NEW and EXPLOSIVE - Scottish Jews against Zionism - SJAZ deployed a far-right, Holocaust denying racist as a spokesperson - Then they defended her.
They are a toxic group that just wants to make trouble for Jews -
My latest piece shows they are all lying.
SJAZ made excuses for her and said it was just because she was angry about the Palestinians.
My research has exposed that is a total lie!
They said she is as Jewish as I am.
That is a lie too!
Following the trail wasn't easy - there are name changes and lies about where she is from - but the evidence shows that Daria Krysta became Jolanta Hadzic and she was a racist long before she picked up a Palestinian flag.
And this is about more than antisemitism:
The SJAZ spokesperson shared numerous Holocaust denial posts - and even shared one defending the founder of the French National Front - Le Pen
What Jew shares blatant Holocaust denial? And one from Poland? Where almost the entire community was lost.
She also shared a post that said Marie Le Pen was the only one standing between Europe and a Jewish plot to destroy Europe with mass immigration. The author wanted the Muslims and blacks to be sent back to Africa and the Middle East. This is public face of SJAZ.
And these are just shares- some are in her own words.
How about Scottish people. The spokesperson of SJAZ actually said that the worst thing about some Scottish people she saw - was "that they are breeding"!
What do Scottish people think about that?
It doesn't end there. It annoyed her that black people speak out or want to be proud. She would rather they were silent.
This is who SJAZ have for their public face. This is who they defended.
And in her native Polish she shared hard core neo-Nazi ideology. It was
There's more in the piece, like how her own DNA images prove she is lying about her identity.
Or how SJAZ need antisemites to help them defend against Jews who don't like them.
Scottish Jews against Zionism are a handful of outliers - who deployed and defended someone who pushes Holocaust denial and far-right ideology. They seek to silence the real Scottish Jews
You are running yet another article about a massacre in Gaza.
The person you chose to be you reliable source for this story is Fadel Naim- the Director of Al Alhy hospital in Gaza.
You even call him a Dr...So let's look at your source 1/4
This is what your honest and reliable source - your 'doctor' was posting on 7 October - as terrorists slaughtered and raped civilians. He praised god and hoped these 'heroes' would hit their target.
Hardly your average NHS doctor then 2/4
Or how about this one.
On 27 January 2023 - a terrorist slaughtered 7 Jews outside a synagogue in Jerusalem.
Your honest - and decent witness - your 'doctor' was busy that evening praising the Hamas terrorist attack - the slaughter of Jewish civilians. 3/4
I spent the weekend at the Islamic Global Peace and Unity festival at the London Excel....
I will keep the thread short because the detail can be found by following the link to the article below 1/7
Thread ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Behind the mask of a cultural festival, extremism was visible everywhere
In the exhibition area - some stalls were linked to terror groups such as the PFLP and banned organisations such as Samidoun.... 2/7
In the conference centre - Speaker after speaker - spread lies, hate or open support for terrorism.
It isn't a single message - it is the cocktail that makes this so dangerous. The London Excel was turned into a radicalisation chamber for the weekend.... 3/7
Amnesty International Marketing and Comms Director behind official BDS campaign against Chevron. 1/9
The BDS movement seeks to destroy Israel - and the organising body (the BNC) has ties to terror groups.
Amnesty International has long denied supporting the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) campaign - but from the evidence below - that just does not seem to be true. 2/9
Chevron has been a target of BDS since 2022, but the latest BDS 'escalation' started in January 2024 - when the BDS National Committee (BNC) issued a call 'for a consumer boycott of Chevron-branded gas stations': 3/9
Breaking: I am trying to keep up with this 'Hamas Rape Tunnel of Gaza' action today by @LondonNotHamas - from their feed it looks like they have got the whole of the underground one way or another. Both on trains and off. This stunning poster at Old Street station
They seem to be using the hashtags #gethamasoutoflondon #londonagainsthamas #hamasrapetunnels so maybe we should help them spread the word...
This image from Redbridge on the Central Line
Many others are on the trains - and across multiple tube lines. A reminder that every time the terrorist supporters gather in London - it is the tube that is helping them to spread their #hamasjewhate - this one from Wood Green on the Piccadilly.
Wanna see a classic example of 'Jews don't count'??
This example provided by the toxic, rancid, antisemitic NGO - Amnesty International... Told in 4 parts
1. I start with this simple post from @amnesty - concerned for all the Lebanese people rushing to safety.
2. Now Amnesty have no love for Iran - and now and again do post about prisoners of conscience and the Iranian regime crushing dissent (just as Amnesty before it went off the rails in the early 2000s used to)...
3. But there is more to Iran than oppressing Iranians. Iranian proxies turned parts of the region to dust and Iran directly fired 100s of ballistic missiles at Israel displacing 10,000s of Israelis and sending millions running for cover.