Lineup of faces sorted by masculinity / femininity
Male chickens were taught to rewarded by face #5 and not rewarded by face #3
Female chickens were taught to rewarded by face #5 and not rewarded by face #3
After their training was complete, they were subjected to the full line-up of faces. They obviously understood the facial heuristics of gender, as the chickens preferences continued beyond the trained faces.
The human preferences are "would you like to date this face?"
Does this imply that beauty is objective?
I don't really think it proves much beyond that chickens seem to understand human faces very well; which is something that hints that beauty is objective but it doesn't prove it.
I've always been a remarkable sleeper, falling into deep restful slumber in mere minutes, staying asleep for however long I want. If something wakes me, I can always quickly go back to sleep. I've been thinking about what I do different than most, so I decided to share. Enjoy
I've looked at screens my entire life. It's very obvious that they extend your circadian rhythm beyond 24h, but they never noticeably impacted my sleep quality. In my twenties I think my natural rhythm was maybe 26h or 27h.
I know this very well since I never had any times or deadlines to respect - no school, no boss, no clients, no meetings, everything always done on my terms.
On top of that, I had an explicit desire to "leave time" since the day ending & beginning was my only deadline.
I realized that our air grounding concept explains the asian "fan death" thing. You're anchoring yourself to the electric potential of the air in your room, which would be great if you're next to a waterfall in a secluded forest, and terrible if you're in a urban room w/ closed windows, which is specifically what "fan death" is about. The former is a stronger version of Earth grounding, and the latter is the opposite of Earth grounding! You could have a situation where you accumulate more and more positive ions in air the longer you run the fan; not only because you run all air in the room over & over again through an electric device which irradiates the air with 50/60 Hz EMF, you're also inducing mechanical friction between the room's air & all the surfaces' materials — this is great if these materials are natural (see triboelectric series for power rankings). By having fan blades made from good materials, you could have a powerful air improving device, something way better than electric air ionizers. If you'd want to focus on removing 'toxic' positive ions rather than adding good ones, there is a very simple solution to this as well, make a fan with grounded metallic blades.
A few triboelectric series tables. Brb gonna make a rotating fur fan
Googling a lil bit and seeing lots of "ionizing fans" which are blasting high voltage discharges into air, which *i think* generates harmful UV radiation and *i know* generates toxic ozone gas. You want grounding or good materials from triboelectric series
If you are outdoors, your electrostatic potential is decided by your height. In a building with a metal roof, it is decided by the buildings geometry. If your roof is flat, you may as well not have it at all. The "boost" you get in electric field strength X is approximately decided by this simple equation:
Xₒᵤₜ = 1
Xᵢₙ = (D/B)
Note that the ideal electrical design is to have a sharp point upwards, and as much roundness & curvature beneath as possible. Sharpness helps you collect atmospheric charge at the top where there is 500V (ie 5 meters above ground), and roundness prevents the 500V accumulated on the conductive ceiling from being discharged at the 300V level. Hence you have domes, spires, and such. Architecture has an electrical impact on evolution, and I just gave you the formula for it. By the way, all this came to me as I wrote it. Correct me if I missed somewhere, or if you have something to add. Have a lovely day my friends
@puhcko made a great point once about the distance B not mattering as C trends towards infinity. What I don't get is why that does not apply to the ionosphere? Why is the E-field only 100V/m when one capacitor plate is entirely surrounded by the other?
The best thing would be to have the highest parts of the roof in gold, and the rest in copper. The latter will oxidize making it leak less charge toward the air at the 300V level, whilst the gold will never oxidize, continuing to charge the roof to 500V.
As you probably know, the atmosphere has a positive electric charge, while the Earth has a negative charge. Every life form on Earth lives between these two charge polarities.
This does not mean that an electrical current runs through the life forms. An analogy would be that we have a bottle of hot & cold water on each side of us, but we don't really touch the cold or warm water, we do not freeze or get warm, because no heat or water is moving.
You can also imagine this. Take a car battery, and hook the positive output to one metal plate, and the negative output to another metal plate. Between the plates, you have an electric field. No current flows, the battery is never depleted.
A thread of hygiene tricks you won't hear anywhere else..
When you shower, do this with your mouth 😬 and let your showerhead clean between your teeth. a thousand times milder than floss (usually coated with fluoride btw) and twenty times more effective than a tiny waterpik. obviously don't do it if your tap water is toxic / unfiltered
Unsalted butter is superb toothpaste. You may think it sounds odd, but consider that it's simply the synthesis of oil pulling and brushing teeth.