Sep 27, 2020 51 tweets 8 min read Read on X
Hi, my friends. Today I am busy working individually with lightworkers, but I want to follow up on yesterday's discussion.
I know there are so many who are absolutely unwilling to believe they have been deceived and led astray by those they trusted in social media and their government. This is one of the hardest lessons to learn on this Third Density planet.
In order to lead billions of souls off the planet and into slavery at the time of the Harvest, it is necessary for the Service to Self who want to do that to play the long game, and start their recruiting early, which they have done forever here on Earth.
There have been, for hundreds of thousands of years, Service to Self ETs who have greatly influenced the governments and organized religions here. We've talked about two of the groups: the Annunaki and reptilians.
The third group is the Zetas, who came as both Service to Others, and Service to Self. I want to describe the formats of the governments on STS Annunaki, STS reptilian, and STO Zeta planets for you so you can compare them to what you see here.
I do need to make one point before I start, though. Not all Annunaki and reptilians are, at this point, STS. Great efforts have been made to help these groups change their polarity, and many among them are now Service to Others.
The Guardian Alliance of this planet began a program to birth the souls of STS Annunaki and reptilians on this planet into families of incarnated angels and lightworkers, in order to help them change their polarity. This program was very successful.
Most of these souls who remain on the planet are now evolving peacefully with humanity. Those that were continuing threats to humanity were removed during December 2019 and January 2020, and sent to where they needed to be.
Still, humanity has been forever affected by the governments that the STS Annunaki and reptilians formed when they came to this planet. Many of you have heard of the Annunaki coming in and mining gold, and using humans as slaves.
The Annunaki use other souls as slaves here on this planet, and in their STS civilizations on their home planets. Their government is one where the rich control the government. It is ostensibly one that appears to be democratic, but it is not.
Although they let the majority think they have a say, the Annunaki governments work to protect wealth and build the empires of the Annunaki. The Annunaki love big, beautiful buildings and they beautiful civilizations. They need slaves to do that.
Compare this to what has happen in the West during the last five centuries, where a whole race of people were taken into slavery, and used to build western civilizations. If you have taken a US Economic history course, you understand this already.
The Annunaki do not treat their slaves too badly, compared to other groups. As long as someone can provide for their own needs, they are tolerated and used by the Annunaki to produce wealth and empires for those in power.
The reptilians, on the other hand, are a whole different tragedy for those they take as slaves. You can see reptilian influence throughout the world, in areas that have had difficulty building infrastructure and providing for their people.
Whereas the Annunaki build beautiful cities and buildings for their society to appreciate, the STS reptilians could care less about any of that. Very often their civilizations are very primal, and only the powerful enjoy comforts of life.
The Vatican was originally started and run by reptilian souls, who, until recently, held nearly half a million souls as slaves. As I've told you in the past, they moved these souls into a sub-dimension here in the 3D bandwidth, so they could not be seen.
If you were here during our earliest discussions when I started tweeting, you know that we rescued these souls, and they are now in a place of healing. These are the souls who were held in underground tunnels, not the ones Q lies about.
And what the STS reptilians were doing to these souls is typical of what they do to their slaves--they torture, starve, rape, and beat their slaves to induce the dark energy of fear and pain among them.
The reason they induce this dark energy, over and over, is to absorb the dark energy as an aphrodisiac.
To the STS reptilians and STS Annunaki, the only value other souls have for them is what can be produced by abusing their free will.
Powerful governments on this planet are now in the control of the Service to Self. This was the very last plan the Guardian Alliance came up with to try to achieve polarity for individuals here on Earth. They hoped people would see the STS, and want to be STO instead.
Aligning yourself to politicians who are Service to Self will only get you a place as a slave on a STS planet somewhere else. Politicians and religious leaders have, throughout history, been the dark weapon that have led humanity to self-destruction.
If you feel like you want to be STS and live for 30-50 million years on a STS planet as a slave, the way has already been provided for you to do that. We honor your free will. If you do that, I recommend an Annunaki planet over a STS reptilian planet.
Before I talk about the Zetas, I want to tell you another thing about the STS that you can consider and watch for in your lives. The STS always believe their plan is the best and that they can steer your life better than you can.
The example I've used before and which bears repeating can be seen among organized religion, which has always tried to control individuals with fear of Satan and Hell. Mormonism, which I was born into, shows this perfectly.
Mormonism is a religion based upon Annunaki-Melchezidek (another ET group) principals. It has many wonderful teachings that aim to develop its members into high-functioning leaders who will make money and pay 10% to the church.
The Mormons build incredibly beautiful buildings here on this planet. They have a vast empire and are the wealthiest church in America, with over $100 billion invested in the stock market and they are the largest landowner in Florida.
And when Mormons die, instead of moving through their ascension program established by our Creator, they accept Mormon, Annunaki-based teaching, and move into a Mormon pattern of "exaltation," controlled by the church leaders.
These church leaders genuinely believe, true to STS form, that they are doing a huge service to souls by teaching them how to maximize their potential. They believe their own system is better than that of our Creator's.
You can see this STS Annunaki belief system everywhere in the West, where western cultures have knocked other cultures out of their own natural evolution by colonial invasions and interference into foreign governments.
In order to attract billions of souls to follow you off the planet, you would already need to be famous and followed by many who would recognize you at the time of the Harvest. Those who will do this are governmental and religious leaders now.
Now I will discuss the Zetas. I haven't ever talked about them before, because they are not causing big problems, and the STO group who are here are being very helpful. Someone asked about them yesterday, so this is a good time to talk about them.
The Zetas are from the Sirius system. The Sirius system is a three star system with multiple planets, where two stars orbit around a third star. There are multiple civilizations there, including those of the Annunaki.
STO Zetas there are in Fourth Density, and they live in Unity Consciousness. When they matured as souls and realized they were destroying their planet with their surface civilizations, they moved underground, and restored the surface to be pristine.
The STO group of Zetas in their own system is a hive-minded group, who now live in harmony with each other and their planet and the other creatures thereon. They have served humanity as part of the Guardian Alliance.
It is the STO Zetas on this planet who have been disarming nuclear weapon silos. In fact, it was the STO Zetas who tracked and disarmed two dirty, low grade nuclear warheads that were coming into the US following the assassination of Sulemeini.
Those weapons of war were destined for New York City and Philadelphia. Another ICBM was disarmed by AA Raphael as it flew over the Pacific towards the west coast of the US.
The STO Zetas also have another reason for being here--they came to protect humanity from the interference of the small minor of the Zetas who are STS, who arrived on Earth a long time ago. They took responsibility for those Zetas who would harm humanity.
The Zetas are a group who use the "gray" body form that is found throughout the galaxy. It is a useful body form because of its shape, and its accommodation of all of the attributes of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.
The gray body shape is important because of how it responds in interstellar and portal travel. Human bodies, that so many are worried about keeping after the Harvest, are carbon-based, and are not suited for interstellar or portal travel.
In their native form, gray bodies are silicon based. They tolerate heat and energy to a greater extent than do our human, carbon-based bodies. They can conduct more energetic output and input.
The Zeta influence on humanity can be found primarily in the area of the world that was formerly called "The Orient." The societies of Japan, China, and others are oriented towards the greatest good of the collective, rather than individual "rights."
It is actually these Asian societies that are oriented to the best good of the collective which produce the greatest percentage of STO polarity individuals. Individuality can be great, but it tends to move many people to STS actions.
Since it is a governing principle of STO polarity that we respect the learning of a civilization and the "Law of Confusion," the STO part of the Zeta presence does not do a lot of channeling. The STS group of Zeta are those who are producing a lot of the Zeta messages now.
The STO Zetas who are with us here on the planet are beautiful souls, who want only the best for humanity. They were among the group of ETs who helped seed this planet for life in the beginning.
As I have recommended in the past, it's always best to avoid any contact from "beyond the veil" with any being who wants you to "other" yourself or others, or who wants to teach a message that would lead to violation of the Law of One.
For those who want to be truly awake and who want to see the truth, rather than bite into the conspiracy theories that point the finger away from the actual STS among us, it is important to look around and see how the STS ETs have influenced humanity.
It is the goal of the STS everywhere to blame others for their own bad acts, and to desensitize you to what is happening so when you found out what actually has happened you won't strongly react.
The STS ETs who have been here for so long are using every method they can to take blame away from themselves and cast it on someone else, so you will follow them at the time of the Harvest.
I am here for even one soul who wants to reject the teaching of the STS ETs on this planet and who wants to progress in STO towards ascension to the New Earth. Reaching that end will require reject the ideas of STS ETs that so many are clinging to.
You are loved. You are being protected. You are supported, no matter what you decide to believe in and where you end up after the Harvest. No soul is left behind. I hope to see you on the New Earth, learning Unity Consciousness, after the Harvest.

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