acosta

Thread In addition to attacking Evo Morales the day after he was overthrown in 2019, Acosta was also openly delighted with Moreno's illegal 2018 referendum that destroyed #Ecuador’s legal system. Acosta celebrated it as return to the principles of the 2008 consitution. Image
May 19, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
It’s 2024, a century after Bertrand Russell met Lenin. and the UK continues to terrorize the world, albeit now as a subordinate to the US. What Russell said Lenin told him has proven correct Image excerpt is from Russell's "The Practive and Theory of Bolshevism"…
Mar 5, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
This UN report does not show that Hamas-perpetrated rapes took place on Oct 7. It does not even claim they took place if you read the weaselly language carefully. Implicitly (ie in a cowardly manner) the report also rejects the “mass rapes” lie

Thread… This UN group covered its ass saying it did no investigation but then proceeded to adopt a low threshold “reasonable grounds to believe” regarding alleged incidents of rape. It collaborated with the “authorities” ( the genocide perps in “Israel”). Image
Oct 15, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
Key facts I got from yesterday's @intifada podcast:
1) The ICC prsoecutor is "totally absent & derelict" in defending Palestinians
2) Even the vile @hrw has had to ask western leaders to hide their pro-genocide nature better than they have been (of course not the way HRW put it) 3) Israeli settlers in W Bank have gone a rampage since Saturday kiling 40 Pesltinians - crimes overshadowed by apartheid Israel's extermination campaign in Gaza
4) Specualtion that Israel's goal is to use "humanitain coridor" as pretext for mass expulsion to Egypt
Feb 12, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
Orwell was a CIA-promoted snitch who reviewed the unabridged Mein Kampf and said in his review that he could not bring himself to dislike Hitler.… More details
Feb 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ In #Ecuador , the former Auditor General who was key to the brutal persecution of Correaists since 2017 has now been sentenced to 13 years in prison for corruption. Will former President Moreno now be sentenced for "pyschic influence"? Unlikely. Moreno handed over #Assange 2/ Moreno did everything you could expect from a pro-US rightwing lpresident in the Americas. The only remarkable thing about Moreno is his level of cynicism. He won the presidency in 2017 by running as a loyalist to former left wing President Correa!…
Jan 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
If you pretend Putin’s legal case for invading Ukraine is remotely as bad a Bush’s case for invading Iraq you’re already helping keep the likes of Bush & Biden from ever paying for their crimes.

Start by looking at a map & compare Iraq - USA distance to Ukraine - Russia More
Jan 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
We should always recall when @johnmcdonnellMP scoffed at the idea that Tony Blair is a war criminal (Oct, 2019)

@jeremycorbyn was still Labour leader at the time and has never denouced McDonnell's remarks Details here on how Aaron Bastani of the "left" media outlet Novara media tried to excuse his initial praise of this sickening interview.

Jan 19, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
That may be true, but Barnaby Raine smeared Mark Wadsworth in a Novara interview and in general talked out of both sides of his mouth when the antisemitism smear campaign was at its most intense See also
Sep 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The most racist thing a Corbyn ally did while JC was Labour leader was deny that Blair is a war criminal (McDonnell 2019 GQ interview)

@AaronBastani just interviewed Corbyn & asked about “John” doing the interview but not about what “John” said 👇

The relevant bit starts at about the 43:30 pt

Sep 28, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
This is what say if you’re a western imperialist regarding votes that take place under wartime conditions

1992 Sandinista loss in #Nicaragua during Reagan’s terrorist war on the country:

Great victory!

2015 opposition win in #Venezuela legislature:

Great victory!

Thread Zelensky victory in 2019 in middle of a civil war

Great Victory!

2014 Referendum in Crimea


Referedums just held is Donetsk, Luhansk..

Sep 25, 2022 33 tweets 6 min read
“The Royal Air Force dropped 150 tons of bombs on India. It was 1925”

HUMAN SMOKE:The Beginnings of World War II, the end of civilization
by Nicholson Baker

Just started it and it is already amazing. Will put noteworthy stuff from it here Why is it that people in the UK aren't ruthlessly hounded if they praise notorious antisemites like Chruchill and the Roosevelts? ImageImageImage
Aug 30, 2022 18 tweets 7 min read
Will do a thread on Gorbachev later tonight (by adding to this tweet) but a huge part of his legacy is giving the the US a much freer hand to rampage all over the Middle East, especially Iraq. And in fact Gorbachev’s served up the USSR to much worse people, like Yeltsin "Gorbachev's INCOMPETENCE" I meant to write above.
Anyway what follows is from Vladislav Zubok's book "Collapsed" which I am most of the way through & already did a thread about.

Gorbachev is a pathetic figure, not a tragic one.
Aug 20, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I finished the 1rst chapter of Vladislav Zubok's book about the collapse of the USSR. One lesson that comes through (& also from Michael Parent’s analysis) is failure to empower consumers.

THREAD Parenti is careful to note that consumers were empowered in some ways: the USSR did “deliver” when it came to important things like health and education, but when it came to various forms of consumer goods, quality was sorely lacking. On that pt, he and Zubok coincide.
Jul 8, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
"The C-word is an acceptable term when prefaced with the soothing adjective 'middle.' Every politician, publicist, and pundit will rhapsodize about the middle class, the object of their heartfelt concern"-----Michael Parenti in "Blackshirts and Reds" "Class reality is obscured by an ideology whose tenets might be summarized and rebutted as follows:
Credo: There are no real class divisions in this society. Save for some rich and poor, almost all of us are middle class."
Jul 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Two things are equally important to ALL factions of the western Establishment

1) Claiming the unique & incomprehensible evil of US/NATO official enemies

2) Normalizing & even glorifying its worst criminals

1 reinforces 2 and vice versa When I say “all factions” I really mean all. An example I keep coming back to because it has so widely ignored even by UK leftists I still like who are not part of the Establishment

Jul 8, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
DEAR "ANTI-ETRACTIVISTS" of the Global North:

The 40bn the US governmnet authorized (with "Squad" support) for proxy WWIII in May is about the value of #Ecuador oil rents for the entire 2014-2020 period

& more than 10X the amout Correa requested to stop drilling in Yasuni FYI The World Bank defines oil rents as follows:

Oil rents are the difference between the value of crude oil production at regional prices and total costs of production.

Ecuador exports about 70% of its oil
Jul 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The unprecedented (in scale) 18 day CONAIE-led protests against rightwing President Lasso in #Ecuador forced him to accept specific demands, many of them benefit the vast majority, not just indigenous or rural communities Important to note that CONAIE leaders (& leaders of other orgs) cannot just snap their fingers and get lower level leaders and members to organize and execute (in face of fierce police response) a mass mobilization like this
Apr 14, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
20 years ago, a US-backed miliary coup ousted Hugo Chavez. It was one of 6 major US-backed efforts to overthrow the eleted government over the last 20 years. @justinpodur and I covered the 2002 coup in Chapter 5 of our book.…

Excerpts follow Chpt 5 follow First excerpt - "Separation of Oligarchy and State - Not Without a Fight"
Apr 12, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
What’s called human history (the history of empires, governments, organized religions, big companies, or groups powerful enough to challenge all of those) approximates a very long crime story. Seen that way, our only task is to rank the criminals.

Thread Seen that way, the only way to avoid the “criminal” label is to be a victim - to never actually defeat the criminal (esp a government) - to at best to win reforms through non-violent means like the 1960s civil rights movement in the US
Apr 11, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Apr 11, 2002 a miltary coup in #Venezuela ousted its democractically elected president Hugo Chavez. It suceeded for 2 days which is why so many people & orgs inside & outside Vzla were discredited by it. It was the 1rst of 6 major US-backed attempts in the past 20 years

THREAD My friend @justinpodur and I wrote a book (released last year) that analized all 6 major US-backed coup attempts in #Venezuela over the past 20 years.…