karmousaG Profile picture
Sep 27, 2020 67 tweets 13 min read Read on X
Hi everyone thanks for the kind messages and being so patient. So much to unpack. I’d first like to thank @MJJRepository and @andjustice4some both these incredible advocates provide us with information without them I wouldn’t know where to go to hear the cases.
As you guys know Thursday was about the pending motions to be talked about I have to say that this was the best hearing I’ve attended. If it was a film it would have you on an emotional roller coaster Intrigue, law drama, comedic moments, sadness, suffering, empathy and justice.
Most of all your heart breaks for the kind human being who is being accused of the most heinous crime known to man and he is not here to defend himself, who in his lifetime was vindicated and cleared.
Words that came up a lot meet and confer, deposition and objections to compound questions and matters of privacy for non party witnesses who want nothing to do with plaintiffs Wade and James.
I learned that when Lawyers end depositions where the witness is hostile there is a procedure and if not followed the law determines it is concluded or another one can be rescheduled. I will break this down in three threads just cause there is so much.
First to be talked about was the Complaint Finaldi had about the deposition of Leroy Whaley and his attorney Mc Isaac. The court had presented tentatives that all parties read before. Finaldi starts talking about the meet and confer that attorneys usually do with depositions.
Finaldi spoke first giving his side and then Mc Isaac will defend her side and Jonathon Steinsapir will also speak Finaldi now speaks and complains about how the meet and confer didn’t go well and that she took long time to-get back to him.
He claims she failed to meet in good faith and that failure to meet and confer in good faith is an abuse of the discovery process. So the court should impose sanctions on her. If you haven’t read Whaley’s deposition I highly recommend it.
Finaldi talks about rules of deposition and that parties are protected from from annoyance and embarrassment and if oppression occurs it’s oppressive to his clients and himself. Judge tell him he’s lumping McIsaac and witness together and needs to distinguish that it’s separate.
He says he took a deposition on Saturday to accommodate Leroy paying for a hotel room and conference room. Says he’s taking many depositions but that behavior is in excusable and the judge agrees. With Finaldi here. Finaldi talking now he says Leroy called him a douche bag and
Mc Isaac said try not to swear. Mr Whaley continued and called me an ambulance chaser.He said can we continue on the record and say he’s a douchebag.
Judge says will he may have thought you left the room. ( That made me laugh}. Finaldi said it was in front of me he said that and I find McIsaac served to encorage his behavior and I have examples. Finaldi gives examples and the judge tell him don’t take things out of context.
I would say that if Mr. Whaley called you a douxhebag earlier and not after the hearing was terminated then and If Mc Isaac hadn’t said anything then yes that’s cause to be reprimanded.
So he thought you left the room and he wasn’t sure you were there. {Again I laughed here too} Finaldi She was smiling this is abusive behavior and she was encouraging him. He read an La civility law about depositions. Judge says I’m gonna assume u two have history together and
may have bled over to this one. After reading the whole transcript I find her transgressions minor. Your speaking objections aren’t proportional and your taking it out of context. The judge repeated this point a few times throughout the exchange and you to have lived together
and been on numerous cases Finaldi tells the judge we didn’t live together. Judge let’s out a laugh and says I didn’t mean that literally. His face had an expression where it was like don’t you understand sarcasm. Finaldi said that McIsaac behavior was harassing to to him and
and his clients.as he complains more to the Judge who keot saying don’t take it out of context when he called you a douchebag he thought you left the room. Finaldi says she was enflaming him, affecting his Whaley’s, testimony trying to get a rise out of me. Again
Again judge says your reaction is not in proportion to it Finaldi says I need to talk to him about the nude photo it’s a salient piece of evidence. She kept objecting and Whaley said the police lied to him Finaldi said I tried to deescalate the situation and judge says doesn’t
doesn’t sound like you were deescalating. Judge then agrees with Mc Isaac about her objections to some of his questions did you speak to him on the phone, were you in a car with Micheal Jackson again back and forth.He continues she was coaching him, she cut me off, she was giving
him clues. Judge then says cutting you off is not Indicative of anything, how was she coaching him and what clues did she give him? Finaldi says well if it alters his testimony I have a right to speak to him.
Finaldi wanted to give more examples taking long pauses to find his examples. judge we don’t need to read that. Finaldi said I gave her a warning to sanction her. Judge reads the law to him and tells Finaldi he didn’t follow the proper procedure and Finaldi says I don’t think I
had to do that that that his moving to Sanction that his moving to Sanction would be sufficient. Judge tells Finaldi that he finds lack of civility and gender bias with his behavior. He told him you belittled her experience and her appearance and I would not be doing my job if
I don’t warn you if I see this kind of behavior. Finaldi says he takes offense to this cause he works with many women and takes on many women’s abuse cases. Judge said I’m not accusing you but there are signs of behavior and the way you treated opposing council is wrong.
McIsaac now speaks I wasn’t smiling I apologize if i overstepped but I did try and calm things down. I can protect myself against Finaldi I’ve done this for 20 years but my client cnt. He has never been deposed and I’m protecting him.so yes I will object to his
questions that are designed to get a witness who doesn’t know better to make statements that weren’t established. He and his mother are accused of procuring children for MJ and her little boy. She mentions Manly Finaldi partner at Blanca Francia deposition. Part 2 in next thread.
She mentions Manly Finaldi partner at Blanca Francia deposition. He called her red in the face and that she only said that to him cause he began to belittle her too. I didn’t want to go off the record because he works and has 4 kids but Finaldi clearly wanted to leave.
Jonathon Steinsapir: talks about the meet and confer and explains their side. It’s one thing to want to terminate a deposition but attacks on opposing counsel are another. In the excerpt he accuses our Law firm to the tune of serial child rapists. You don’t get anything done.
if you accuse people like that. At the Francia deposition yes I called him sexist and I stand by that 100 percent. It’s one thing to accuse MJ of this he is deceased and can’t defend himself he was a public figure and dealt with this in life but for plaintiffs Wade and James
nd Finaldi to accuse Jodi Levine of being a child procurer and accused her publicly by name of being the worst human with intent to turn them over to Mj and her own son explains why they are angry and explains Whaley’s deposition but it doesn’t excuse it. She has lupus
they don’t have money they aren’t white collar. If your comfortable accusing a woman of the worst crime then I find it rich that you dish it out but can’t take it .
Finaldi I didn’t say their firm were child rapists judge says will you essentially did say that and we don’t need
to go point by point. Jonathon Steinsapir: We want to litigate this case on merit and we want the request to be awarded our cost in legal fees. Finaldi took a jab at Weitzman and also claimed Jodi Levine called Mj a chicken hawk which she denies.
it has been a complete misrepresentation of the facts talking about Finaldi.
Judge: Court rules that deposition of Whaley’ is complete. Opposing counsel failed to follow procedure for a protective order and court doesn’t find McIsaacs conduct is warranted for a suspension.
Motion for protective order denied and sanctions will be imposed on plaintiff counsel. Next thread Jonathon Spence and Marion Fox to come stay tuned.
Jonathon Spence and Marion Fox
Motion for protective order for JS MF
Finaldi starts and will be mainly a back and forth this one was shorter than the first one. He speaks mainly back and forth with judge. then the lawyer also for Jonathon Spence and his Mother. Shawn Hardy
will get to speak for his clients. Shawn Hardy will get to speak for his clients.
Finaldi:: we have had many hearings with Beckloff between Robson and Safechuck case the law has changed mentions 34.1 and now the law allows for damages and allows the plaintiffs to seek damages.
any hater who still believes they don’t want money is delusional} but we already know that they are lol. Finaldi : several cases have been decided sites examples a few examples of cases. I believe he says for a proper ruling you should know
how their testimony will be used. I’m not bringing this up they were involved in the case prior. The court knows about a photo found in Mj’s home by police during the search warrant JS was 10 years old and naked. His mother was asked if this was her son and she asked how it got
there. This is an important piece of information for our case.
Judge: You have to prove your case because now this is evidence that is inadmissible and I don’t see how this evidence is directly relevant to plaintiffs( Wade and James) There are privacy rights that protect them.
You also have inadmissible evidence presented to the court and this is the initial burden of your case.

Finaldi wasn’t getting how how is it a privacy issue and his need to be protected as a sexual abuse victim. Judge stops him and says just to be clear we say alleged.
Judge: He has denied he is a victim then you have a problem because this affects his privacy rights. Privacy rights vs your needs this is where you fall short. Is it essential to your case? Finaldi if I cnt depose an alleged victim or Mj or not then I cnt depose anyone and
and only have wade and James Testimony and thats it.
Judge says but JS has denied being abused even asking about his childhood with Micheal Jackson is an invasion of privacy.
Finaldi the photo shows Mj had a thing for kids and they are denying it and we have to prove it.
Mj is dead so I need that evidence.
Judge: harassing him and asking for every photo of his from age 3. Court won’t tip u from asking about his identity but he has a right to privacy.
Hardy now speaks and complains of the harassing behaviors he and his clients received and what he experienced from Finaldi .
Hardy: my clients want nothing to do with this. I tired to have a civil meet and confer and let him know my Clients weren’t available that day he gave me
An ultimatum and he threatened me and my clients in contempt. He held a sham deposition where he knew they weren’t available. Not a good meet and confer same with Marion Fox
Hardy said he was threatened again with another attack and basically mocked him and asked if he was wearing a robe and that he must have missed his judicial swearing in ceremony. This is not his case and he was upset about this.
He said he finds it ironic that he says I’m setting a trap for him when he threatened to hold me in contempt.
He continued said it’s harsh subjecting a mom and her son to this during a pandemic.
He said I Don’t want to trap my clients where they are asked things that invade their privacy from 30 tea ago.Judge asks if they can narrow grey areas and come to an agreement.
Finaldi I need this deposition and everyone wants to pile on me that I’m the bad guy.
Finaldi and plaintiffs owe them money for legal fees incurred I think 3135 don’t quote me on that. Stay tuned for Morion of Lilly Chandler and Tabitha Marks.
Judge we are moving on to Lilly Chandler and Tabitha Marks.
Finaldi says this motion similar to JjS and MF we have information we need from them. We need to locate. Jordan Chandler he is nowhere to be found he is Invisible he is a ghost. We need to know where he last was when
when he was last heard from where he vacationed if he bought any properties. We need an electronic footprint. Both these women have information we need to know about his parents. Where they are ( I can tell you where one parent is hopefully in hell) their contact and who his
his friends
are. Who does he associate with. Especially since he is a prior sexual abuse victim. Who came forward publicly and media was all over it. There was a criminal case involved . He testified under oath and received a settlement
This is public info so that no longer protects him from Privacy laws. Judge. We are talking about his sister and fiancée not Jordan.

Finaldi: I offered then Jane Doe statuses protecting their identity but they filed motions publicly with their names on it. For Marks I want to
to ask her if Jordan told her anything I’d she knows about his location and interactions with Mj.
Judge JC testimony might be relevant but not Lilly’s or Tabitha. Privacy rights apply here. You have not told us what u have done to find Mr Chandler.
Finaldi I wasn’t to ask her about his location Judge don’t you it’s overcome by privacy rights. Finaldi I need Lilly to tell me about her Europe trip and she was there when here brother was groomed by Mj. (He mentions that June and how Mj wanted to stay with Jordan
and how Mj said he kicked the lamp and was practicing karate really substantiated claims) Her brother gave statements to police. Finaldi said in her statements Lilly has moved on and was 5 years old. judge says what she said was her memories were conflated by news media and
and doesn’t know what’s true and not.

Finaldi I want these depositions Tabitha would be a couple of hours .Seiger the attorney for Tabitha and Lilly speaks now and says. Finaldi is ignoring that LC and TM want nothing to do with plaintiffs and there information is not relevant
not relevant to their case. Lilly was very young and never witnessed anything and knows nothing about plaintiffs and the Mj entities. Tabitha also knows nothing of Jordan’s interactions with Mj and that subjecting his clients to this invades their privacy..Dragging
them into this will cause them public backlash, scrutiny and media attention as is the case with anything involving MJ. The plaintiffs would just exposer them to unwanted aggression and why should they have to go through that. Lilly said she has nothing to do with plaintiffs and
and then going after the companies. Plaintiffs have the burden.

Seiger reads a statement from Jordan’s attorney
Contacted them and told them JC wants nothing to do with this. He wants to be left alone and remain private and Wants to maintain and obide by his confidentiality
Doesn’t want his family to go through this. The confidentiality agreement is there to protect him should he choose to go public.his lawyer said just because Robson and Safechuck made an HBO special doesn’t mean he want to be part of it. Plaintiffs are using this as a sword
Against him. There’s nothing proving plaintiffs allegations are true.
The court should maintain ruling.

Finaldi says that Seiger admits he’s in hiding well WE NEED TO FIND HIM CAUSE MY CLIENTS ABUSE CAME AFTER. Me in my head saying that Someone needs to read to Finaldi
The dates and timelines of his clients . Finaldi says Jordan waives his rights when he went to police and filed a civil suit against Mj. Thinking in my head Hey Douchebag don’t you realize he was a minor?
Judge The order for protective order is granted and pariies must meet
And confer and plaintiffs must pay 3,135 for legal fees. So 6,135 total.
Jonathon Steinsapir : We will be one court Oct 16 for the Demurrer for James also we have an issue others have provided us with Info that the filmmaker filming and we weren’t given access to those and we
We have concerns having any filmmaker in the courtroom especially one so closely Associated with the plaintiffs and who have been paid for the documentary. We want to file something. This will be heard on Oct. 16 also. The filming issue. Judge said that he got an application from
Dan R who asked to film said its iin the public’s interest and that Dan R has been respectful to the rules but this will be addressed on Oct 16. I’ll be there. Please don’t worry about the filming the estate seem to have a plan and let’s respect that.
The courtroom is their terrain regardless of how you feel about their creative content and what they release. We don’t want to undermine their case. Let’s see what happens the judge may even ask Reed to share his full footage and not edit it given what the estate argues
In what they file when they address the filming issue. Please don’t send this thread to DR just.block I have him blocked and don’t want my thread sent to him. Let’s see what happens. Baby steps but we will get there. If you have any questions let me know.

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May 2, 2021
#MJFam Court on Monday was interesting.We are happy with the outcome .Dan Reed was in court filming. So both sides go their chance to film. This was a very short hearing lasting about 6 minutes.
The judge makes a tentative ruling but gives the other side a chance to explain why the court made a mistake. If the arguments are valid then the court could change their ruling .The Judge asked if everyone had read the tentative.
The estate said they agreed with the tentative. Finaldi then says that everything we have to say regarding motion for summary judgement has been briefed. The morning papers contain the facts and evidence needed to make a forest decision and read the tentative
Read 13 tweets
Oct 19, 2020
So court was interesting on Friday. As James and his wife were there. Larry Nimmer was also filming. Dan Reed was also present in the court filming.
Judge asked everyone if they have read his tentative. Estate goes first and agrees with the judges tentative. They talk about special relationships and fiduciary duty.he sites some cases.
Judge asks John S. If he feels these issues have been combined when should be looked at separate. John S says Yes .

Judge asks there’s an allegation that the companies were created for mentoring youth does the court take it as truth?
Read 18 tweets
Aug 6, 2020
I’m so devastated about the Beirut blast. My home country has been through so much. On top of dealing with a pandemic . I cried all day at how easily I could have lost my family. Thank god they are ok. My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones.
If you are ever annoyed at having to wear a mask during these un certain times please remember that there are always people who have it worse. Some Lebanese will have to sleep in shattered homes during a deadly pandemic lead by corupt polioticians in a tense political climate.😓
This is an MJ account and I don’t want to make this political but I’m reminded about MJs compassion for humanity, his message and how his songs are relevant to uplifting people during tragic times.
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Jun 26, 2020
Hi everyone didn’t want to post anything court related yesterday. I attended court yesterday and wanted to let you guys know that the Judge will be separating the two cases. Since Wade is much further along the judge felt that lumping them together would not be good for
the jurors. Finaldi argued that they knew each as kids and will be witnesses in each other’s cases and that they are simply cases of abuse done through companies.Regardless judge will separate them. They discussed the motions Wade wanted addressed and set a date for them.
In September. The judge said although cases back on appeal have three years to be heard his goal is to have this case ie Wade’s go to trial sooner than later as it’s been on going for both parties for a long time. They set a date for W’s trial :June 14 2021 and will take take
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Mar 30, 2020
@SenhorLovejoy @Kathrynbee12 1.Saville victims father never accused a man of abuse to get a movie deal for 20 million by attempted blackmail.. where there is recorded audio of such intention. Saville victims father never drugged his son to tell a different story.
@SenhorLovejoy @Kathrynbee12 2 Saville victims didn't emancipate from their parents refuse to testify and be seen as victim and put a retaining order on their own parent who tried to Mj for another 60 million.
@SenhorLovejoy @Kathrynbee12 3. Saville victims dnt have a mom turn out to be a scammer who frauded Jc penny and celebs and the government who then after a 14x acquittal ended up indicted on fraud charges. Saville didn't have two grand juries, a trial and surprise raids with FBI help who found nothing.
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Sep 20, 2019
1) Hi guys sorry for the delay it's been a long day for me. Just wanted to give you a summary of how things unfolded given that only HBO spoke.
The judge started off by saying how interesting this case was. He then commented on.seeing Branca in court.
Basically made a joke about how he got older and he remembers him when he was a lawyer who told him he wanted to do entertainment law. Back to the case he says maybe he shouldn't have initiated the anti slapp for HBO but now he must do something quickly.
HBO starts saying this case was about a lawsuit that's a red herring on estates part and that its a strategic lawsuit against telling the world about the allegations and the anti slapp should be able to stop this lawsuit from chilling speech.
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