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Sep 21, 2020 31 tweets 9 min read Read on X
1/ If you are a “conservative” that follows politics since at least 1986, I would like to slap around you and/or the clowns in your midst.

In 1986, people around Reagan who buy whatever Dem Narrative that the NYT/WashPost sells, told Reagan that he needs to sign off on a
2/ massive immigration amnesty that has made its way through the House and Senate with strong majorities or else he will loss the mid-terms. Reagan, like Republican politicians before and after him, went for it. He didn’t sign it before the election but his signature was a given.
3/ In the Nov 4th, 1986 mid term elections, Republicans lost 8 seats in the Senate in part due to angry conservatives not voting. The GOP majority dropped from 53 to 45 while Dems rose from 47 to 55. Part of the loss was built-in from 1980 when Republicans won 12 Senate seats
4/ on Reagan’s 1980 coattails and the seats were up.

At any rate, in late 1987 Regan nominated Robert Bork for the SCOTUS. His nomination was rejected in a 58-42 vote with most senators sticking to party lines except for 2 Democrats and 6 Republicans flipping side. In his place,
5/ Reagan appointed Kennedy who was easily approved but he had spent decades giving conservatives heartaches. But they brought it on themselves by checking out of the 1986 elections because Reagan was not conservative enough on the immigration issue. It gets worse:
6/ In Nov 1988, Bush Senior (who was Reagan’s moderate VP) won the elections. Democrats were firmly in control of the House (since the 1954 elections) and in control of the Senate too. Bush said he will not raise tax but the Dem Congress pushed him to do it. Then in 1990, he
7/ nominated David Souter to the SCOTUS and he was a reliable Liberal vote. Conservatives were very angry with Bush for these two things, so in 1992 when Bush ran for reelection they stayed home and/or voted in droves for Ross Perot. In the end, @BillClinton won 43% of the
8/ popular vote; Bush won 37.4% and Perot won 18.9 of the vote. It was the first time in many decades that a third party candidate won such a large portion of the vote and this gave Clinton the WH despite winning a smaller portion of the popular vote than Dem Dukakis in 1988.
9/ Small detour here: Democrats claim that if not for Perot in the race, Clinton would any win because many would-be Clinton votes went for Perot. Perhaps some votes did but Perot ran to the right of Bush; not to the left of Clinton so on net Bush lost more. Besides, Bush as
10/ the incumbent had two major candidates chipping away at him which sure came at a cost in votes. Another detour: James Carville was a key advisor to Clinton in 1992 and created the slogan “It’s the economy, stupid” which buzz has it that this led Clinton to win in 1992 but no.
11/ The Dem nominee Dukakis in 1988 won 45.6% of the vote despite being considered a clown so what’s the big shtick that @BillClinton four years later won 43% of the vote? To pin this on one buzzword is a joke. Besides, the economy in 1992 was speeding upwards like a rocket.
12/ Quarter after quarter, the GDP reports came in at/above 4%; the stock market was rocketing for a while and more and more jobs were added monthly. Never in recent history did a new POTUS inherit such a strong economy from a predecessor than did Clinton from Bush. Anyway, once
13/ in office, @BillClinton nominated RBG to the SCOTUS in the summer of 1993. It was his first SCOTUS nomination in his first year in office brought to you by righteous-principled Conservative who were angry with Bush and caused him to lose the 1992 election. Then in 1994,
14/ @BillClinton nominated Stephen Breyer to the SCOTUS. Those two were the most reliable lib votes on the court in recent decades made possible, again, by principled Conservatives who wanted to teach Bush and the party machine a lesson not to be moderate.

This is not all:
15/ The midterm elections of 2006 was in the second term of George W Bush. The Republicans had the House since the 1994 elections and the Senate since then too (except for a while May 2001 through 2002 when Senator Jim Jeffordd left the GOP). At issue was domestic spending. The
16/ GOP Congress forced cuts in the rate of growth of domestic spending in the late 1990 when Clinton was POTUS. Dems hit Republicans for it but then Dems took credit for the budget surplus that it created. Bush and the GOP spent like crazy at home and overseas. The deficit for
17/ Fiscal Year 2006 was $248 billion which while it was the lowest since the $157 billion deficit of FY2002, it was still a large deficit at the time. Righteous Conservatives were very angry at the GOP and decided to teach them a lesson by not voting in the midterms. Result?
18/ Democrats swept the House and Senate. The deficit for FY2007 which was based on a budget that was still approved by the GOP Congress, was smaller than the 2006 one but the first Pelosi/Schumer/Bush budget had a huge deficit so Conservatives accomplished nothing with their
19/ self-sabotaging voting in the 2006 elections. Bush also signed off on a hike in the minimum wage in 2007. By the end of the year the economy was in a recession. This plus the Iraq war made Bush a bad name for the 2008 elections. The GOP ran from him. Obama won and within two
20/ years he appointed 2 new liberals to the SCOTUS. Basically, the reliable 4 Liberal Justices (2 by Clinton and 2 by Obama) can be traced back to conservatives not making a cost-benefit analysis before deciding how to vote. They messed up in 1986, 1992, 2006 and this led time
21/ and again to Dems winning the WH and with it the power to appoint Libs to the Court. I understand that had the 1986 mid-terms and 1992 general gone the other way, then the last 24 years would be different too. I am not suggesting that the court would be 9-0 Conservative,
22/ but the point is that time and again conservatives were given the chance to “save” the court but they messed it up. More recently in 2016, many legit conservatives (I am not talking about the grifters who oppose Trump as a racket to cash in on it), were ready to let a
23/ corrupt, war monger Dem win the White House because Trump was not conservative enough for them. Ok. But how is Hillary better for you? Was a Dem Senate in 1986 better? Clinton 1992 better? Dem House/Senate in 2006 (which generated Obama 2008) better? Please.
24/ Also note how the “moderate” wing of the GOP has its hands full with this mess too. In 2005, at the start of Bush’s second term, then-Senate majority leader GOPer Bill Frist grew tired of how Senate Dems filibustered ten judicial nominees from Bush. Basically, each
25/ nominee needed 60 Senate votes to end debate but the GOP had only 55 seats so Frist, backed by conservatives, wanted to “go nuclear” which would change Senate rules so that a 51-49 majority would be enough. As always, the moderates undermined it and they said that if the
26/ shoe is on the other foot (Dem POTUS with a Dem Senate Majority) the GOP will have no power to stop nominations. So a “Gang of 14” formed of 7 Dems and 7 GOPs. The Dems in the gang promised not to filibuster a few of those nominees and the GOP in the gang promised in
27/ exchange not to vote for the Nuclear Option. Basically, by losing those 7 Dems, the Dems (who had 45 seats) would not have the needed 41 votes to filibuster, and the GOP (with its 55 seats) would not have the needed 51 to go nuclear. In the end, six of the ten filibustered
28/ nominees were confirmed. The only two Gang of 14 members still in the Senate are @SenatorCollins and @LindseyGrahamSC. McCain was a leader in it and @MikeDeWine is now Gov of OH.

In 2013, the shoe was on the other foot: Dem Obama was POTUS and @SenateDems had 55 seats.
29/ Republs kept filibustering judicial nominees and Harry Reid, the the Dem Leader, decided to go Nuclear on most nominations except that of SCOTUS. Only 3 Dems voted against it: @Sen_JoeManchin (who breaks from Dems on key votes only if his vote does not change the outcome);
30/ Mark Pryor from Arkansas who was a Gang of 14 Member and Carl Levin from MI. Other than those, there were no pearl-clutching @SenateDems worried about “breaking norms,” and no Dem withheld their vote as a thanks to what @LindseyGrahamSC and @SenatorCollins did in 2005.
31/ In 2017 when @senatemajldr wanted to go nuclear on SCOTUS nominees, ALL Republicans went along including McCain, Collins, Graham because they felt betrayed by what @SenateDems did in 2013 despite the efforts in 2005 to stick to rules. Thank you for reading and retweeting.

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More from @YossiGestetner

Feb 9
1/5 Biden deputized the National Archivist to revoke Trump's executive privilege on already-held docs.

This made holding these docs (even non-classified ones) "illegal" and the Biden DOJ then used this "violation" of NARA (National Archive & Records Asmin) as key reason to raid.
2/5 Biden deputizing the National Archivist was reveled in a Spring 2022 letter to Team Trump notifying them that she revoked his privileges.

READ the application to raid and see that it speaks extensively about NARA; which is independent of any claims about classified docs!
3/5 It get's worse, of the 30+ documents that Trump was charged with (from among 11K taken), the Feds never argued that those are classified since the Feds knew that Trump may have declassified them, which is why the Feds kept using the term "documents marked classified."
Read 14 tweets
Oct 29, 2024

Hi. Please vote regardless of the content below.

People have often rejected the claim that election fraud ("mistakes & errors") occurred in 2020 in the 100s or in the 1000s; which is a huge sum considering that states are often very narrowly decided.

Let's look at GA.
2/ Do date, Biden officially won GA by 11,709 votes which is a 0.23% margin among the 4.93 million votes.

How narrow is a 0.23% margin?

Well, let's read what the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) wrote on Nov 19, 2020 following a statewide manual recount:
3/ "No county had an error rate higher than 0.73% compared to their original results" in a state decided by 0.23%

If a manual, rushed recount uncovered in one place an error rate larger than the state's margin of victory, what would a thorough investigation statewide find? Image
Read 15 tweets
Sep 11, 2024
I told you
I told you
I told you
I told you
I told you

PANTS PISSING Cons ran for the hills about the debate due to some fake mediaaa expectations and because, well, they are pants pissers.

👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Image
The main attack by Harris was that Trump is a danger, unprepared and a joke to lead the country, yet 54% in the instant CNN poll have confidence in both candidates' ability to run the US, and Trump LEADS by 4 among those who have "a lot of confidence."

Her main attack FAILED! Image
While the main Harris attack (Orange Man Bad) failed miserably as seen in the poll results above, Trump connected Harris to the Biden Mess so effectively that Harris begged him to stop ("you are not running against Biden") and Trump indeed GAINED a net 4 on the economy:

👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Image
Read 12 tweets
Sep 8, 2024
1/ Biden-Harris admitted into the US 5.6 mill undocumented immigrants and millions more are not in the count, yet the @HouseGOP is too scared to dare Dems to shut the government to keep this mess going.

Instead, Republicans blame themselves by saying "we are not shutting down."
2/ If Republicans can't hold the line against something to the Radical Left of Dems from a mere 10 years ago, why run/win?

Where are the supposed principles?

Even IF holding the line here (and on impeachment) "costs" Republicans, well, gotta put Country Over Party. No?
3/ Republicans made immigration a big issue in #NY03 yet lost big time in the Special in part because voters don't see @HouseGOP as the fix to this problem.

Generic Ballot sucks for the GOP now too. Is it because the GOP is too harsh on this crisis? No. It's the opposite!
Read 8 tweets
Sep 2, 2024
Below is the first Tweet-share by @RashidaTlaib since the news that Hamas, a government whose lies she spreads on speed dial, executed an American. No other tweet or tweet share as of now; 36 hours after the news broke.
There is also nothing by @RepRashida.

Obviously, it is the opinion of @RashidaTlaib (and/or the opinion of many of her voters) that Hamas had a 'legitimate context' to execute an American last week or else she would easily tweet against it as she does to echo lies by Hamas.
@RepRashida @RashidaTlaib I am not outraged by Tlaib's lack of outrage on the execution of an American.

I am pointing it out so that people understand the poisonously-depraved world view of her "cause."

If she, a US-born & Elected Official is this depraved, imagine the views by those on the lower rungs.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 5, 2024
Don't blaming Powell for not cutting soon enough.

Blame Corporate/Regime Media for propping up a dead economy; for hyping bad reports as good which impacted the thinking of Fed officials that with inflation not yet settled, the economy can absorb continued high rates.
When the economy was in recession in 2022 (two net negative quarters of GDP; meaning by the end of the second quarter the economy was smaller than before the first), we were gaslit that this isn't a recession. The term was changed in real time like in 1984 propaganda fashion.
As a result of the propaganda, consumers kept spending and the economy recovered; underpinned by federal spending, not by a "real" economy. Then, part time jobs gains at the place of full time ones were sold as all in the same; feeding the hype of a "good" economy.
Read 8 tweets

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