COVID-19 is disproportionately devastating minority communities, in Britain and elsewhere. The pandemic is exposing broader inequalities, systemic injustice and official denial. Gary Younge.… 1/5
COVID-19’s unequal impact: Because minority communities are more likely to be poor, and poor people are more likely to be vulnerable. To live in deprived neighbourhoods and to experience higher unemployment, higher poverty, lower incomes, and overcrowding than white people 2/5
These groups *do not* have culture or genetics in common. But they *do* share a common experience of povery, low pay and poor housing – and all the things that go with that, including ill health – that make them susceptible to coronavirus. And concentrations in risky jobs. 3/5
“These deaths are the collateral damage of British racism – the indirect consequence of decades of exclusion that have corralled black and Asian people into the kind of jobs, housing and health situations that would make us particularly vulnerable.” 4/5
In short: Racism can kill in far less dramatic ways and in far greater numbers than racial violence. “We can’t breathe”, by Gary Young, New Statesman:… 5/5
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DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) 101:
DEI policies and programs are intended to foster equality of opportunity. They help create a more level playing field, in which everyone, regardless of their background, has similar chances to succeed in workplaces.
DEI policies and programs are a response to discrimination and injustice: that too often, both in the past and still;
- People are hired/promoted because they look like the people making the decisions or went to the same rich schools, not because they are the best candidate.
- People who are female, black, working class, or disabled are assumed to be less competent than people who are male, white, economically privileged, or able-bodied, regardless of their actual skills and achievements.
- Men are judged automatically as better leaders than women.
Fostering Healthy Masculinities among Men and Boys
First, let’s define ‘masculinity’: The socially learnt roles, behaviours, and attributes that are seen as appropriate for boys and men in a given society.
There are diverse versions of masculinity in different contexts.
But in many contexts, masculinity is defined in terms of dominance over women, sexual entitlement, homophobia, aggression, rigid stoicism, etc.
There are various terms for this form of masculinity: Hegemonic. Sexist. Traditional. Toxic. Patriarchal. I’ll go with the last of these
There are three compelling rationales for critical attention to masculinities 1) Patriarchal forms of masculinity are implicated in a series of social problems: public violence, sexual and reproductive health, suicide, alcohol & drug use, mental health, occupational injuries, etc
French mass rape trial: I have been glad to see men speaking up on social media and elsewhere about their anger and despair at the actions of the 50+ men who raped Gisèle Pelicot and the other men who colluded in this or stayed silent about it.
Some commentators, however, have described these men as monsters, perverts, etc. While that’s true in one sense, in another, these men are *normal* men. *Ordinary* men. Men whom others know, like, and love.
The behaviours in which these men are involved, and the attitudes that inform their behaviour, are *common*.
-- Many men feel entitled to initiate sexual activity with their female partners when they are sleeping, or too drunk or intoxicated to give consent.
Domestic and family violence’s impact: Of people who had hospital stays because of DFV, 68% were female and 32% male. Females were more likely to have multiple hospital stays. Most females were hospitalised by partners, but most males hospitalised by *other family members*.
Of females in hospital because of DV, for 75% this was due to an intimate partner. But for males, only 29% was due to an intimate partner, and 71% due to another family member or parent. See the AIHW report, p. 39. @aihw
Among people put into hospital by their partner’s domestic violence, 85% are women. Of all people hospitalised due to domestic violence by an intimate partner (14,958 females and 2,744 males), women were 85% of victims (about 5 in 6) and men were 15% of victims (about 1 in 6)
Sexism (attitudes and behaviours that support men’s dominance over women):
Four reasons why it is particularly important to address sexism among *men*, not women
Yes, both women and men may hold sexist attitudes and act in ways that prop up patriarchal gender inequalities.
At the same time, there are good reasons to target men in particular.
Men are *more likely* than women to hold sexist attitudes - there is a consistent gender gap in attitudes towards gender, with men’s attitudes less progressive than women’s.
See this free book chapter:
The problem of focusing on what women can do to avoid becoming rape victims
Responses to my tweets on men’s sexual violence against women, particularly by men, often focus on what women can do to avoid or escape this violence. There are 5 problems with this:
1) Women are told throughout their lives what to do to try to avoid rape. 2) If this is *all* we do, this is victim-blaming. 3) Women already use a whole range of strategies to try to lessen their risk. 4) This focus does nothing to hold perpetrators to account.
5) Perhaps most importantly of all, focusing on what potential victims of sexual violence can do to lessen their risk does nothing to *prevent violence perpetration in the first place*.