1) Tears are secreted by a gland known as lacrimal gland. So instead of saying, #Chelsea fans are crying, you can say, “They are lacrimating”. 2) Goats and rabbits are the only mammals without lacrimal gland.
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3)There are three types of tears
•Basal tears: this tear plays a role in lubricating the eyes and keeping it moist. Problem with this will usually result in dry and itchy eyes.
•Reflex tears: when you cut onions or eat excessively peppery foods, tear response to this is known as reflex tears. It is secreted to remove irritants and aid the immune system.
•Emotional tears: This tear is secreted as an emotional response to pain, joy or grief. Generally, it is called weeping or crying. An example of this is seen today on #chelsea fans after todays match #CHELIV
4) Emotional tears induces stress hormones and also plays a role in balancing them. Ever experienced peace after crying deeply ? Well, this is part of it. 5) Emotional tears contain Leu-enkephalins which is a natural painkiller...
Ever wondered why crying makes you feel better sometimes? Well, this plays a role.
6) Tears are composed of water, salts, antibodies and lysozyme.
7) The lysozyme contained in tears play an antibacterial role as it is an antibacterial enzyme. Helping protect the eyes from certain germs. 8) Humans are the only mammals to produce tears as part of an emotional response such as joy or grief. Or fake it as in Crocodile tears.
9)Tears are made up of three layers:
Lipid, aqueous and mucous layer.
10)The composition of different tears varies. When you cry because of pain, the content is usually different to when you tear because of an irritant like cut onions.
11)Excessive tears(crying) causes runny nose, this is because there is a connection between the lacrimal gland(tear gland) and the nasal cavity.
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Let me share a story with you so you understand what may have gone wrong here:
A girl was arrested for suspected murder which she swore she didn’t commit, with eyes full of tears, her statement reads that the guy in question was her boyfriend, that they planned to have marathon sex that night…
So they lodged in that particular hotel where it all happened. Still sobbing, she said, “as she started enjoying it”, he started panting abnormally, next thing, he made an usual sound, and slumped down.
She reached out to him but he wasn’t responding, in shock she shouted, raising alarm alarm but before help got to her and he was rushed to the hospital it was too late, he was dead already. We were still preventing the boys mother and sister from getting to her.
She continued that she didn’t do anything at all to him. That that was all that happened and all she could say.
The case was brought to the Forensic department and we all got to work, I was working on Drug and substance abuse, so, I and my superintendent started working.
How can a vibrant guy in his late 20s just slump down and die few minutes into sex???
What did he take, what did she give him, what is she not telling us ???
Too many questions, the answers, the truth, we were determined to find.
We started running a background check, we went to the hotel were it happened to check for things that are out of place, we found he made use of “Sildenafil” (Viagra), I noted it, there was no indication of struggle or fight in the room, and the test came out and he wasn’t poisoned.
Let me share a story with you so you understand what maybe going on with this woman.
Anita has found it hard to bond with her baby after putting to birth, it was as if the baby wasn’t hers. It has happened to her before when she gave birth to her first child but it wasn’t that serious, it resolved in 2weeks but this one has persisted for a month so she was scared-
She didn’t speak to anyone about it not even her husband. Her husbnd noticed the strange behavior but waved it off with maybe it is due to the child birth as she really went through a lot. To him she would be okay soon, so he was helping in ways he can but the issue didn’t resolve.
5months later, she was with her baby, and the unimaginable happened, she let the baby slip from her hands to the ground. The husband was shocked and rushed to carry the baby. “Honey, what’s wrong with you”, he said almost shouting.
Experiment this:
-Eat something sweet before sleeping (your last meal for the day)
A different day
-Eat something that is not sugary as your last meal for the day.
Another day,
-Don’t eat at night (have your last meal by 4pm-5pm).
You will find out different things:
1. When you eat something sweet before sleeping, you will feel one sharp hunger pang early in the morning. The hunger will be as if it wants to take your life. And early that morning, you’re likely going to end up eating more sugary things and the cycle continues. Why is this so?
There are different reasons to the occurrence of this phenomenon: 1. Sugary things causes the release of a chemical known as “dopamine”. It is a feel-good-hormone. It effects will drop in few mins and your body will crave that sensation again, this will want to make you eat more.
There are people who are positive for H. pylori who still do not experience ulcer or its symptoms. H. pylori is actually a normal flora in the stomach of a lot of people, it stays that way, causing no harm but there are things people start doing or continue doing that activates H. pylori to cause harm.
How does this thing happen? There are things that negatively impact that gastrointestinal (GIT) walls, they negatively impact the gut. When they harass the GIT walls, they weaken the protective coatings of the GIT. Once the protective coatings are weakened and the environment hostile, H. pylori that has been living peacefully becomes hostile and start causing harm.
One of the main culprit is modern bread (all forms), worst of all is wheat bread.
Bread is one thing when consumed regularly over a period of time can predispose people to gastritis (which is inflammation of the lining of the stomach), IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), ulcers, and the like. Bread when consumed constantly can block the absorption of key nutrients in the gut like zinc, folate, iron, magnesium, vitamin K. It can worsne an already existing metabolic condition like diabetes; it can worsen ulcers, worsen gastritis, worsen IBS, etc.
1. Fasting targets your body fat, while starving goes after your muscles and organs.
When you’re starving, it means there’s no more fat to burn. Fat is an energy reserve your body stores. When you start fasting, your body feeds on this energy source.
2. When you’re fasting, you have a spike in growth hormones; when you’re starving, you have atrophy of the muscles; your muscles begin to waste away; you hit a decline.
3. With starvation, there's a cognitive deficit; your mental processes and thinking become impaired, but with fasting, you have neurogenesis, which is the process by which new neurons are formed in the brain.
4. With starvation, you’re going to be weak and tired, but fasting makes you stronger and more energetic. You feel strong like crazy; your entire body is focused on getting things done; you’re not trying to digest things.
5. With starvation, you start having nutritional deficiencies like Beri-beri, pellagra, and scurvy, and your immune system becomes weakened.
With fasting, your immune system builds up, your body’s antioxidant are improved, your metabolism is improved, how?
The good bacteria in your gut starts to become diversified and start to live longer. Your intestinal walls become strengthened.
What people don’t know is that overloading the system with food, especially overly processed foods like junk food, shawarma, pizza, hot dogs, and the like, is very bad. Your system and the enzymes weren’t designed to handle such things.
When you constantly eat overly processed foods, they frustrate the enzymes, they frustrate the intestinal walls, they mess with your gut, and to a great extent wipe the good bacteria, this can then result in inflammation with resultant symptoms like heart burn, indigestion, acid reflux, etc.
6. With fasting, inflammation goes away. The enzymes in your liver becomes strengthened. When you fast, you kill off cancer cells like crazy.
7. Fasting is healthy, starving is not.
The interesting thing is, people don’t eat for a day and think they’re starving. My dear, no, you’re not even close to starving. There’s enough fat reserve in your body to carry you for at least 2days (48hrs).
The longer you stay away from food, the more fasting benefits you.
Fasting 2x in a week is very healthy for the body (intermittent fasting), and going on a prolonged fast (i.e 48hrs and so on) from time to time is even more beneficial.
It’s important you start gradually, for example, you haven’t fasted before and you just wake up and jump to 48hrs fasting, it will bite you, it will harm you. Start with intermittent fasting, 10hrs, 16hrs fast, 22hrs, 24hrs, and you build on it.
While you fast, what can you eat or have that doesn’t break the fast?
1. Water 2. Black coffee (this is coffee without sugar or any additive in it. It’s just plain coffee) 3. Diluted apple cider vinegar
Let me make it very simple for you. When you’re not eating you’re fasting.
Let’s say today you have your last meal by 8pm. Then your next meal for tomorrow is by 2pm, then you have fasted for 18hrs. That’s intermittent fasting (IF).
After a long fast (like 24hrs, 48hrs, etc), what you use to break it is very important. The longer the fast the more it’s important for you to use simple liquids or semi solids in breaking your fast.
You can’t finish 48hrs fast and you rush to eat 4 swallows. That’s wrong. You will end up harming yourself.
You can’t close your fast and you’re rushing junks and soda, that will cancel out all the benefits from the fasting.
It’s best to use semi solids and liquids to break long fast.
The following can be used in breaking your long fast:
When you get injured, in the healing process your body might form scars to heal the wound, certain times there is accumulation of excessive amount of collagen resulting in a raised scar which do not regress. This is known as a KELOID (raised scar).
What’s collagen?
Collagen is the main structural protein in mammals.
-Some people form even more chronic and larger keloids than others.
-If you notice your body is prone to forming keloids, avoid things that can injure you. Stay off sharp and injurious objects or activities as much as you can. Very important.
-Who are those affected? Well, keloids affect both sexes equally.
Do keloids have a genetic component?
Yes, keloids have a genetic component.
What does it mean? It means, if either of your parents have keloid, there is chance that you too will, if you’re not careful.
Normally, keloids form only when you get injured but in some people, keloids form in places (skin surface) without injuries. Though, it’s rare.
Race? Keloid is most common amongst African-Americans.